Baker H.F. |
A locus with 25920 selftransformations |
Bopp Nicole |
A Propos des Distributions de Type Positif Pour les Fonctions Invariantes par un Groupe Fini D'isometries. These |
Ball Walter W. Rouse |
A short account of the history of mathematics |
Bruck Richard Hubert |
A Survey of Binary Systems. 3-rd print.correct. B.20 |
Birkhoff Garrett, MacLane Saunders |
A survey of modern algebra |
Brenkek William Charles |
A text-book on Advanced Algebra and Trigonometry with Tables |
Bernoulli Joh |
Abhandulgen uber Variations-Rechnung. Abhandulgen von Joh.Bernoulli,(1696), Jac.Bernoulli (1697),und Leonhard Euler (1744) |
Bacharach Max |
Abriss der Geschichte der Potentialtheorie |
Barbey K., Konig H. |
Abstract Analytic function Theory and Hardy Algebras |
Bens Allis R. |
Active English. Pronunciation and Speech |
Bromwell Arthur |
Advanced Mathematics in Physics and Engineering |
Bollobas B. editor |
Advances in Graph Theory |
Bardey E. |
Algebraische Gleichungen nebst den Resultaten und den Methoden zu Ihrer Auflosung |
Bourbaki N. |
Algebre. Chap.1: Structures algebriques |
Bourbaki N. |
Algebre. Chap.2: Algebre lineaire (Deuxieme ed.revue et aug. de deux appendices) |
Bourbaki N. |
Algebre. Chap.3: Algebre multilineaire |
Bourbaki N. |
Algebre. Chap.4: Polynomes et fractions rationnelles; Chap.5: Corps commutatifs |
Borel Emile |
Algebre.Second cycle. 3me ed. revue, corrigee et augmentee par Emile Borel |
Bertrand M^me M. |
Algebres non Associatives et Algebres Gemetiques. |
Besicovich A.S. |
Almost periodic functions |
Bohr Harald |
Almost periodic functions |
Besicovich A.S. |
Almost Periodic Functions |
Brondstred Arne |
An introduction to convex polytopes |
Bremaud P. |
An Introduction to Probabilistic Modeling |
Bartlett M.S.,F.R.S. |
An Introduction to Stochastic Processes with Special Reference to Methods and Applications |
Bocher Maxime |
An introduction to the study of integral equations |
Bromwich T.J. I'A |
An introduction to the theory of infinite series |
Blickensdorfer-Ehlers, Eschmann W.G., Neuzert H., Schelkes K. |
Analyse 1. Ein Lehr-und Arbeitsbuch fur Atudienanfanger |
Barner M., Flohr F. |
Analysis 1-2 |
Barner M., Flohr F. |
Analysis 1-2 |
Blatter Christian |
Analysis 1-2. In 2 volumes |
Blatter Christian |
Analysis 1-2. In 2 volumes |
Berkson E. et al. Editor |
Analysis at Urbana. Proceedings of the Special Year in Modern Analysis at the University of Illinois. 1986-87. V.1-2 |
Berkson E. et al. Editor |
Analysis at Urbana. Proceedings of the Special Year in Modern Analysis at the University of Illinois. 1986-87. V.1-2 |
Berenstein C.A., Dostal M.A. |
Analytically Uniform Spaces and Their Applications to Convolution Equations |
Buhl A. |
Aperous modernes sur la theorie des groupes continus et finis |
Balakrishnan A.V. |
Applied functional analysis |
Bruijn N.G. De |
Asymptotic methods in analysis |
Barr M. |
Autonom,ous Caregories. With an Appendix by Po-Hsiang Chu |
Bernays Paul |
Axiomatic set theory. |