
Author Titlesort descending
Conway J.B. A course in functional analysis.
Coolidge J.L. A history of geometrical methods.
Coolidge J.L. A treatise on algebraic plane curves.
Cauchy A.-L. Abhandlung ueber Bestimmte Integrale zwischen imaginaren Grenzen.
Chrystal G. Algebra. An elementary text-book for the higher classes of secondary schools and for colleges. Pt. I.
Chrystal G. Algebra. An elementary text-book for the higher classes of secondary schools and for colleges. Pt. II.
Ciliberto C. and others, Editor Algebraic Geometry-Open Problems.Proceedings of the conference held in Ravello. May 31-June 5, 1982.
Cayley A. An elementary treatise on elliptic functions.
Cassels J.W.S. An introduction to diophantine approximation.
Cohen A. An Introduction to the Lie Theory of One-Paeameter Groups.With Application of Differential Equations. 2nd edit.
Cyires B. Editor Analystic function methods in probability theory
Coeure G. Analytic functions and manifolds in infinite dimensional spaces.
Ciesielski Z. Editor Approximation Theory. V.4.Papers presented at the Stefan Banach International Mathematical Centre at the Semester "Approximation Theory" helld September 17-December 17,1975
Cotton E. Approximations successives et équations différentielles.
Cesari L. Asymptotic behavior and stability problems in ordinary differential equations.
Copson E.T. Asymptotic expansions.
Cigler J., Losert V., Michor P. Banach modules and functors on categories of Banach spaces.
Croom F.H. Basic Concepts of Algebraic Topology.
Callot J.-L. Bifurcation du portrait de phase pour des equations differentielles lineaires du second ordre ayant pour type l`equation d`Hermite. These
Cajar H. Billingsley dimension in probability spaces
Colwell P. Blaschke products. Bounded analytic functions.
Callandreau E. Celebres probleme mathematiques
Cazacu C. a.o., editors Complex Analysis - Fifth Romanian-Finnish seminar. Pt. I. Proceedings of the seminar held in Bucharest, June 28 - July 3, 1981.
Cazacu C. a.o., editors Complex Analysis - Fifth Romanian-Finnish seminar. Pt. II. Proceedings of the seminar held in Bucharest, June 28 - July 3, 1981.
Carleson L. Complex Dinamics. UCLA Course Notes Winter Quarter 1990
Carleson L., Gamelin Th.W. Complex Dynamics
Chern S.S. Complex manifolds without potential theory.
Cohn H. Conformal mappings on Riemann surfaces.
Caratheodory C. Conformal representation
Comberousse Ch. Cours d'algèbre supérieure. T. I.
Cauchy A.-L. Cours d'analyse de l'école Polytechnique. 1er Partie. Analyse algébrique.
Choquet G. Cours d'analyse. T. II. Topologie.
Carnoy J. Cours de Geometrie Analytique
Comberousse Ch. Cours de mathematiques a l'usage des candidats a l'ecole polytechnique, a l'ecole normale superieure, a l'ecole centrale des arts et manufactures. T. II. Pte. 1. Geomterie elementaire plane et dans l'espace.
Comberousse Ch. Cours de mathématiques a l'usage des candidats a l'école polytechnique, a l'école normale supérieure, a l'école centrale des arts et manufactures. T. IV. Pte. 2. Algèbre supérieure.
Commissaire H.M., Cagnac G. Cours de mathématiques. II. Elements d'analyse de géométrie analytique et de calcul
Choquet G. Cours de topologie. Espaces topologiques et espaces métriques. Fonctions numériques. Espaces vectoriels topologiques.
Cliford W.K. Derr Sinn der exakten Wissenschaft in gemeinverstaendlicher Form darstellt.
Cohn R.M. Difference Algebra
Courant R. Differential and Integral Calculus. Vol. I.
