
Authorsort descending Title
Kac M. Probability and Related Topics in Physical Sciences
Kac M. Statistical Independence in Probability, Analysis and Number Theory
Kadison R.V., Ringrose J.R. Fundamentals of the theory of operator algebras. V.2 Advanced theory.
Kagiwada Harriet H., Kalaba Robert Integral Equations Via Imbedding Methods
Kahane J.-P. Series de Fourier absolutment convergentes
Kai Lai Ch., Meyer P.-A. Lectures on boundary theory for Markov chains
Kaksma J. Diofphantische Aproximationen
Kallenberg O. Random Measures
Kallianpur G., Kozlow D., editors Measure theory. Applications to stochastic analysis. Proceedings, Oberwolfach conference, Germany, July 3-9, 1977.
Kalton N.J. Nonlinear commutators in interpolation theory
Kamber F.W., Tondeur P. Invariant differential operators and cohomology of Lie algebra sheaves
Kamke de F.J. La function hypergeometrique
Kamke Dr.E. Mengenlehre
Kamke E. Das Lebesguesche Integral eine einfuhrung in die neuere Theorie der reellen functionen.
Kamke E. Bd. 1. Geohnliche Differentialgleichungen
Kamke E. Bd. 2. Partiellen Differentialgleichungen erster ordnung fur eine Gesuchte Function
Kamke E. Differentialgleichungen Losfungsmethoden und Losungen. Bd 1. Geohnliche Differentialgleichungen
Kamke E. Theory of Sets
Kaplan W., ed. Lectures on functions of a complex variable.
Kaplanski I. Fields and Rings
Karlin S. Total Positivity. V.1
Karlin S. A First Course In Stochastic Processes
Karlin Samuel, Taylor Howard M. A Second Course in Stochastic Processes
Karlin Samuel, Taylor Howard M. A First Course in Stochastic Processes. (Second edition)
Kashin B., Saakyan A. Orthogonal Series
Kashyap R.L., Rao A.Ramachandra Dinamic Stochastic Models from Empirical Data
Kasner E. Differential-Geometry aspect of dinamics
Kassel Ch. Homologie du groupe Lineaire General et X-Theorie Stable
Katz D. Psichologie und Mathematischer Unterricht
Katznelson Y. An Introduction to Harmonic Analysis. 2nd edit.corrected
Katznelson Y. An introduction to harmonic nalysis
Kaufmann A., Douriaux R. Exercises de Calcul des Probabilities
Kazarinoff N.D. Analytic Inequalities
Kazuaki T. Analytic Semigroups and Semilinear Initial Boundary Value Problems
Keber H. Dictionary of Conformal Representations
Keene G.B. Abstract Sets and Finite Ordinals. An Introduction to the Study of Set Theory
Keilson J. Markov Chain Models-Rarity and Exponentiality
Keller J.B., McKean H.P. edit. Stochastic Differential Equations
Kelley J.L. Namioka I. and others Linear Topological Spaces
Kelley J.L., Namioka I. Linear Topological Spaces
