
Author Titlesort descending
Kashyap R.L., Rao A.Ramachandra Dinamic Stochastic Models from Empirical Data
Kaksma J. Diofphantische Aproximationen
Kudrjavcev L.D. Direct and Inverse Imbedding Theorems. Vol. 42. Applications to the Solution of Eliptic Equations by Variational Methods.
Kharroubi S. Distributions de Type Positif Centrales sur le Groupe SL(2,R)
Konchendorffer R. Einfuhrung in die Algebra
Kowalewski G. Einfuhrung in die Determinantentheorieeinschliblich der Fredholmschen Determinanten
Klaus G. Einfunrung in die Formale Logik
Konig J. Einleitung in di Allgemiene Theorie der Algebraischen Groszen
Klein F. Elementarmathematik vom Hoheren Standpunkte aus dritte Aufl
Knopp K. Elemente der Functionentheorie
Knopp K. Elements of the Theory of Functions
Kolmogorov A.N., Fomin S.V. Elements of the Theory of Functions & Functional Analysis. V.1-2
Kolmogorov A.N., Fomin S.V. Elements of the Theory of Functions & Functional Analysis. V.1-2
Knoblock H.W., Schmitt K., editors Equadiff 82. Proceedings of the International Conference held in Wurzburg, FRG, August 23-28, 1982.
Klares B., Sadler Ch. Etude d'une connexion lineaire a plus ieurs variables au voisinage d'une singularite irreguliere
Kaufmann A., Douriaux R. Exercises de Calcul des Probabilities
Klein F. Famous problems of elementary geametry.
Kaplanski I. Fields and Rings
Kellogg O.D. Foundation of Potential Theory
Kellogg O.D. Foundation of Potential Theory
Kadison R.V., Ringrose J.R. Fundamentals of the theory of operator algebras. V.2 Advanced theory.
Kneser H. Funktionentheorie
Kiwalski O. Generalized symmetric spaces
Korwien H. Graphisches Rechnen. Nomographie.
Kervaire M., Ojanguren M., editors Groupe de Brauer. Séminaire, Les Plans-sur-Bex, Suisse 1980.
Knill R.J. a.o. Harmonic maps. Proceedings of N.S.F.-C.B.M.S. Regional Conference held at the Tulane University, New Orleans, December 15-19, 1980.
Kassel Ch. Homologie du groupe Lineaire General et X-Theorie Stable
Krull W. Indeltheorie
Kueker D.W. (editor) Infinitary logic
Knopp K. Infinite Sequences and Series
Kagiwada Harriet H., Kalaba Robert Integral Equations Via Imbedding Methods
Kowalewski G. Integrationsmethoden der Liesche TheorieFredholmschen Determinanten
Koblitz N. Introduction to elliptic curves and modular forms
Kuratowski K. Introduction to the set theory and topology
Kravchenko V., Litvinchuk G. Introduction to the Theory of Singular Integral Operators with Shift
Kolmogorov A.N., Fomin S.V. Introductory Rela Analysis.
Kamber F.W., Tondeur P. Invariant differential operators and cohomology of Lie algebra sheaves
Kuczma M., Chiczewski B., Ger R. Iterative Functional Equations
Kamke de F.J. La function hypergeometrique
Kai Lai Ch., Meyer P.-A. Lectures on boundary theory for Markov chains
