Meyer Y. |
Wavelets and Operators. |
MacDuffee C.c. |
Vectors and Matrices. 3rd impression, revised |
Meili H.J. |
Ueber das Eindeutigkeitsproblem in der Theorie der asymptotischen Reihen. Inaugural-Dissertation. |
Marinescu G. |
Tratat de analyza functionala. Vol. II. |
Marinescu G. |
Tratat de analyza functionala. Vol. I. |
Martin G.E. |
Transformation geometry. An introduction to symmetry. |
Montgomery D., Zippin L. |
Topological transformation groups. |
Mercier B. |
Topics in Finite Element Solution of Elliptic Problems. |
Mathews G.B. |
Theory of numbers. Pt. I. |
McLachlan N.W. |
Theory and application of Mathieu functions. |
Minorsky N. |
Théorie des Oscillations. |
MacMillan W.D. |
Theoretical Mechanics Statics and the Dynamics of a Particle |
Mackey G.W. |
The Theory of Unitary Group Representations. |
Muir Th. |
The theory of determinants in the historical order of development. Vol III. The period 1861-1880. Vol. IV. The period 1880-1900. |
Muir Th. |
The theory of determinants in the historical order of development. Vol I. General and special determinants up to 1841. Vol. II. The period 1841-1860. |
Mayer D.H. |
The Ruelle-Araki transfer operator in classical statistical Mechanics. |
Miles J.W. |
The potential theory of unsteady supersonic flow. |
Marden N. |
The geometry of the zeros of a polynomial in a complex variable. |
McDannald A.H., editor-in-chief |
The Encyclopedia Americana. In 30 Volumes. |
Michell J.h., Belz M.H. |
The Elements of Mathematical Analysis. In two volumes. V.2 |
Michell J.h., Belz M.H. |
The Elements of Mathematical Analysis. In two volumes. V.1 |
Miler G.A. |
The collected works of George Abram Miller. Vol. III. |
Miler G.A. |
The collected works of George Abram Miller. Vol. II. |
Miler G.A. |
The collected works of George Abram Miller. Vol. I. |
Michell J.H., Michell A.G.M. |
The collected mathematical works of J.H. and A.G.M. Michell. |
Mitrinovic D.S., Keckic J.D. |
The Cauchy method of residues. Theory and applications. |
Mount K.R., Villamayor O.E. |
Taylor Series and Higher Derivations. |
Milnor J., Husemoller D. |
Symmetric Bilinear Forms. |
Minetti S. |
Sur quelques espaces fonctionnels et sur la géométrie de certains Holoespaces en rapport avec la théorie des équations différentielles ordinaires. |
McLachlan N.W., Humbert P., Poli L. |
Supplément au Formulaire pour le Calcul symbolique. |
Moore Ch.N. |
Summable series and convergence factors. |
Miranda C. |
Sui sistemi di tipo ellittico di equazioni lineari a derivate parziali del primo ordine, in n variabili indipendenti. |
McKean H.P.Jr. |
Stochastic Integrals |
Morozan T. |
Stabilitatea sistemelor cu parametri aleatori. |
MacRobert Th. M. |
Spherical harmonics. An elementary treatise on harmonic functions with applications. |
Muller C. |
Spherical Harmonics. |
Muller-Pfeiffer E. |
Spectral theory of ordinary differential operators. |
Marinescu G. |
Spatii vectoriale topologice si Pseudotopologice. |
Mahammed N., Piccinini R., Suter U. |
Some applications of topological K-theory. |
Marciniak K. |
Soliton methods in the Theory of Integrable Mechanical Systems. |