
Author Titlesort descending
Muller-Pfeiffer E. Spectral theory of ordinary differential operators.
Muller C. Spherical Harmonics.
MacRobert Th. M. Spherical harmonics. An elementary treatise on harmonic functions with applications.
Morozan T. Stabilitatea sistemelor cu parametri aleatori.
McKean H.P.Jr. Stochastic Integrals
Miranda C. Sui sistemi di tipo ellittico di equazioni lineari a derivate parziali del primo ordine, in n variabili indipendenti.
Moore Ch.N. Summable series and convergence factors.
McLachlan N.W., Humbert P., Poli L. Supplément au Formulaire pour le Calcul symbolique.
Minetti S. Sur quelques espaces fonctionnels et sur la géométrie de certains Holoespaces en rapport avec la théorie des équations différentielles ordinaires.
Milnor J., Husemoller D. Symmetric Bilinear Forms.
Mount K.R., Villamayor O.E. Taylor Series and Higher Derivations.
Mitrinovic D.S., Keckic J.D. The Cauchy method of residues. Theory and applications.
Michell J.H., Michell A.G.M. The collected mathematical works of J.H. and A.G.M. Michell.
Miler G.A. The collected works of George Abram Miller. Vol. I.
Miler G.A. The collected works of George Abram Miller. Vol. II.
Miler G.A. The collected works of George Abram Miller. Vol. III.
Michell J.h., Belz M.H. The Elements of Mathematical Analysis. In two volumes. V.1
Michell J.h., Belz M.H. The Elements of Mathematical Analysis. In two volumes. V.2
McDannald A.H., editor-in-chief The Encyclopedia Americana. In 30 Volumes.
Marden N. The geometry of the zeros of a polynomial in a complex variable.
Miles J.W. The potential theory of unsteady supersonic flow.
Mayer D.H. The Ruelle-Araki transfer operator in classical statistical Mechanics.
Muir Th. The theory of determinants in the historical order of development. Vol I. General and special determinants up to 1841. Vol. II. The period 1841-1860.
Muir Th. The theory of determinants in the historical order of development. Vol III. The period 1861-1880. Vol. IV. The period 1880-1900.
Mackey G.W. The Theory of Unitary Group Representations.
MacMillan W.D. Theoretical Mechanics Statics and the Dynamics of a Particle
Minorsky N. Théorie des Oscillations.
McLachlan N.W. Theory and application of Mathieu functions.
Mathews G.B. Theory of numbers. Pt. I.
Mercier B. Topics in Finite Element Solution of Elliptic Problems.
Montgomery D., Zippin L. Topological transformation groups.
Martin G.E. Transformation geometry. An introduction to symmetry.
Marinescu G. Tratat de analyza functionala. Vol. I.
Marinescu G. Tratat de analyza functionala. Vol. II.
Meili H.J. Ueber das Eindeutigkeitsproblem in der Theorie der asymptotischen Reihen. Inaugural-Dissertation.
MacDuffee C.c. Vectors and Matrices. 3rd impression, revised
Meyer Y. Wavelets and Operators.
