
Authorsort descending Title
Tablor A. Editor Approximation Theory.Proceedings of a symposium held at Lancaster,July 1969
Taira K. Brownian Motion and Index Formulas for the de Rham Complex
Tait P.G. Pt.1. Theories-Applications Geometriques
Tait P.G. Pt.2. Geometrie des courbes et des surfaces-Cinematique. Application a la Phisique]
Takacs L. Combinatorial Methods in the Theory of Stochastic Processes
Takacs L. Stochastic Processes. Problems and Solutions
Takeshi Kotake, Takushiro Ochiai, organiz. com. Non-Linear Problems in Geometry. Conference held at Katata. September 3-8, 1979.
Takeuti G. Tow Applications of Logic to Mathematics
Takeuti G., Zaring W.M. Introduction to Axiomatic Set Theory
Tamarkin J.D. On the Ttheory of polinomials of approximation. Lectures delivered at Brown University during 1935-1936
Tamarkin J.D., Faller W. Partial differential equations.
Tammi O. Extremum problems for the bounded univalent functions II
Tannenberg W. Lecons nouvelles sur les applications qeometriques du calcul differential
Tannery J. Lecons d'algebre et d'analyse al'usage des eleves des classes de mathematuques speciales. Tomes 1-2.
Tannery J., Molk J. T. 1. Calculus differential (I partie)
Tannery J., Molk J. T. 2. Calculus differential (II partie)
Tannery J., Molk J. T. 3. Calculus integral (I partie)
Tannery J., Molk J. T. 3. Calculus integral (II partie)
Targonski G.I. Seminar on Fuvctional Operators and Equations
Tarski A. Cardinal Algebras. With an appendix: Cardinal Products of isomorphism types.
Tarski A. Einfuhrung in die Mathematische Logic und in die Methodologie der Mathematik
Tasterman D.M. Trreducible subgroups of exeptional algebraic groups
Tatsue K. Fourier Analysis in Probability Theory
Taussky O., ed. Contributions to the Solutions of Systems of Linear Equations and Determination of Eigenvalues.
Taylor A.E. Introduction to functional analysis
Taylor A.E. Measures algebras. N. 16
Taylor R.L. Stochastic Convergence of Weighted Sums of Random Elements in Linear Spaces
Tchebychev M.P. Memorie sur les nombres premiers. Tire des Memoires des savants etrangers, T. VII.
Tchebychev P.L. Oeuveres de P.L.Tchebychev. Pub. Par les soins de MM. A. Markoff et N. Sonin. T. 1
Tellkampf H. Grundzuge der Hoheren Mathematik nebft Unwendungen derfelben auf die Mechanic fur Technicher dargeftellt
Temple G. Cartesian Tensors. An Introduction.
Teoplitz O. Die entwicklung der Infinitesimalrechnung eine einleitung in die Infinitesimalrechnung nach. der Genetischea Methode. Bd. 1. Aus dem Nachlass Hrsg. Von Dr. Gottfried Kothe.
Terras A. Harmonic analysis on symmetric spaces and applications I.
Thiele T.N. Interpolationsrechnung
Thomas J.M. Differential systems
Thomson B.S. Real functions
Thomson W.T. Laplace transformation
Thral R.M., Tornheim L. Vector spaces and matrices
Thron W.j. Editor Analytic theory of continued fractions 2.Proceedings of a seminar-workshop held in Pitlochry and Aviemore,Scotland June 13-29,1985
Tietze H. Geloste und Ungeloste Mathematische problems aus alter und neuer Zeit. Vierzehn vorlesuggen fur laien und fur Freunde der Mathematik. Bd. 1&2
