Waerden B.L. Van der |
Einfuhrung in die Algebrasche Geometrie |
Waerden B.L. Van der |
Mathematische Statistik |
Waerden van der B.L. |
Algebra. V.1. 5th edit |
Waerden van der B.L. |
Algebra. V.2. 4th edit. |
Waerden van der B.L. |
Gruppen von Linearen Transformationen |
Wagner K.W. |
Operatorenrechnung nebst Anwedungen in Phisik und Technik |
Waksjo C. |
Stackel Multipliers in Euclidean Space |
Walker R.J. |
Algebraic curves |
Wall C.T.C., ed. |
Proceedings of Liverpool Singularities Symposium II. University of Liverpool, Liverpool, Great Britain. |
Wall H.S. |
Analytic theory of continued fractions |
Walsh J.L. |
Interpolation and approximation by rational functions in the complex domain |
Walsh J.L. |
The location of the critical points of analytic and harmonic functions |
Walsh J.L. |
Approximation by Bounded Analytic Functions |
Walsh J.L. |
Approximation by polinomials in the complex domain |
Walsh J.L. |
Interpolation and approximation by rational functions in the complex domain |
Walter G.G. |
Wavelets and Other Orthogonal Systems With Applications |
Walter W. |
Differential and Integral Inequalities |
Walter W. |
Differential and integral Inequalities |
Wambst M. |
Homologie des Algebras Quantiques |
Wand Th. |
Die principien der Mathematischen Physik und die Potentialtheorie nebst ihren Volzuglichsten Andwendungen im Grundriss Dargestellt |
Wang H., McNaughton R. |
Les Systemes axiomatiques de la theorie des ensembles |
Wang H.-C. |
Homogeneous Banach Algebras |
Wangerin Dr.A. |
Theorie des Potential und der Kugelfunktionen. B. 1-2 |
Warshauer M.L. |
The witt group of degree k maps and asymmetric inner product spaces |
Watson G.L. |
Integral quadratic forms |
Watson G.N. |
A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions. Second edition |
Wawrzynczyk A. |
Group representation and special fubnctions. Examples and problems prepared by Strasburger |
Wax N. edit |
Selected Papers on Noise and Stochastic Processes |
Weatherourn C.E. |
Differential geometry of three dimension |
Weatherourn C.E. |
Differential geometry of three dimension. V.1-2 |
Weber |
Hulfsmittel aus der Theorie der Linearen Differential-Gleichungen |
Weber E. |
Vorlesungen uber das Pfaff'sche Problem und die Theorie der Partiella Differentialgleichungen erster ordnung |
Weber H. |
Die Partiellen Differentialgleichungen der Mathematischen Physik. Nach Riemann's Vorlesungen in Vierter auflage. Neu Bearbeitet von Heinrich Weber. Bd. 1,2. |
Weber H. |
Festschrift Heinrich Weber zu zeinen siebzigsten Geburtstag Am. 5. Marz 1912. |
Weber H. |
Lehrbuch der Algebra. In zwei Banden. |
Weber M. |
Sur le comportement asymptotique des processus quassiens |
Weber-Kubler J. |
Traitement d'informations Mathematiques dans une transmissions orale chez des eleves de douze et equaeorze ans. These |
Webster A.G. |
Partial differenial equations of mathematical physics |
Webster A.G. |
Partial Differential equations of Mathematical Physics. Second Corrected Edition |
Wedderburn J.H.M. |
Lectures on matrices |