
Author Titlesort descending
Zariski O. Algebraic surfaces
Zeidler E. Applied Functional Analysis. Applications to the Mathematical Physics
Zollich H. Beitrage zur Theorie der ganzen transzendenten Functionen der Ordnung Null. Inaugural- Dissertation zur Erlangung der Doktorwurde, vergelegt von Hans Zollich
Zariski O., Samuel P. Commutative Algebra. V.1
Zygmund A., Transue W., Morse M., Calderon A.P., Bochner S. Contributions to Fourier Analysis.
Zapata G.I., ed. Functional Analysis, Holomorphy and Approximation Theory.
Zeuthen H.G. Histoire des mathematiques dans l'antiquite et le moyen age
Zemanian A.H. Infinite electrical networks
Zygmund A. Integrales singulieres
Zamansky M. Introduction a L'Algebre et L'Analyse Modernes
Zervos P. Le probleme de Monge
Zoretti L. Lecons de Mathematiques generales
Zoretti L. Lecons sur le prolongement analytique
Zeuthen H.G. Lehrbuch der Abzahlendern Methoden der Geometrie
Zoretti L. Les principles de la mecanique classique
Zaanen A.C. Linear analysis. Measure and Integral, Banach and Hilbert spac, Linear integral equations
Zhengyan L., Chuanrong L. Strong Limit Theorems
Zaremba S. Sur une conception nouvelle des forces interieures dans un fluide en mouvement
Zwikker C. The Advanced Geometry of Plane Curves and Their Applications
Zariski O. Theory and applications of holomorphic functions on algebraic varieties over arbitrary ground fields
Zemanian A.H. Transfiniteness for Graphs, Electrical Netaworks, and Random Walks
Zygmund A. Trigonometric interpolation
Zygmund A. Trigonometric series