Zariski O. |
Algebraic surfaces |
Zeidler E. |
Applied Functional Analysis. Applications to the Mathematical Physics |
Zollich H. |
Beitrage zur Theorie der ganzen transzendenten Functionen der Ordnung Null. Inaugural- Dissertation zur Erlangung der Doktorwurde, vergelegt von Hans Zollich |
Zariski O., Samuel P. |
Commutative Algebra. V.1 |
Zygmund A., Transue W., Morse M., Calderon A.P., Bochner S. |
Contributions to Fourier Analysis. |
Zapata G.I., ed. |
Functional Analysis, Holomorphy and Approximation Theory. |
Zeuthen H.G. |
Histoire des mathematiques dans l'antiquite et le moyen age |
Zemanian A.H. |
Infinite electrical networks |
Zygmund A. |
Integrales singulieres |
Zamansky M. |
Introduction a L'Algebre et L'Analyse Modernes |
Zervos P. |
Le probleme de Monge |
Zoretti L. |
Lecons de Mathematiques generales |
Zoretti L. |
Lecons sur le prolongement analytique |
Zeuthen H.G. |
Lehrbuch der Abzahlendern Methoden der Geometrie |
Zoretti L. |
Les principles de la mecanique classique |
Zaanen A.C. |
Linear analysis. Measure and Integral, Banach and Hilbert spac, Linear integral equations |
Zhengyan L., Chuanrong L. |
Strong Limit Theorems |
Zaremba S. |
Sur une conception nouvelle des forces interieures dans un fluide en mouvement |
Zwikker C. |
The Advanced Geometry of Plane Curves and Their Applications |
Zariski O. |
Theory and applications of holomorphic functions on algebraic varieties over arbitrary ground fields |
Zemanian A.H. |
Transfiniteness for Graphs, Electrical Netaworks, and Random Walks |
Zygmund A. |
Trigonometric interpolation |
Zygmund A. |
Trigonometric series |