Berberian S.K. |
Measure and Integration |
Berberian S.K. |
Notes on Spectral Theory. |
Berens H. |
Interpolationsmethoden zur Behandlung von Approximationsprozessen auf Banachraumen |
Berenstein C.A., Dostal M.A. |
Analytically Uniform Spaces and Their Applications to Convolution Equations |
Berg C., Christensen J.P., Ressel P. |
Harmonic Analysis on Semigroups. Theory of Positive Definite and Related Functions |
Berger Alfred |
Mathematik der Lebensverrsicherung Vorlesungen |
Bergh J., Lofstrom J. |
Interpolation Spaces. An Introduction |
Berglund J.F., Junghenn H.D., Milnes P. |
Compact Right Topological Semigroups and Generalizations of Almost Periodicity |
Bergman S. |
Integral Operators in the Theory of Linear Partial Differential Equations. Third Printing |
Bergman Stefan |
Sur les fonctions orthogonales des plusieurs variables complexes avec les applications a la theorie des fonctions analytiques |
Bergman Stefan |
The Kernel functions and conformal mapping |
Bergman Stefan, Schiffer M. |
Kernel functions and elliptic differential equations in mathematical physics |
Bergmann Stefan |
Sur la fonction-noyan d'un domaine et ses applications dans la theorie des transformations pseudo-conformes |
Berkson E. et al. Editor |
Analysis at Urbana. Proceedings of the Special Year in Modern Analysis at the University of Illinois. 1986-87. V.1-2 |
Berkson E. et al. Editor |
Analysis at Urbana. Proceedings of the Special Year in Modern Analysis at the University of Illinois. 1986-87. V.1-2 |
Bernays Paul |
Axiomatic set theory. |
Bernoulli Jacob |
Uber unendliche Reihen (1689-1704). |
Bernoulli Jakob |
Wahrscheinlichkeitscechnung.Ars conjectandi. 1 und 2 theil |
Bernoulli Joh |
Die erste Integralrechnung.Eine Auswahl aus Johann Bernoullis.Mathematischen Vorlesungen uber die Methode der Integrale und anderes |
Bernoulli Joh |
Abhandulgen uber Variations-Rechnung. Abhandulgen von Joh.Bernoulli,(1696), Jac.Bernoulli (1697),und Leonhard Euler (1744) |
Bernstein Dorothy L. |
Existence theorems in partial differential equations |
Bernstein Serge |
Lecons sur les proprietes extremales et la meilleure approximation desf onctions analytiaues d'une variable reelle |
Bernstein Vladimir |
Lecons sur les progres recents de la theorie des series de Dirichlet. Professees au college de France |
Berthelot P., Breen L., Messing W. |
Theorie de Dieudonne Cristalline II |
Bertrand J. |
Traite de calcul differentiel et de calcul integral. T.1- |
Bertrand J. |
Traite de calcul differentiel et de calcul integral.Calcul integral.Integrales definies et indefinies |
Bertrand M^me M. |
Algebres non Associatives et Algebres Gemetiques. |
Besicovich A.S. |
Almost periodic functions |
Besicovich A.S. |
Almost Periodic Functions |
Bessaga C., Pelczynski A. |
Selected topics in infinite-dimensional topology |
Bessel F.W. |
Populare Vorlesungen uber wissenschaftliche Gegenstande |
Beth E. W. |
L'existences en mathematiques. Conferences faites a la Sorbonne au titre des echanges culturels franco-neerlandais du 29 Mars au 7 Avril 1954. |
Bharucha-Reid A.T. |
Random Integral Equations |
Bhat U.N. |
Elements of Applied Stochastic Processes |
Bhatia N.P., Hajek O. |
Local Semi-Dynamical Systems |
Bhattacharya R.N., Rao R.Ranga |
Normal Approximation and Asymptotic Expansions |
Bianchi Luigi |
Vorlesungen uber Differentialgeometrie |
Bianchi Luigi |
Lezioni di Geometria Differenziale. Terza edizione interamente Rifatta. Nouva Tiratura. V.1-2 |
Bianchi Luigi |
Lezioni di Geometria Differenziale. Terza edizione interamente Rifatta. Nouva Tiratura V.1-2 |
Bianchi Luigi |
Lezioni di Geometria Differenziale. Terza edizione interamente Rifatta. Nouva Tiratura. V.1-2 |