Blaschke Wilhelm |
Vorlesungen uber Integralgeometrie. Dritte 44 in text |
Blaschke Wilhelm, Bol Gerrit |
Geometrie der Gewebe Topologische Fragen der Differentialgeometrie |
Blatter Christian |
Analysis 1-2. In 2 volumes |
Blatter Christian |
Analysis 1-2. In 2 volumes |
Blei R.C. & S.J.Sidney Editors |
Banach spaces, harmonic analysis and probability theory. Proceedings of the special year in analysis, held at the University of Connecticut 1980-1981. |
Blichfeldt H.F. |
Finite Collineation Groups. With an Introduction to the Theory of Groups of Operators & Substitution Groups. |
Blickensdorfer-Ehlers, Eschmann W.G., Neuzert H., Schelkes K. |
Analyse 1. Ein Lehr-und Arbeitsbuch fur Atudienanfanger |
Bliedtner J., Hansen W. |
Potential Theory. An Analytic and Probabilistic Approach to Balayage. |
Bliss G. |
Lexctures on the Calculus of Variations |
Bliss G.A. |
Lectures on the Calculus of Variations. |
Bloch A. |
Les fonctions holomorphes et meromorphes dans le cercel-unite |
Bluhm Bruno |
Uber konjugierte Kurven und Flachen |
Bluman G.W., Cole J.D. |
Similarity Methods for Differential Equations |
Blumenthal Otto |
Principes de la theorie desfonctions entiere d'ordrefnfini |
Blumenthal R.M., Getoor R.K. |
Markov processes and potential theory |
Boas R.P., Widder D.V. |
The Iterated Stieltjes transform |
Boas Ralph P. |
Integrability Theorems for Trigonometric Transforms |
Boas Ralph P., Buck Creighton R. |
Polynomial expansions of analytic functions |
Boas Ralph Philip Jr. |
Entire functions |
Boboc N., Bucur G., Cornea A. |
Order and convexity in potential theory: H-Cones |
Boboc N., Mustata P. |
Espaces Harmoniques associes aux operateurs differentiels lineaires du secind ordre de type elliptique |
Bocher M. |
Introduction to Higher Algebra. |
Bocher Maxime |
An introduction to the study of integral equations |
Bocher Maxime |
Lecons sur les methodes de strum dans la theorie des equations differentielles lineaires et leurs developpements modernes, professees a la Sorbonne en 1913-1914. |
Bochner S. |
Vorlesungen uber Fouriersche Integrale. |
Bochner S. |
Vorlesungen uber Fouriersche Integrale |
Bochner S., Chandrasekharan K. |
Fourier Transforms |
Bochner Salomon |
Lectures on Fourier Integrals. With an author's Supplement on Monotonic functions,Stieltjes Integrals, and Harmonic Analysis |
Bochner Solomon, Martin William Ted |
Several complex variables |
Boehm Karl |
Elliptische Funktionen. Teil 1- T.1: Theorie der elliptischen Funktionen aus analytischen Ausdrucken entwickelt |
Boerner Hermann |
Darstellungen von Gruppen Mit Berucksichtigung der Bedurfnisse der Modernen Physik |
Boerner Hermann |
Representations of groups. With special consideration for the needs of modern physics |
Bohr Harald |
Almost periodic functions |
Bohr Harold |
Collected mathematical works. V.1-3 |
Bohr Harold |
Collected mathematical works. V.1-3 |
Bohr Harold |
Collected mathematical works. V.1-3 |
Bois-Reymond Paul du |
Zwei Abhandlungen uber unendliche (1871) und trigonometrische Reihen (1874). |
Bojanov B.D., Hakopian H.A., Sahakian A..A. |
Spline Functions and Multivariate Interpolations. |
Bol Gerrit |
Projective Differential geometrie. Teil 1- |
Bollobas B. editor |
Advances in Graph Theory |