Eagle A. |
The elliptic functions as they should be. An account, with applications, of the functions in a new canonical form. |
Eberhard Z. |
Beitrage Zur Theorie und Praxis Freier Ranswertaufgaben. Functionalanalytische Untersuchungen uber eine Klasse nichtlinearer hydrodynamischer Probleme |
Ecalle J. |
Les fonctions résurgentes (en trois parties). T. II. Les fonctions résurgentes appliquées a l' itération. |
Edited by A.S. Kechris and Y.N. Moschovakis |
Cabal Seminar 76-77. Proceedings, Caltech-UCLA Logic Seminar 1976-77 |
Edwards H.M. |
Galois theory. |
Edwards J.M.A. |
A treatise on the integral calculus with applications, examples and problems. Vol. 1. |
Edwards J.M.A. |
A treatise on the integral calculus with applications, examples and problems. Vol. 2. |
Edwards R.E. |
A Formal Background to Mathematics. 2b. A Critical Approach to Elementary Analysis. |
Edwards R.E. |
A Formal Background to Mathematics. 2a. A Critical Approach to Elementary Analysis. |
Edwards R.E., Gaudry G.I. |
Littlewood-Paley and Multiplier Theory. |
Eells J., ed. |
Complex Analysis. Proceedings of the Summer School held at the International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, July 5 - 30, 1980. |
Eggleston H.G. |
Problems in euclidean space: application of convexity. The Adams prize essay of the Univ. of Cambridge 1955-1956. |
Ehrenpreis L. |
Theory of distributions for locally compact spaces. |
Ehrhard A. |
Fonctions aléatoires stables densité du maximum d' une fonction aléatoire Gaussienne. Thèse. |
Ehrhard A. |
Lois Stables et Propriété de Slepian. |
Ehrhard V. |
Regard peu ordinaire sur des graphes de fonctions ordinaires. Thèse. |
Eisenhart L.P. |
Non-Riemannian geometry. |
Eisenhart L.P. |
Riemannian Geometry. |
Eisenhart L.P. |
Riemannian Geometry. |
Eisenhart L.P. |
An introduction to differential geometry with use of the tensor calculus. |
Ellingsrud G. |
Une Formule De Lefschetz Equivariante Pour ZZ/pZZ En Caracteristique p. |
Ellis R.S. |
Entropy, large deviations and statistical Mechanics. |
Emery M. |
Topologies et Stabilités en Calcul Stochastique. Thèse. |
Endler O. |
Valuation Theory. To the Memory of W. Krull, 26 August 1899 - 12 April 1971. |
Engel A. |
Problem-Solving Strategies. |
Enriques F. |
Problems Der Wissenschaft. Teil 2. Die Grundbegriffe der Wissenschaft. Ubersetzt von Kurt Grelling. |
Enriques F. |
Le superficie algebriche. |
Enriques F. |
Lezioni sulla teoria geometrica delle equazioni e delle funzioni algebriche. Vol.3. Curve e Funzioni Algebriche di una variabile. |
Epstein B. |
Linear Functional Analysis:Introduction to Lebesgue Integration and Infinite-Dimensional Problems |
Epstein R.L. |
Degrees of Unsolvability: Structure and Theory. |
Erdei A., Saff E.B., Varga R.S. |
Zeros of sections of power series. |
Erdelyi A. |
Asymptotic expansions. |
Erdelyi A., Swanson C.A. |
Asymptotic forms of Whittaker's confluent hypergeometric functions. |
Euler L. |
Opera postuma. Mathematica et Physica anno MDCCCXLIV detecta quae Acad. Sc. Petropolitanae. T. I. |
Euler L. |
Zwei Abhandlungen ueber Sphaerische Trigonometrie. Grundzuege der sphaerischen Trigonometrie und Allgemeine sphaerische Trigonometrie1753 und 1779. |
Euler L. |
Introductio in analysin infinitorum. T. I. |
Euler L. |
Insitutionum Calculi Integralis. Vol. 1. In quo methodus integrandi a primis principiis usque ad integrationem aequationum differentialium primi gradus petractatur. |
Euler L. |
Insitutionum Calculi Integralis. Vol. 2. In quo methodus inveniendi functiones unius variabilis ex data relatione differentium secundi altiorisve gradus petractatur. |
Euler L. |
Insitutionum Calculi Integralis. Vol. 4. Continens supplementa partim inedita partum iam in operibus academiae imperialis scientiarum Petropolitanae impressa. |
Euler L. |
Drei Abhandlungen uber Kartenprojection. Von Leonhard Euler (1777). |