
Author Titlesort ascending
Leibiger O.W., Leibiger I.S. German-English and German-English Dictionary for Scientists, comprising Chemistry, Physics, Maths, Aeronautics, Dynamics, Biology, Physiology, Medicine and other Sciences.
Lang S., Murrow G. Geometry. A High school course. With 545 illustrations.
Looijenga E. a.o., editors Geometry Symposium. Utrecht 1980. Proceedings of a Symposium held at the University of Utrecht, The Netherlands, August 27-29, 1980.
Lemoine E. Geometrographie ou art des constructions géométriques.
Lefschetz S. Géométrie sur les surfaces et les variétés algébriques.
Levinson N. Gap and density theorems.
Luce D.R., Raiffa H. Games and decisions, introduction and critical survey.
Larsen R. Functional Analysis; An Introduction
Landau E. Foundations of Analysis. The Arithmetic of Whole, Rational, Irrational and Complex Numbers. A Supplement to Text-Books on the Differential and Integral Calculus
Laudal O.A. Formal Moduli of Algebraic Structures.
Lukes J., Maly J., Zajicek L. Fine Topology Methods in Real Analysis and Potential Theory.
Lamoureaux C. Feuilletages de Codimension un des variétés Compactes et Non Compactes. Thèse.
Legendre A.-M. Essai sur la théorie des nombres.
Lelong P., Gruman L. Entire functions of several complex variables.
Legendre A.M. Elements de Géométrie, avec des notes.
Legendre A.M. Elements de Géométrie, avec des notes, suivis d'un traite de trigonométrie..
Lacroix S.F. Elements d'algèbre, a l'usage des candidats aux écoles du gouvernement.
Looss G., Joseph Daniel D. Elementary Stability and Bifurcation Theory.
Lindeloef E. Einfuehrung in die Hoehere Analysis.
Landau E. Einfuehrung in die elementare und analytische theorie der Algebraischen Zahlen und der Ideale.
Lefschetz S. Differential equations: Geometric theory.
Ladas G.E., Lakshmikantham V. Differential Equations in Abstract Spaces.
Lakshmikantham V., Leela S. Differential and Integral Inequalities. Theory and Applications. V.2
Lakshmikantham V., Leela S. Differential and Integral Inequalities. Theory and Applications. V.1
Levitchi L. Dictionar Roman-Englez. 2nd ed.
Lorentz G.G., Golitschek M., Makovoz Y. Constructive Approximation. Advanced Problems
Lemonidis E.Ch. Conception, Réalisation et Résultats d'Une Expérience d'Enseignement de l'Homothétie. Thèse de doctorat, 5 Juillet 1984.Mention: Didactique des Mathématiques.
Leibnitii G.G., Bernoulli J. Commercium Philosophicum et Mathematicum. T. II. Ab Anno 1700 ad Annum 1716.
Leibnitii G.G., Bernoullii J. Commercium Philosophicum et Mathematicum. T. I. Ab Anno 1694 ad Annum 1699.
Lindenstrauss J., Tzafriri L. Classical Banach spaces I - II.Bd. I. Sequence spaces.
Lindenstrauss J., Tzafriri L. Classical Banach spaces I - II. Bd. II. Function spaces.
Levi-Civita T. Characteristiques des systèmes différentiels et propagation des ondes.
Lobacevshi N. Cercetari Geometrice cu privire la teoria Liniilor paralele.
Laine Ilpo, Eero Posti editors Bounded Mean Oscillation in Complex Analysis
Langer R.E. editor Boundary problems in differential equations. Proc.of a symposium conducted by the mathematics research centre at the university of Wisconsin, Madison, April. 20-22, 1959.
Lorentz G.g. Bernstein Polynomials. 2nd edit.
Lorentz G. Bernstein polynomials.
Lorentz G.G. Bernstein Polynomials
Levy A. Basic Set Theory.
Larsen R. Banach Algebras: An Introduction
