
Author Titlesort descending
Rubinstein Z. A course in ordinary and partial differential equations.
Ralston A. A First Course In Numerical Analysis
Renaut J. A groupoid approach to C*-algebras.
Rainville E.D. A short course in differential equations.
Richardson Cl.H., Miller I.L. Algebra, Commercial-Statistical.
Russev P. Analytic functions and classical orthogonal polynomials.
Raynaud M. Anneaux Locaux Henseliens.
Raumann R. Editor Approximation Methods for Navier-Stokes Problems.Proceedings of the Symposium held by the International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics(IUTAM) at the University of Paderborn,Germany,September 9-15,1979.
Ryde F. Aspects of the Greatest Integer Function.P.1
Rudeanu S. Axiomele laticilor si ale Algebrelor Booleene.
Riemann B. Bernhard Riemann's Gesammelte Mathematische Werke und Wissenschaftlicher Nachlass.
Ratliff L.J. (Jr.) Chain conjectures in ring theory. An exposition of conjectures on catenary chains.
Reiter H. Classical Harmonic Analysis and Localy Compact Groups
Reveilles J.P. Cohomologie des \Delta_n-espaces. Thèse.
Robinson R.W. a.o., editors Combinatorial Mathematics VII. Proceedings of the Seventh Australian Conference on Combinatorial Mathematics held at the University of Newcastle, Australia, August 20 - 24, 1979.
Ringrose J.R. Compact Non-Self-Adjoint Operators
Ringrose J.R. Compact Non-Self-Adjoint Operators
Ruppert W. Compact semitopological semigroups: An intrinsic theory.
Rasolofoniaina I. Conditions d'apprentissage mathématique par la lecture. Thèse.
Ricabarra R.A. Conjuntos ordenados y ramificados.
Roussas G.G. Contiguity of probability measures: some applications in statistics
Rado T., Reichelderfer P. Continuous transformations in analysis with an introduction to algebraic topology.
Rockafellar R.T. Convex Analysis
Reye Th. Die Geometrie der Lage. I Abt.
Reye Th. Die Geometrie der Lage. I Abt.
Roeser E. Die Verfolgungskurve auf der Kugel. Inaugural-Dissertation.
Richtmyer R.D. Difference Methods for Initial-Value Problems
Richtmyer R.D. Difference methods for initial-value problems.
Richtmyer Robert D., Morton K.W. Difference Methods for Initial-Value Problems. (Second Edition)
Ritt J.F. Differential algebra.
Ritt J.F. Differential equations from the algebraic standpoint.
Rosinger E.E. Distributions and Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations.
Rose M. Einleitung in die Funktionentheorie. Die komplexen Zahlen und ihre elementaren Funktionen.
Roberts W.W.R. Elliptic and Hyperelliptic Integrals and Allied Theory.
Riemann B. Elliptische Funktionen.
Rubenthaler H. Espaces prehomogenes de type parabolique (1er sujet). Proposition donnée par l'université (2me sujet). Thèse.
Rubenthaler H. Etude de Certains SL_2-Triplets Non Principaux.
Regnier J.Cl. Etude didactique d'un test autocorrectif en trigonométrie. Thèse. T. I.
Regnier J.Cl. Etude didactique d'un test autocorrectif en trigonométrie. Thèse. T. II.
Remonndos M.G. Extension aux fonctions algébroïdes multiformes du théorème de M. Picard et de ses généralisations.
