
Authorsort ascending Title
Reveilles J.P. Cohomologie des \Delta_n-espaces. Thèse.
Renaut J. A groupoid approach to C*-algebras.
Remonndos M.G. Extension aux fonctions algébroïdes multiformes du théorème de M. Picard et de ses généralisations.
Rektorys K. edit. Survey of Applicable Mathematics
Reiter H. Classical Harmonic Analysis and Localy Compact Groups
Reiner I., Roggenkamp K.W. Integral Representations. Topics in Integral Representation Theory by I. Reiner. Integral Representations and Presentations of Finite Groups by K.W. Roggenkamp.
Reinbach J. Probability, Decidability and Decision Methods (Introduction).
Reimann H.M., Rychener Th. Funktionen beschrankter mittlerer Oszillation.
Reif F. Statistical Physics. Berkeley Physics Course. Vol. 5.
Reidemeister K. Grundlagen der Geometrie.
Reidemeister K. Topologie der Polyeder und Kombinatorische Topologie der Komplexe.
Reidemeister K. Vorlesungen ueber Grundlagen der Geometrie.
Regnier J.Cl. Etude didactique d'un test autocorrectif en trigonométrie. Thèse. T. I.
Regnier J.Cl. Etude didactique d'un test autocorrectif en trigonométrie. Thèse. T. II.
Reed S., Simon B. Methods of Modern Mathematical Physics. Vol. I. Functional Analysis.
Redei L. The Theory of Finitely Generated Commutative Semigroups.
Raynaud M. Anneaux Locaux Henseliens.
Raynaud M. Faisceaux amples sur les schémas en groups et les espaces homogènes.
Rawlings D.P. Permutation and Multipermutation Statistics.
Raumann R. Editor Approximation Methods for Navier-Stokes Problems.Proceedings of the Symposium held by the International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics(IUTAM) at the University of Paderborn,Germany,September 9-15,1979.
Ratliff L.J. (Jr.) Chain conjectures in ring theory. An exposition of conjectures on catenary chains.
Rasolofoniaina I. Conditions d'apprentissage mathématique par la lecture. Thèse.
Rao C.Radhakrishna, Mitra Sujit Kumar Generalized Inverse of Matrices And Its Applications
Ransford Th. Potential Theory in the Complex Plane
Rancu N., Toevissi L. Statistica matematica cu aplicatii in productie.
Ramsay A. Laerobok I arithmetik.
Ramis J.-P. Théorèmes d'Indices Gevrey pour les Equations Différentielles Ordinaires.
Ramis J. Sous-ensembles analytiques d'une variété banachique complexe.
Ramanujan Srinivasa Notebooks of Srinivasa Ramanujan. Notebook I.
Ramanujan Srinivasa Notebooks of Srinivasa Ramanujan. Notebook II.
Ralston A. A First Course In Numerical Analysis
Rainville E.D. A short course in differential equations.
Rainville E.D. Intermediate Course in Differential Equations.
Rainville E.D. Intermediate Differential Equations.Second edit.
Raffy L. Leçons sur les applications géométriques de l'analyse. (Elements de la théorie des courbes et de surfaces.)
Rado T., Reichelderfer P. Continuous transformations in analysis with an introduction to algebraic topology.
Rado T. Length and area.
Rado T. On the Problem of Plateau.
Rado T. Subharmonic functions.
Radjavi H., Rosenthal P. Invariant Subspaces.
