
Author Titlesort descending
Weierstrass K. Formeln und Lehrsatze zum Gebrauch der elliptischen Functionen
Weil A. Foundation of Algebraic Geometry
Windeknecht T.G. General Dynamical Processes. A Mathematical Introduction
Weir A.J. General integration and measure. Vol 2.
Wieleitner H. Geschichte der Mathematic. II:arithmetic, Algebra, Analysis.
Wawrzynczyk A. Group representation and special fubnctions. Examples and problems prepared by Strasburger
Wloka J. Grundraume und verallgemeinerte Funktionen
Winkler W. Grundriss der Statistik. I. Theoretische Statistik.
Waerden van der B.L. Gruppen von Linearen Transformationen
Wang H.-C. Homogeneous Banach Algebras
Wambst M. Homologie des Algebras Quantiques
Weber Hulfsmittel aus der Theorie der Linearen Differential-Gleichungen
Wiener N. I am a Mathematician
Watson G.L. Integral quadratic forms
Wolf K.B. Integral Transform in Science and Engineering
Walsh J.L. Interpolation and approximation by rational functions in the complex domain
Walsh J.L. Interpolation and approximation by rational functions in the complex domain
Weitzenbock R. Invariant-Theorie
Weil A. L'integration dans les groupes topologique et ses applications
Widom H. Lectures in integral equations
Wedderburn J.H.M. Lectures on matrices
Weber H. Lehrbuch der Algebra. In zwei Banden.
Wang H., McNaughton R. Les Systemes axiomatiques de la theorie des ensembles
Weyl H. Mathematische analyse des Raumproblems
Waerden B.L. Van der Mathematische Statistik
Weyl H. Meromorphic functions and analytic curves
Willers F.A. Metoden der praktischen Analysis
Wittich H. Neuere Untersuchungen uber eideutige analytische functionen
Wittich H. Neuere Untersuchungen uber Eindeutige analytische functionen
Weil A. Number Theory for Beginers. With the collaboration of Maxwell Rosenlicht.
Westberg R. On the harmonic and bi-harmonic problems of a region bounded by a cicle and two partial lines
Wagner K.W. Operatorenrechnung nebst Anwedungen in Phisik und Technik
Weiss L., ed. Ordinary Differential Equations. 1971 NRL-MRC Conference.
Werner H., Bunger H.J., editors Pade approximation and its applications. Bad Honnef 1983. Proceedings of a Conference held at Bad Honnef, Germany, March 7-10, 1983.
Wuytack L., ed. Pade approximation and its applications. Proceedings of a Conference held in Antwerp, Belgium, 1979.
Webster A.G. Partial differenial equations of mathematical physics
Webster A.G. Partial Differential equations of Mathematical Physics. Second Corrected Edition
Wermer J. Potential Theory
Werner H., Schaback R. Practische Mathematik II. Methoden der Analysis
Whitehead A.N. and Russell B. Principia mathematica. Vol. 1-3
