
Author Titlesort descending
Raynaud M. Anneaux Locaux Henseliens.
Joachimsthal F. Anwandung der Differential-und Integralrechnung auf die allgemeine Theorie der Flachen und der Linein Doppelter Krummung
Lehto O. Anwendung orthogonaler system auf Gewisse Funktionentheoretische Extremal- und Abbildungsprobleme
Buhl A. Aperous modernes sur la theorie des groupes continus et finis
Guiasu S. Aplicatii ale teoriei informatiei. Sisteme dinamice. Sisteme cibernetice.
Gambier B. Applicabilité des surfaces étudiée au point de vue fini.
Fehr H. Application de méthode vectorielle de Grassmann a la géométrie infinitésimale. Thèse présentée a la faculté des Sc. de l' Univ. de Genève.
Ivkovic Z., Bulatovic J., Vukmirovic J.,Zivanovic S Application of spectral multiplicity in separable Hilbert space to stochastic processes
McConnell A.J. Application of Tensor Analysis
McConnell A.J. Application of tensor analysis.
Haag J. Applications au tir.
Donder Th. Applications de la gravifique einsteinienne a l'électrodynamique des corps en mouvement.
Donder Th. Applications de la gravifique einsteinienne.
Daili N. Applications de Lagrangien Augmente a des Problèmes de Programmation Convexe Non Nécessairement Differentiables.
Kostinzin V.A. Applications des equations integrales
Negoita C.V., Ralescu D.A. Applications of Fuzzy Sets to Systems Analysis. A Halsted Press Book
NULL Applications of nonlinear Partial Differential Equations in Mathematical Physics.
Lutz R., Sari T. Applications of Nonstandard Analysis to Boundary Value Problems in Singular Perturbation Theory.
NULL Applications scientifiques de la logique mathematique.Actes du 2e colloque international de logique mathematique Paris 25-30 Aout 1952,Institut Henri Poincare
Spiegel M.R. Applied differential equations
Segerlind L.J. Applied Finite Element Analysis
Balakrishnan A.V. Applied functional analysis
Zeidler E. Applied Functional Analysis. Applications to the Mathematical Physics
Murray F.J. Applied Mathematics. An Intellectual Orientation.
Johnson R.A., Wichern D.W. Applied Multivariate Sttatistical Analysis
Haight F.A. Applied probability.
Newell G.F. Approximate behavior of tandem queues.
Doran R.S., Wichmann J. Approximate Identities and Factorization in Banach Modules.
Doran R.S., Wichmann J. Approximate identities and factorization in Banach modulus.
Walsh J.L. Approximation by Bounded Analytic Functions
Walsh J.L. Approximation by polinomials in the complex domain
Raumann R. Editor Approximation Methods for Navier-Stokes Problems.Proceedings of the Symposium held by the International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics(IUTAM) at the University of Paderborn,Germany,September 9-15,1979.
Serfling R.J. Approximation Theorems of Mathematical Statistics
Ciesielski Z. Editor Approximation Theory. V.4.Papers presented at the Stefan Banach International Mathematical Centre at the Semester "Approximation Theory" helld September 17-December 17,1975
Tablor A. Editor Approximation Theory.Proceedings of a symposium held at Lancaster,July 1969
Schaback R., Scherer K. Editors Approximation Theory.Proceedings of an international colloquium held at Bonn,Germany, June 8-11
Newman D.J. Approximation with rational functions.
Cotton E. Approximations successives et équations différentielles.
Pastor J.R. Apuntes de Teoria de los conjuntos Abstractos.
Archimedes Archimedes von Syrakus Vorhandene Werke.Aus dem Griechischen ubersetzt und mit erlauternden und Kritischen Anmerkungen Begleitet von Ernst Nizze
