
Author Title
Howard R.A. Dynamic Probabilistic Systems. V.2
Hoyer P. Ueber die Integration eines Differentialgleichungenssystem von der Form … durch elliptische Funktionen. Dissertation.
Hrusa K. Deset kapitol z diferencialniho a integralniho poctu.
Hsu Frank D. Cyclic Neofields and combinatorial Designs.
Hu Zse-Tsen Homotopy Theory.
Huckel S. Invariants Différentiels, G-Contact des sous - variétés sous l'action d'un groupe de Transformations G Théorèmes de Congruence. Thèse.
Huggett S.A., Tod K.P. An Introduction to Twistor Theory.
Hughes H.K., Miller G.T. Trigonometry.
Humbert G. Cours d'analyse professe a l'école Polytechnique. T. I. Calcul différentiel. Principes du calcul intégral. Applications géométriques.
Humbert P. Fonctions de Lame et fonctions de Mathieu.
Humbert P. Potentiels et prépotentiels.
Humbert P., Colombo S. Le calcul symbolique et ses applications a la physique mathématique.
Hummel J.A. Introduction to Vector Functions.
Humphreys J.E. Introduction to Lie Algebras and Representation Theory.
Hungerford Th. W. Algebra.
Huntington E.V. The continuum and other types of serial order. With an introduction to Cantor's transfinite numbers.
Hurewics W., Wallman H. Dimension theory.
Hurwitz A. Mathematische Werke. Bd. I. Funktionentheorie.
Hurwitz A. Mathematische Werke. Bd. II. Zahlentheorie. Algebra und Geometrie.
Hurwitz A., Courant R. Vorlesungen ueber allgemeine Funktionentheorie und elliptische Funktionen.
Hussmann A. Rechnerische Verfahren zur harmonischen Analyse und Synthese mit Shcablonen fuer eine Rechnung mit 12, 24, 36 oder 72 Ordinaten.
Husson E. Les trajectoires de la dynamique.
Iacobi C.G. Fundamenta nova theoriae Functionum Ellipticarum
Igersheim, Jacqueline Un probleme d'ajustage de Baremes
Igusa J.-I. Theta Functions
Iliev L. Creativity Science Art. Theory Modelling
Iliev L. Laguerre entire functions
Iliev L. Mathematics and development. Methodological problems. Essays.
Iliev L., Andreev V., editors Complex Analysis and its Applications. Proceedings of the International Conference on Complex Analysis and Applications. Varna, September 20 - 27, 1981.
Iliev L., Ramadanov I., editors Complex Analysis and Applications / 85.
Iliev L., Ramadanov I., editors Complex Analysis and Applications. Proceedings of the International Conference on Complex Analysis and Applications. Varna, May 2 - 10, 1983.
Immink G.K. Asimptotics of Analytic Difference Equations
Ince E.L. Ordinary Differential Equations
Iohvidov I.S. and others Introduction to the spectral theory of operators in spaces with an indefinite metric
Iosifescu, Marius si Tautu, Petre Procese stohastice si aplicati in biologie si medicina.
Isaacson Dean L., Madsen Richard W. Markov Chains . Theory and Applications
Istratescu V.I. Strict convexity and complex strict convexity. Theory and Applications.
Ito K. (editor) Probability theory and mathematical statistics. Proceedings of the 4-th USSR-Japan Symposium, Held at Tbilisi, USSR, August 23-29, 1982.
Ivanov T Boundary Layer Approximate Approximations and Cubature of Potentials in Domains Linkoping.
Iversen F. Recherches sur les Functions Inverses des Functions meromorphes
