
Author Title
LI Tatsien editor Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians. August 20-28, 2002, Beijing. V.3
Liapounoff A. Sur certaines séries de figures d'équilibre d'un liquide heterogene en rotation.
Liapounoff A. Sur les figures d'équilibre peu différentes des ellipsoïdes d'une masse liquide homogène douée d'un mouvement de rotation. Pte. I. Etude générale du problème.
Lichnerowicz A. Algèbre et analyse linéaires.
Lichtenstein L. Gleichgewichtsfiguren Rotierender Fluessigkeiten.
Lichtenstein L. Vorlesungen ueber einige Klassen Nichtlinearer Integralgleichungen und Integro-Differential-Gleichungen nebst anwendungen.
Lieberstein H.M. Theory of Partial Differentiial Equations.
Liebmann H. Nichteuklidische Geometrie.
Lietzmann Walter Abhandlungen uber den Mathematischen Unterricht in Deutschland, Bd 1-5
Lighthill M.J. Introduction to Fourier Analysis and Generalised Functions. 4th edit.
Lighthill M.J. Introduction to Fourier analysis and generalized functions.
Lindeloef E. Einfuehrung in die Hoehere Analysis.
Lindenstrauss J., Tzafriri L. Classical Banach spaces I - II. Bd. II. Function spaces.
Lindenstrauss J., Tzafriri L. Classical Banach spaces I - II.Bd. I. Sequence spaces.
Lions J.L., Magenes E. Non-homogeneous boundary value problems and applications. Vol. I.
Lions J.L., Magenes E. Non-homogeneous boundary value problems and applications. Vol. II.
Lions J.L., Magenes E. Non-homogeneous boundary value problems and applications. Vol. III.
Lions J.L., Magenes E. Problèmes aux Limites Non Homogènes et Applications. Vol. II.
Lipster R.S., Shiryayev A.N. Statistics of Random Processes II. Applications.
Littlewood D.E. The theory of group characters and matrix representations of groups.
Littlewood J.E. The Elements of the Theory of Real Functions.Being Notes of Lectures delivered in the University of Cambridge
Livovschi L. Automate finite cu elemente logice pneumatice si hidraulice.
Lobacevshi N. Cercetari Geometrice cu privire la teoria Liniilor paralele.
Loeschner H. Taschenbuch fuer Praktische Geometrie.
Lohr E. Vektor- und Dyadenrechnungen fuer Physiker und Techniker.
Loo-Keng Hua Starting with the unit circle. Background to higher analysis.
Looijenga E. a.o., editors Geometry Symposium. Utrecht 1980. Proceedings of a Symposium held at the University of Utrecht, The Netherlands, August 27-29, 1980.
Loomis L.H. An introduction to abstract harmonic analysis.
Looss G., Joseph Daniel D. Elementary Stability and Bifurcation Theory.
Lorentz G. Bernstein polynomials.
Lorentz G.G. Bernstein Polynomials
Lorentz G.g. Bernstein Polynomials. 2nd edit.
Lorentz G.G., Golitschek M., Makovoz Y. Constructive Approximation. Advanced Problems
Loria G. Guida allo Studio della Storia delle Matematische Generalita - Didactica - Bibliografia.
Lotze A. Punkt- und Vektor-Rechnung.
Lovitt W.V. Linear Integral Equations
Lovitt W.V. Linear integral equations.
Luce D.R., Raiffa H. Games and decisions, introduction and critical survey.
Lueroth J. Vorlesungen ueber numerische Rechnen.
Lukacs E. Probability and Mathematical Statistics.
