Voelker D. und Doetsch G. |
Die Zweidimensionale Laplace-Tra nsformation |
Vojta P. |
Diophantine approximations and value distribution theory |
Vojtasek S., Janac K. |
Solution of non-linear Systems |
Volterra V. |
Lecons sur le Equations Integrales et Equations Integrales et les Equations Integro-Differentiales. |
Volterra V. |
Lecons sur les Functions de Lignes |
Volterra V. |
Opere Mathematiche. Memoire e Note. |
Volterra V. |
Theory of Functionals and Integral and Integro-Differential Equations |
Volterra V., Peres J. |
Lecons sur la composition et les fonctions permutables |
Volterra V., Peres J. |
Theorie generale des fonctionnelles. T. 1. Generalites sur les functionnalles. Theorie des fonctions integrales |
Volterra V., te Hostinsky B. |
Operations infinitesimales linaries. Applications aux equations differentielles et fonctionneles. |
Volterra V., Volterra E. |
Sur Les Distorsions des Corps Elastuques |
Voros C. |
Analytika Geometrio Absoluta. Vol. 2. La spaco Bolyaia. |
Vranceanu G.G. |
Interpretation Geometrique des Processus Probabilistiques Continus |
Vranceanu G.G. |
Les espaces non holonomes |
Vranceanu G.G. |
Opera Matematica. V. 1-2. |
Vranceanu G.G. |
Vol. 1. Congruences. Formes de Pfaff Groupes continus. Invariants et equivalence. Espaces a connexion affine. Espaces de Riemann. Espaces a connexion projective |
Vranceanu G.G. |
Vol. 1. Congruente. Fome ale lui Pfaff. |
Vranceanu G.G. |
Vol. 2. Espaces partiallement projectifs. Espaces connexion conforme. Tenseures du second ordre. Espaces non holonomes. Invariants des equations aux derivees partiales du second ordre. Geometrie differentialle Globale. |
Vranceanu G.G. |
Vol. 2. Spatile lui Cagan. |
Vranceanu G.G. |
Vol. 3. Proprietati Globale ale Gruppurilor Lie. |
Vranceanu G.G. |
Vol. 3. Proprietes globales des groupes de Lie. Theorie des correspondences. Espaces homogenes. Nombres deBetti. Groupes d'holonomie. |
Vretblad A., ed. |
Festschrift in Honour of Lennart Carleson and Yngve Domar. Proceedings of a Conference at the Dep. of Math., Uppsala Univ., May 1933. |
Vretblad A., ed. |
Festschrift zur feier des 200. Geburtstages Leonhard Eulers. |
Vries H.D. |
Die Vierte Dimension eine Einfuhrung in des Verleichende Studium der Verschiedenen Geometrien |
Waerden B.L. Van der |
Einfuhrung in die Algebrasche Geometrie |
Waerden B.L. Van der |
Mathematische Statistik |
Waerden van der B.L. |
Algebra. V.1. 5th edit |
Waerden van der B.L. |
Algebra. V.2. 4th edit. |
Waerden van der B.L. |
Gruppen von Linearen Transformationen |
Wagner K.W. |
Operatorenrechnung nebst Anwedungen in Phisik und Technik |
Waksjo C. |
Stackel Multipliers in Euclidean Space |
Walker R.J. |
Algebraic curves |
Wall C.T.C., ed. |
Proceedings of Liverpool Singularities Symposium II. University of Liverpool, Liverpool, Great Britain. |
Wall H.S. |
Analytic theory of continued fractions |
Walsh J.L. |
Approximation by Bounded Analytic Functions |
Walsh J.L. |
Approximation by polinomials in the complex domain |
Walsh J.L. |
Interpolation and approximation by rational functions in the complex domain |
Walsh J.L. |
Interpolation and approximation by rational functions in the complex domain |
Walsh J.L. |
The location of the critical points of analytic and harmonic functions |
Walter G.G. |
Wavelets and Other Orthogonal Systems With Applications |