Bourgne R., Azra J.P. |
Ecrits et Memoires Mathematiques D'Evariste Galois |
Bourion Georges |
L'ultraconvergence dans les series de Taylor |
Bourlet Carlo |
Lecons d'algebre elementaire. 6 e ed. enterement refondue |
Boussinesq J. |
Cours de physique mathematique de la faculte des sciences. T.-3 |
Boutaleb Mohamed |
Sur la cellule d'harmonicite de la boule unite de R^n. These |
Boutet de Monvel L. |
Operateure Pseudo-differentiels et Formule de L'idice. Cours de D.E.A. (partie Analyse) |
Boutroux Pierre |
Lecons sur les fonctions definies par les equations differentielles du premier ordre |
Bouvier A., Richard D. |
Groupes.Observation, Theorie, Pratique. 2nd edit.revue et corrigee. |
Bove A., Lewis J.P., Parenti C. |
Propagation of singularities for Fuchsian operators |
Braess D. |
Nonlinear Approximation Theory |
Brakke Kenneth A. |
The motion of a Surface by Its Mean Curvature. (Preliminary Informal Notes of University Courses and Seminar in Mathematics) |
Brandal W. |
Commutative Rings whose Finitely Generated Modules Decompose |
Brandes Hans |
Uber die asiomatische Einfachheit mit besonderer Berucksichtigung der auf Addition beruhenden Zerlegungsbeweise des Pythagoraischen Lehrsatzes. Inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlangung der Doktorwurde |
Branges L. |
Hilbert Spaces of Entire Functions |
Bratteli O., Jorgensen P.E.T., editors |
Positive semigroups of operators and applications. |
Braun H., Koecher M. |
Jordan-algebren |
Braun M. |
Differential Equations and Their Applications. An Introduction to Applied Mathematics |
Bravais M.A. |
On the systems formed by points regularly distributed on a plane or in space |
Bredon Glen E. |
Equivariant Cohomology Theories |
Breen Lawrence |
Fonctions theta et theoreme du cube |
Brelot M. |
Extraits du seminaire de theorie du potentiel a Paris. Quelques exposes de M.Brelot relatifs a la theorie axiomatique des fonctions harmoniques et surharmoniques (1957-58-62) |
Bremaud P. |
An Introduction to Probabilistic Modeling |
Brenkek William Charles |
A text-book on Advanced Algebra and Trigonometry with Tables |
Brensslau Herman |
Dirichlets Satz von der arithmetischen Reihe fur den Korper der dritten Einheitswurzeln. |
Brewer J.W. |
Power series over commutative rings |
Brigitte D., Gilbert Ch. |
Guide des Technologies de L'Information. |
Brillouin L. |
Influence de la temperature sur l'elasticite d'un solide |
Brillouin Leon |
Science and information thory |
Briot MM. et Bouquet |
Theorie des fonctions elliptiques |
Brodeau Andre |
Poutres minces, flexion, torsion, aplatissement |
Broman Arne |
On two classes of trigonometrical series |
Bromwell Arthur |
Advanced Mathematics in Physics and Engineering |
Bromwich T.J. I'A |
An introduction to the theory of infinite series |
Brondstred Arne |
An introduction to convex polytopes |
Browder F.E., ed. |
Functional Analysis and Related Fields. Proceedings of Conference in honor Prof. Marshall Stone, Chicago, May 1968. |
Brown A., Pearcy C. |
Introduction to Operator Theory I.Elements of Functional Analysis. |
Brown A.L., Page A. |
Elements of Functional Analysis |
Brown Arlen, Pearcy Carl |
Introduction to operator theory. V.1: Elements of functional analysis |
Bruck Richard Hubert |
A Survey of Binary Systems. 3-rd print.correct. B.20 |
Bruckner A.M. |
Differentiation of Real Functions |