Timerding H. |
Aufgabensammlung zur Projektiven Geometrie |
Titchmarsh E.C. |
Introduction to the Theory of Fourier Integrals. 3rd edit. |
Titchmarsh E.C. |
Eigenfunction expansions associated second order differential equation |
Titchmarsh E.C. |
Introduction to the Theory of Fourier Integrals |
Titchmarsh E.C. |
The Zeta-function of Riemann |
Titchmarsh E.C., F.R.S. |
Eigenfunction expantions associated with second-order differential equations. Pt. II. |
Titeica G. |
Geometrie Differentiala Priectiva a retelelor |
Todd J.A., ed. |
Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians held at Edinburgh, August 14 - 21, 1958. |
Tondeur P. |
Introduction to Lie Groups and Transformation Groups |
Toomanian M. |
Reimann extension and complete lifts of s-spaces. A thesis for the degreeof doctor of Philosophy |
Totik V. |
Weighted Approximation with Varying Weight |
Tovmasyan N.E. |
Non-Regular Differential Equations and Calculations of Electromagnetic Fields |
Townsend E.J. |
Functions of a Complex Variable. |
Traynard C.E. |
Fonctions Abeliennes et Fonctions Theta de Deux Variables |
Trembley J. |
Akademische Abhandlugen. Ordentliches Mitglied der Akademie seit dem 2. October 1794. +18. September 1811 |
Tresse A. |
Theorie elementarie des geometries non euclidiennes. T.1 |
Tresse A. & Thybaut A. |
Cours de geometrie analytique. A l'usage des candidats a l'ecole centrale des Arts et Manufactures, a l'ecole navale et des eleves de premiere annee de Mathematiques spetiales. |
Treves F. |
Locally Convex Spaces and Linear partial Differential Equations |
Tricomi F. |
Elliptische Funktionen. |
Tricomi F. |
Equazioni differenziali |
Tricomi F. |
Serie Ortogonali di Funzioni (Corso di Analisi Superiopre) |
Tricomi F. |
Vorlesungen uber Orthogonalreihen |
Tricomi F.G. |
Integral eqoations |
Trione S.E. |
La integral de Riemann-Liouville |
Trione S.L. |
On the Laplace Transforms of retarded Lorentz-invariant Functions |
Trjitzinsky W.J. |
La Tloate-D de Denjoy La Totale-S Symetrique. Memorials des Sciences Mathematiques. Dir. H.Villat. Fasc. 166. |
Trjitzinsky W.J. |
Theorie Mateique dans les Espaces Ouil Y A Une Mesure. Memorials des Sciences Mathematiques. Dir. H.Villat. Fasc. 143. |
Trjitzinsky W.J. |
Analytic theory of non-linear singular differential equations |
Troesch A. |
Etude Microscopique De Systemes Defferentials |
Troesch A. |
Etude Qualitative De Systemes Differentiels |
Troesch A. |
Interpretation Geometrique de L'Algorithme D'Euclide et Reconnaissance de Segments |
Tropfke J. |
Bd. 3. Ebene Geometrie. Zweite, Vermehrte auflage. |
Truesdell C. |
An essay toward a unified theory of special functions based upon the functional equations F(z, )=F(z, +1) |
Tschebotarow N. |
Grundzuge der Galois'zchen Theorie |
Tsuji M. |
Potential Theory in Modern Function Theory |
Tucker A.W., Luce R.D., editors |
Contributions to the Theory of Games. Vol. IV. |
Tucker D.H., Maynard H.B. edit. |
Vector and Operator Valued Measures and Applications |
Turan P. |
Eine neune Methode in der analysis und deren anwendungen |
Turesson B.O. |
Nonlinear Potential Theory and Weighted Sobolev Spaces |
Turlot J.Ch. |
Sur la Taxinomie du Genre Equus: Description et Discrimination des Espaces D'Apres Donnees Craniometriques. These. |