Birkhoff George David |
Collected Mathematical Papers. V.1-3 |
Bohr Harold |
Collected mathematical works. V.1-3 |
Bohr Harold |
Collected mathematical works. V.1-3 |
Bohr Harold |
Collected mathematical works. V.1-3 |
Collected papers of G.H. Hardy including joint papers with J.E. Littlewood and others. Edited by a committee appointed by the London Mathematical Society. Vol. II. |
Collected papers on mathematics. Reprinted from the Bulletin of the Kyushu Institute of Technology (Mathematics, Natural Sciences) N 1 (1955) - N 8 (1961). Tobata, Japan. |
Neumann von John |
Collected Works V.5: Design of Computers, Theory of Automata and Numerical Analysis |
Neumann von John |
Collected Works V.6:Theory of Games, Astrophysics,Hydrodinamics and Meterorology |
Neumann von John |
Collected Works. V.4:Continuous Geometry and Other Topics |
Neumann von John |
Collected works. Vol. I. Logic, theory of sets and quantum mechanics. |
Neumann von John |
Collected works. Vol. II. Operators, ergodic theory and almost periodic functions in a group. |
Neumann von John |
Collected works. Vol. III. Rings of operators. |
Collection of Sums in Mathematics and Physics. Section A. 1962/1963 |
Collection of Sums in Mathematics and Physics. Section A. 1963/1964 |
Collection of Sums in Mathematics and Physics. Section A. 1964/1965 |
Collection of Sums in Mathematics and Physics. Section B. 1963/1964 |
Collection of Sums in Mathematics and Physics. Section B. 1964/1965 |
Collection of Sums in Mathematics and Physics. Section C. 1963/1964 |
Collection of Sums in Mathematics and Physics. Section C. 1964/1965 |
Colloque de Geometrie Algebrique tenu a Liege les 19, 20 et 21 Decembre 1949. |
Colloque sur l'Analyse Statistique. Tenu a Bruxelles les 15, 16 et 17 Decembre 1954. CBRM. |
Colloques Internationaux du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique. T. 70 : Le raisonnement en mathematiques et en sciences experimentales. Tenu a Paris, 26 September - 1 October 1955. |
Colloques Internationaux du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique. T. 71 : La théorie des équations aux dérivées partielles. Nancy, 9 - 15 Avril 1956. |
Ewald G. |
Combinatorial Convexity and Algebraic Geometry. |
White N., ed. |
Combinatorial Geometries. |
Billington E.J. a.o., editors |
Combinatorial Mathematics IX. Proceedings, Brisbane, Australia, 1981. |
Horadam A.F., Wallis W.D., editors |
Combinatorial Mathematics VI. Proceedings of the Sixth Australian Conference on Combinatorial Mathematics, Armidale, Australia, August 1978. |
Robinson R.W. a.o., editors |
Combinatorial Mathematics VII. Proceedings of the Seventh Australian Conference on Combinatorial Mathematics held at the University of Newcastle, Australia, August 20 - 24, 1979. |
Holton D.A., Seberry J., editors |
Combinatorial Mathematics. Proceedings of the International Conference on Combinatorial Theory. Canberra, Australian Academy of Sciences. August 16 - 27, 1977. |
Takacs L. |
Combinatorial Methods in the Theory of Stochastic Processes |
Aigner M. |
Combinatorial Theory |
Combined Membership List. 1982 - 1983. Washington. |
Woodburn W. |
Commercial arithmetic |
Leibnitii G.G., Bernoullii J. |
Commercium Philosophicum et Mathematicum. T. I. Ab Anno 1694 ad Annum 1699. |
Leibnitii G.G., Bernoulli J. |
Commercium Philosophicum et Mathematicum. T. II. Ab Anno 1700 ad Annum 1716. |
Putnam C.R. |
Commutation Properties of Hilbert Space Operators and Related Topics. |
Zariski O., Samuel P. |
Commutative Algebra. V.1 |
Brandal W. |
Commutative Rings whose Finitely Generated Modules Decompose |
Alfsen Erik M. |
Compact Convex Sets and boundary Integrals |
Ringrose J.R. |
Compact Non-Self-Adjoint Operators |