
Author Titlesort descending
Birkhoff George David Collected Mathematical Papers. V.1-3
Bohr Harold Collected mathematical works. V.1-3
Bohr Harold Collected mathematical works. V.1-3
Bohr Harold Collected mathematical works. V.1-3
NULL Collected papers of G.H. Hardy including joint papers with J.E. Littlewood and others. Edited by a committee appointed by the London Mathematical Society. Vol. II.
NULL Collected papers on mathematics. Reprinted from the Bulletin of the Kyushu Institute of Technology (Mathematics, Natural Sciences) N 1 (1955) - N 8 (1961). Tobata, Japan.
Neumann von John Collected Works V.5: Design of Computers, Theory of Automata and Numerical Analysis
Neumann von John Collected Works V.6:Theory of Games, Astrophysics,Hydrodinamics and Meterorology
Neumann von John Collected Works. V.4:Continuous Geometry and Other Topics
Neumann von John Collected works. Vol. I. Logic, theory of sets and quantum mechanics.
Neumann von John Collected works. Vol. II. Operators, ergodic theory and almost periodic functions in a group.
Neumann von John Collected works. Vol. III. Rings of operators.
NULL Collection of Sums in Mathematics and Physics. Section A. 1962/1963
NULL Collection of Sums in Mathematics and Physics. Section A. 1963/1964
NULL Collection of Sums in Mathematics and Physics. Section A. 1964/1965
NULL Collection of Sums in Mathematics and Physics. Section B. 1963/1964
NULL Collection of Sums in Mathematics and Physics. Section B. 1964/1965
NULL Collection of Sums in Mathematics and Physics. Section C. 1963/1964
NULL Collection of Sums in Mathematics and Physics. Section C. 1964/1965
NULL Colloque de Geometrie Algebrique tenu a Liege les 19, 20 et 21 Decembre 1949.
NULL Colloque sur l'Analyse Statistique. Tenu a Bruxelles les 15, 16 et 17 Decembre 1954. CBRM.
NULL Colloques Internationaux du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique. T. 70 : Le raisonnement en mathematiques et en sciences experimentales. Tenu a Paris, 26 September - 1 October 1955.
NULL Colloques Internationaux du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique. T. 71 : La théorie des équations aux dérivées partielles. Nancy, 9 - 15 Avril 1956.
Ewald G. Combinatorial Convexity and Algebraic Geometry.
White N., ed. Combinatorial Geometries.
Billington E.J. a.o., editors Combinatorial Mathematics IX. Proceedings, Brisbane, Australia, 1981.
Horadam A.F., Wallis W.D., editors Combinatorial Mathematics VI. Proceedings of the Sixth Australian Conference on Combinatorial Mathematics, Armidale, Australia, August 1978.
Robinson R.W. a.o., editors Combinatorial Mathematics VII. Proceedings of the Seventh Australian Conference on Combinatorial Mathematics held at the University of Newcastle, Australia, August 20 - 24, 1979.
Holton D.A., Seberry J., editors Combinatorial Mathematics. Proceedings of the International Conference on Combinatorial Theory. Canberra, Australian Academy of Sciences. August 16 - 27, 1977.
Takacs L. Combinatorial Methods in the Theory of Stochastic Processes
Aigner M. Combinatorial Theory
NULL Combined Membership List. 1982 - 1983. Washington.
Woodburn W. Commercial arithmetic
Leibnitii G.G., Bernoullii J. Commercium Philosophicum et Mathematicum. T. I. Ab Anno 1694 ad Annum 1699.
Leibnitii G.G., Bernoulli J. Commercium Philosophicum et Mathematicum. T. II. Ab Anno 1700 ad Annum 1716.
Putnam C.R. Commutation Properties of Hilbert Space Operators and Related Topics.
Zariski O., Samuel P. Commutative Algebra. V.1
Brandal W. Commutative Rings whose Finitely Generated Modules Decompose
Alfsen Erik M. Compact Convex Sets and boundary Integrals
Ringrose J.R. Compact Non-Self-Adjoint Operators
