
Authorsort descending Title
Bravais M.A. On the systems formed by points regularly distributed on a plane or in space
Bredon Glen E. Equivariant Cohomology Theories
Breen Lawrence Fonctions theta et theoreme du cube
Brelot M. Extraits du seminaire de theorie du potentiel a Paris. Quelques exposes de M.Brelot relatifs a la theorie axiomatique des fonctions harmoniques et surharmoniques (1957-58-62)
Bremaud P. An Introduction to Probabilistic Modeling
Brenkek William Charles A text-book on Advanced Algebra and Trigonometry with Tables
Brensslau Herman Dirichlets Satz von der arithmetischen Reihe fur den Korper der dritten Einheitswurzeln.
Brewer J.W. Power series over commutative rings
Brigitte D., Gilbert Ch. Guide des Technologies de L'Information.
Brillouin L. Influence de la temperature sur l'elasticite d'un solide
Brillouin Leon Science and information thory
Briot MM. et Bouquet Theorie des fonctions elliptiques
Brodeau Andre Poutres minces, flexion, torsion, aplatissement
Broman Arne On two classes of trigonometrical series
Bromwell Arthur Advanced Mathematics in Physics and Engineering
Bromwich T.J. I'A An introduction to the theory of infinite series
Brondstred Arne An introduction to convex polytopes
Browder F.E., ed. Functional Analysis and Related Fields. Proceedings of Conference in honor Prof. Marshall Stone, Chicago, May 1968.
Brown A., Pearcy C. Introduction to Operator Theory I.Elements of Functional Analysis.
Brown A.L., Page A. Elements of Functional Analysis
Brown Arlen, Pearcy Carl Introduction to operator theory. V.1: Elements of functional analysis
Bruck Richard Hubert A Survey of Binary Systems. 3-rd print.correct. B.20
Bruckner A.M. Differentiation of Real Functions
Bruijn N.G. De Asymptotic methods in analysis
Brumbaugh Robert S. Plato's mathematical imagination. the mathematical passages in the dialogues and their interpretation
Brzozowski J.A., Yoeli M. Digital Networks
Buchholz Herbert Die konfluente Hypergeometrische Funktion. Mit besonderer berucksichtigung ihrer an wendungen
Buerger Martin J. Vector space and its application in crystakl-structure investigation
Buhl A. Serie analytiques. Sommabilite
Buhl A. Aperous modernes sur la theorie des groupes continus et finis
Buhl M.A. Nouveaux elements d'analyse. Calcul infinitesimal, Geometrie, Physique theorique. T.1
Buium A Differential function fields and moduli of algebraic varietes
Burali-Forti C., Marcolongo R. Elements de calcul vectoriel avec de nombreuses applications a la geometrie, a la mecanique et a la physique mathematique
Burbea J., Masani P. Banach and Hilbert Spaces of Vectorvalued Functions. Their General Theory and Applications to Holomorphy
Burgwedel Richard Uber die Eulerschen und Gaubschen Methodender Primzahlbestiimung. Inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlangung der oktorwurde vorgelegt von Richard Burgwedel
Burkhardt Heinrich Elliptische Funktionen. Dritte Vollstandig umgearbeitete auflage Bedorgt von Dr.Georg Faber
Burnside William Snow, Panton Authur William The theory of equations: with an introduction to the thoery of binary algebraic forms. V.1-2
Burnside William Snow, Panton Authur William The theory of equations: with an introduction to the thoery of binary algebraic forms. V.1-2
Burnside William Snow, Panton Authur William The theory of equations: with an introduction to the thoery of binary algebraic forms. V.1-2
Burnside William Snow, Panton Authur William The theory of equations: with an introduction to the thoery of binary algebraic forms. V.1-2
