
Author Title
Aronhold Siegfried Die Reine Mathematik in den Jahrer 1884-1899 Nebst Actenstucken zum Leben von S.Aronhold.Ein Gedenkblatt zur Hundertjahrigen Jubelfeier der Koniglichen Technischen Hochshule zu Berlin, Gewidmet von Dr.E.Lampe
Arrowsmith D.K., Place C.M. An Introduction to Dynamical Systems
Arscott F.M. Periodic Differential Equations. An Introduction to Mathieu,Lame and Allied Functions
Artin E. Algebre geometrique
Artin Emil , Cecil J.Nesbitt, Robert M. Thrall Rings with minimum condition
Artin M., Mazur B. Etale Homotopy
Artzner Philippe Sur les Formes Quadratiques Alestoires et les Variables du Chi-ieux Generalise (1ere These). Sur L'Analyse de la Variance et les Plans D'Experience (2eme These)
Artzner Phillipe, Ostroy Josef Gradients,Subgradients and Economic Equilibria
Ash Robert B., Gardner Melvin F. Topics in Stochastic Processes
Asimov L., Ellis A. Convexity theory and its applications in functional analysis
Athreya K.B., Ney P.E. Branching Processes
Atiyah M.F., Eells J., Hoffman K.M., Hoermander L., Rickart C.E., Rossi H., Smale S., Treves F., Wermer J., Taam C.T.(ed.) Lectures in Modern Analysis and Applications I.
Atkinson F.V. ultiparameter Eigenvalue Problems. V.1: Matrices and Compact Operators
Aubert K.E., Ljunggren W.L., editors Proceedings of the 15-th Scandinavian Congress. Oslo 1968. University of Oslo, Blindern, Oslo.
Aulbach Bernd Continuous and discrete dynamics near manifolds of equalibria
Aumann G., Haupt O. Einfuhrung in die reelle analysis. T.1,2
Aumann G., Haupt O. Einfuhrung in die reelle analysis. T.1,2
Aupetit B. Proprietes Spectrales des Algebres de Banach
Auslander L., Tolimieri R. Abelian Harmonic Analysis, Theta Functions and Function Algebras on a Nilmanifold
Avanissian V. Introduction a lanalyse moderne. V.1: Topology and Algebra
Axler Sh. ,Bourdon P., Ramey W. Hurmonic Function Theory
Aymard et al. Editor Analyse harmonique sur les groupes de Lie II.Seminaire Nancy_starsbourg 1976-78
Aziz A.K., ed. The Mathematical Foundations of the Finite Method with Applications to Partial Differential Equations.
Bacceli F., Bremaud P. Palm probabilities and stationary queues
Bachar J., Bade W., Curtis P., editors Radical Banach algebras and automatic continuity. Proceedings of the Conference held at California State University, July 17-31, 1981.
Bacharach Max Abriss der Geschichte der Potentialtheorie
Bachman G. Elements of Abstract Harmonic Analysis.
Bachman G., Narici L., Beckenstein E. Fourier and Wavelet Analysis
Bachmann Heinz Transfinite zahlen. Zweite, neubearbeiete auflage
Bachmann Paul Uber Gauss' Zahlentheoretische Arbeiten. Durchgeschener Abdzuck aus Heft 1 der Materialien fur eine wissenschaftliche Biographie von Gauss gesammelt von F.Klein und M.Brendel
Bachmann Paul Zahlentheorie. Teil 1 : Die elemente der Zahlentheorie. Anastatischer Nachdruck der Ernten aufl
Badrikian A., Chevet S. Mesures Cylindriques. Espaces de wiener et Fonctions Alleatoires Gaussiennes
Baer Reinhold Linear algebra and projective geometry
Bailey Paul, Shampine Lawrence F., Waltman P.E. Nonlinear two point boundary value problems
Bair J., Fourneau R. Etude geometrique des eespaces vectoriels II. Polyeders et polytopes convexes
Baire Rene Lecons sur les fonctions discontinues professees au college de France. Nouveau tirage
Bak J., Newman D.J. Complex Analysis
Baker B.B., Copson E.T. The Mathematical Theory of Huygen's Principle.3rd edit.
Baker H.F. A locus with 25920 selftransformations
Baker J. a.o. Editor Banach spaces of analytic functions.Proceedings of the Pelczynski Conference held at Kent State University, July 12-16,1976
