Nune Hovhannisyan's Publications (Full profile)


  1. W. Dahmen, N. Hovhannisyan, S. Müller, Adaptive Multiscale Methods for Flow Problems: Recent Developments, Insttut für Geometrie und Praktische Mathematik, Preprint Nr. 293, January, pp. 26, (2009)
  2. A.B. Nersesyan, N.V. Hovhannisyan, Minimization of the errors of the polynomial-trigonometric interpolation with shifted nodes, National Academy of Sciences, Preprint 2005-02, February, (2005)


  1. A.B. Nersesyan, N.V. Hovhannisyan, Minimization of the Uniform Error of Polynomial-Trigonometric Interpolation, J. of Contemporary Math. Analysis, 37, (5), pp. 48-62, (2003)
  2. A.B. Nersesyan, N.V. Hovhannisyan, Quasiperiodic interpolation , Doklady Akademii Nauk Armenii, 101, (2), pp. 12-15, (2001)
  3. N.V. Hovhannisyan, Solution of the First Boundary Value Problem for a Model Semi-elliptic Equation by Projection-Grid Method, J. of Contemporary Math. Analysis , 23, (4), pp. 392-402, (1989)
  4. L.A. Oganesyan, N.V. Hovhannisyan, Solution of the First Boundary Value Problem for a Model Semi-Elliptic Equation in a Curvilinear Domain, Doklady Akademii Nauk Armenii, 89, (2), pp. 61-64, (1989)
  5. N. Hovhannisyan, S. Müller, On the Stability of Fully Adaptive Multiscale Schemes for Conservation Laws using Approximate Flux and Source Reconstruction Strategies, IMA Journal of of Numerical Analysis, IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, DOI: 10.1093/imanum/drp010 , March 2009

Conference Paper

  1. A. B. Nersessian, N. V. Hovhannisyan, Minimization of errors of polynomial-trigonometric interpolation with shifted nodes, Abstracts of Communications: in ISAAC Conference on Complex Analysis, Differential Equaions and Related Topics, p. 48, Yerevan, (2002)