Arman Karapetyan's Publications (Full profile)
Conference Paper
- On weighted integral representations of holomorphic functions in tube domains over real Siegel domains ball”, , Abstracts of Third International Conference “Mathematics in Armenia: Advances and Perspectives “ ( Dedicated to the 80th anniversary of foundation of Armenian National Academy of Sciences ), Yerevan, Armenia, pp. 50, (2023)
- On extension of weighted spaces of holomorphic functions in the unit bidisc to he unit marix disc, Abstracts of International Conference " Mathematical Analysis and Differential Equations", Tsaghkadzor, Armenia, pp. 70-71, (2022)
- On weighted solutions of ¯∂-equaion in the complex plane C, Abstracts of International Conference "Mathematical Analysis and Differential Equations", Tsaghkadzor, Armenia, pp. 66-68, (2022)
- Weighted ¯∂-- integral representations for weighted Lp–classes of C1-functions in the matrix dic , Abstracts of International Conference (Dedicated to the 100th anniversary of academician Mkhitar Djrbashian ), Yerevan, Armenia, pp. 39-40, (2018)
- On restrictions of weighted classes of holomorphic functions in the matrix discs to the unit bidisc , Abstracts of " Seventh Russian-Armenian Workshop on mathematical physics, complex analysis and adjacent questions," Yerevan, Armenia, pp. 37-38, (2018)
- Growth estimates for weighted classes of holomorphic functions in the matrix disc, Abstract of International Conference ( Dedicated to the 90th anniversary of academician Sergey Mergelyan ), Yerevan, Armenia, pp. 45-46, (2018)
- On a new family of weighted integral representations of holomorphic functions in the unit ball of Cn , Abstracts of International Conference “Harmonic Analysis and Approximations 6 “ , Tsaghkadzor, Armenia, pp. 44-46, (2015)
- ¯∂ - integral representations of weighted classes of smooth functions in matrix Siegel domains , Abstracts of "Fifth Russian-Armenian Workshop on mathematical physics, complex analysis and adjacent questions", Yerevan, Armenia, pp. 29-30, (2014)
- Weighted integral representations in tube domain over real unit ball , Abstracts of the Second International Conference “Mathematics in Armenia: Advances and Perspectives “ ( Dedicated to the 70th anniversary of foundation of Armenian National Academy of Sciences ), Tsaghkadzor, Armenia, pp. 42-43, (2013)
- On weighted solutions of ¯∂ -equation in the Siegel domain of Cn , Abstracts of "Fourth Russian-Armenian Workshop on mathematical physics, complex analysis and adjacent questions " , Krasnoyarsk, Russia, pp. 24-25, (2012)
- Weighted integral representations of holomorphic functions in tube domains over real balls , Abstracts of International Conference "Harmonic Analysis and Approximations, 5" ( Dedicated to 75th anniversary of academician Norair Arakelian ), Tsaghkadzor, Armenia, pp. 58, (2011)
- Weighted integral representations of pluriharmonic functions in the Siegel domain, Abstracts of "Third Russian-Armenian Workshop on mathematical physics, complex analysis and adjacent questions", Yerevan, Armenia, pp. 88-90, (2010)
- Restrictions of Hpα(R22) classes to the bidisc, Abstracts of Conference ( Dedicated to 90th anniversary of academician Mkhitar Djrbashian ), Yerevan, Armenia, pp. 16-17, (2008)
- Weighted anisotropic integral representations of holomorphic functions in the unit ball of Cn, Abstracts of International Conference "Harmonic Analysis and Approximations" ( Dedicated to 80th anniversary of academician Alexandr Talalian ), Tsaghkadzor, Armenia, pp. 62-63, (2008)
- Weighted ¯∂-integral representations of smooth funciions in the unit ball, Abstracts of International Conference "Harmonic Analysis and Approximations" Armenia, pp. 38, (2005)
- Weighted ¯∂-integral representations in a matrix Siegel domain, Abstracts of International Conference " Mathematics in Armenia : Advances and Perspectives" Tsahkadzor, Armenia, pp. 57-58, (2003)
- Weighted ¯∂ -integral representations in a Cartan domain, Abstracts of "ISAAC Conference on Complex Analysis, Differential Equations and Related Topics ", Yerevan, Armenia, pp. 34, (2002)
- Weighted integral representations of entire functions of several complex variables, Abstracts of Conference DMC-98, Yerevan, Armenia, pp. 29-30, (1998)
- Integral representations of smooth functions in Cn, Abstracts of Conference TFA ( Col. of Works Dedicated to the Mem. of M. M. Djrbashian ), Yerevan, Armenia, pp. 75-78, (1995)
- Integral representations of smooth functions in the unit ball Bn and in Cn, Abstracts of Short Communications, ICM, Zurich, pp. 96, (1994)
- On weighted solutions of ¯∂ -equation in the upper half-plane, J.Contemp.Math.Analysis, 56, (no. 5), pp. 270-279, (2021)
- Weighted integral representations of pluriharmonic functions in the Siegel domainl of Cn, Results in Mathematics, 74, (4 December 2019), (2019)
- On restriction of weighted spaces of holomorphic functions in the unit matrix disc to the unit bidisc , Lobachevskii J. Math., 40, (no. 8), pp. 1084-1089, (2019)
- Weighted integral representations in tube domain over real unit ball , Sarajevo J. Math., 12(24), (no. 1), pp. 1-14, (2016)
- Weighted ¯∂–integral representations of smooth functions in the unit ball of Cn, Complex Variable and Elliptic Equation, 58, (no. 5), pp. 665-683, (2013)
- Weighted ¯∂ -integral representations of C1- functions in Cn, J. Function Spaces and Appl., vol.2012, (ID 265092), pp. 29 pages, (2012)
- Weighted anisotropic integral representations of holomorphic functions in the unit ball of C^n, Abstract and Applied Analysis, vol.2010, (ID 354961), pp. 23 pages, (2010)
- Weighted integral representations of entire functions of several
complex variables, Bull. Belg. Math. Soc., 15, pp. 289-302, (2008)
- Weighted ¯∂-integral representations in matrix domains, Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations, 53, (12), pp. 1131-1168, (2008)
- Weighted ¯∂-integral representations of smooth functions in Siegel domain, [in Russian], Izv. Ac. of Sci. of Armenia, Matematika, 41, (3), pp. 56-70, (2006)
- Weighted ¯∂ -integral representations of C1-functions in Cn, [in Russian], Dokl. Ac. Sci. of Armenia, 103, (2), pp. 101-104, (2003)
- Weighted ¯∂-integral representations in a matrix disc, [in Russian], Dokl. Ac. Sci. of Armenia, 103, (3), pp. 199-202, (2003)
- Weighted integral representations of holomorphic functions in matrix Siegel domains, [in Russian], Izv. Ac. of Sci. of Armenia, Matematika, 32, (2), pp. 39-56, (1997)
- Some identities for binomial coefficients, [in Russian], Izv. Ac. of Sci. of Armenia, Matematika, 30, (2), pp. 96-101, (1995)
- Bounded projections in weighted spaces of functions in generalized unit disc, Ann. Polon. Math. , 62, (3), pp. 193-218, (1995)
- Integral representations in tube domains over polyhedra and questions of function approximations, [in Russian], Analysis Math. , 20, (3), pp. 185-203, (1994)
- Integral representations for some classes of functions holomorphic in a Siegel domain, J. Math. Anal. Appl. , 179, (1), pp. 91-109, (1993)
- Integral representations in tube domains over affine-homogeneous cones, [in Russian], Izv. Ac. of Sci. of Armenia, Matematika, 27, (3), pp. 1-23, (1992)
- Integral representations and function approximations in tube domains over polyhedra, [in Russian], Dokl. Ac. Sci. of Armenia, 92, (1), pp. 7-11, (1991)
- Integral representations of holomorphic functions in radial tube domains, [in Russian], Dokl. Ac. Sci. of Armenia, 92, (2), pp. 51-56, (1991)
- Integral representations in tube domains over affine-homogeneous cones, [in Russian], Dokl. Ac. Sci. of Armenia, 92, (3), pp. 99-104, (1991)
- Integral representations and uniqueness theorems for entire functions of several variables, [in Russian], Izv. Ac. of Sci. of Armenia, Matematika, 26, (1), pp. 3-19, (1991)
- On computation of Cauchy type determinant, [in Russian], Izv. Ac. of Sci. of Armenia, Matematika, 26, (4), pp. 343-350, (1991)
- Integral representations of holomorphic functions in radial tube domains, [in Russian], Izv. Ac. of Sci. of Armenia, Matematika, 26, (6), pp. 451-476, (1991)
- Integral representations for some weighted classes of functions holomorphic in matrix domains, Ann. Polon. Math. , 55, pp. 87-94, (1991)
- Integral representations for weighted spaces of functions holomorphic in tube domains, [in Russian], Izv. Ac. of Sci. of Armenia, Matematika, 25, (4), pp. 315-332, (1990)
- Integral representations in the generalized upper half-plane, [in Russian], Izv. Ac. of Sci. of Armenia, Matematika, 25, (6), pp. 507-533, (1990)
- Integral representations in the generalized unit disc, [in Russian], Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 312, (1), pp. 24-27, (1990)
- Integral representations in the generalized upper half-plane, [in Russian], Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 312, (2), pp. 270-273, (1990)
- Integral representations in the generalized unit disc, [in Russian], Izv. Ac. of Sci. of Armenia, Matematika, 24, (6), pp. 523-546, (1989)
- Integral representations in tube domains, [in Russian], Izv. Ac. of Sci. of Armenia, Matematika, 23, (1), pp. 91-96, (1988)
- Integral inequalities between conjugate pruriharmonic functions in multidimentional domains, [in Russian], Izv. Ac. of Sci. of Armenia, Matematika, 23, (3), pp. 216-236, (1988)
- Integral representations of some classes of functions analytic in a Siegel domain, [in Russian], Izv. Ac. of Sci. of Armenia, Matematika, 22, (4), pp. 399-405, (1987)
- Characterization of certain classes of functions analytic in Cartesian product of half-planes, [in Russian], Izv. Ac. of Sci. of Armenia, Matematika, 21, (5), pp. 504-509, (1986)
- Integral representations of certain classes of functions analytic in Cartesian product of angular domains, [in Russian], Izv. Ac. of Sci. of Armenia, Matematika, 21, (6), pp. 617-623, (1986)
- Some questions of integral representations in multidimensional complex analysis, Candidate Thesis, Yerevan, (1987)