Aghavard Khachatryan's Publications (Full profile)

Submitted Paper

  1. A.Kh.Khachatryan and Kh.A.Khachatryan, On one inegro-differential equation in income distribution problem, Economics and mathematical methods, (3), (2009)


  1. A. Kh. Khachatryan and Ts.E. Terjyan, About one system of integral equations in kinetic theory, J. Computational Mathematics and Mathematical physics , 49, (4), pp. 691-697, (2009)
  2. A.Kh.Khachatryan and Kh.A.Khachatryan, On one itegro-differential equation in dynamic theory of plasma, Mathematics in higher school , 4, (2-3), pp. 59-65, (2008)
  3. A.Kh.Khachatryan and Kh.A.Khachatryan, Factorization of one convolution type integro-differential equation on positive half line, Ukrainian mathematical journal, 60, (11), pp. 1555-1567, (2008)
  4. N.B.Yengibaryan and A.Kh.Khachatryan, Integro-differential equation of non-local wave interaction , Math. Sbornik, 198, (6), pp. 839-855, (2007)
  5. A. Kh. Khachatryan and Ts.E. Terjyan, Wiener-Hopf equation kernels representable as a superposition of complex-value , Journal of contemporary mathematical analysis, 42, (5), pp. 241-246, (2007)
  6. A. Kh. Khachatryan and S.M. Andryan, The role of Ambartsumian function in the kinetic theory, Mathematics in higher school , 3, (4), pp. 5-15, (2007)
  7. A.Kh.Khachatryan , Ambartsumian equation in physical kinetics , Journal of contemporary mathematical analysis, 41, (5), pp. 16-25, (2006)
  8. A.Kh.Khachatryan and Kh.A.Khachatryan, Solvability of a boundary value problem of physical kinetics, Journal of contemporary mathematical analysis, 41, (6), pp. 47-56, (2006)
  9. A. Kh. Khachatryan, S. M. Andriyan, On one problem in physical kinetics, J. Computational Mathematics and Mathematical physics , 45, (11), pp. 1982-1989, (2005)
  10. A.Kh.Khachatryan and Kh.A.Khachatryan, On solvability of some integro-differential equations with sum-difference kernels , International journal of pure and applied math. sciences (INDIA), 2, (1), pp. 1-13, (2005)
  11. N.B.Yengibaryan and A.Kh.Khachatryan, On nonlinear theory dynamics of dilute gas, Journal of math. modeling, 16, (1), pp. 67-74, (2004)
  12. A. Kh. Khachatryan and S.M. Andryan, On a rarefied gas velocity shock in the linearized BGK model of Boltzmann equation, Journal of math. modeling, 16, (2), pp. 31-42, (2004)
  13. A. Kh. Khachatryan, A.N.Afyan , On analytical and numerical solutions to the radiative transfer problem with a reflecting surface, J. Computational mathematics and Mathematical Physics. . , 41, (8), pp. 1158-1168, (2001)
  14. A.Kh.Khachatryan ansd S.M.Andryan, On exact linearizationof Kuett problem in pure slip case., Math.Analysis and its application, 1, (1), pp. 102-109, (2000)
  15. A. Kh. Khachatryan, N. B. Yengibaryan, On exact linearisation of slide problem of dilute gas in Bhatnagar- Grass- Kruck model, J. Theoretical and Mathematical Physics. , 125, (2), pp. 339-342, (2000)
  16. N.B.Yengibaryan , A.Kh.Khachatryan and M.G.Muradyan , On Ambartsumian equation and its applications, Reports of NAN Armenia, 98, (3), pp. 197-207, (1998)
  17. A. Kh. Khachatryan . , N. B. Yengibaryan, On some convolution type integral equations in kinetic theory, J. Computational mathematics and Mathematical physics. , 38, (3), pp. 466-482, (1998)
  18. A. Kh. Khachatryan, K. V. Papoyan, On one convolution type integral equation in kinetic theory of gases, Journal of contemporary mathematical analysis, 32, (1), pp. 84-92, (1997)
  19. N.B.Yengibaryan and A.Kh.Khachatryan, Formation of spectral lines in stellar atmosphere.Linear and nonlinear theory, Astrophysics, 38, (7), (1995)
  20. A. Kh. Khachatryan, On one numerical method of solution of coherent and incoherent sctatering problem, Astr. and Space Science. (UK), 215, pp. 17-35, (1994)
  21. A.Kh.Khachatryan and G.G. Amalian, On one problem of gamma quantum multiple resonance scattering , Journal integral equations and math. physics, 1, (1), pp. 126-139, (1992)
  22. A. Kh. Khachatryan, A.A.Akopian and E.A.Melkonyan, A matrix method solution for noncoherent scatring problems, J.Q.S.R.T (USA), 45, (1991)
  23. A. Kh. Khachatryan, N. B. Yengibaryan, On a problem of multiple resonance scattering of Gamma Ray Quanta, J. Q. S . R. T. (USA), 46, (6), pp. 565-575, (1991)
  24. A.Kh.Khachatryan , Nonlinear problem of polychromatic scattering.Application to the NaI.D line, Astr. and Space Science. (UK), 172, (1990)

Conference Paper

  1. A.Kh.Khachatryan and Kh.A.Khachatryan, On solvability one integro-differential equation with partial derivatives , Seventh international school-seminar Multivariate statistical analysis and econometrics (Moscow), pp. 151-153, (2008)
  2. A.Kh.Khachatryan and Kh.A.Khachatryan, On one integro-differential equation with partial derivatives , Second Russian-Armenian workshop mathematical physics, complex analysis and related topics Steklov Mathematical institute, , pp. 59-62, (2008)
  3. A.Kh.Khachatryan, Ambatrsumian Equation in physical kinetics., .First Russian-Armenian workshop mathematical physics, complex analysis and related topics Steklov Mathematical institute, pp. 11-12, (2006)
  4. N.B.Yengibaryan and A.Kh.Khachatryan, On an integral equationin in theory of nonlocal interaction of waves, International Confererence Mathematics in Armenia. Advanced and Perspectives.Tsakhadzor.Armenia, pp. 91-92, (2003)
  5. N.B.Yengibaryan and A.Kh.Khachatryan, On one system of conservative integral equations, SAAC Confererence. On Complex Analysis, Differerential Equations and related topics. Yerevan, Armenia, pp. 67-68, (2002)
  6. A. Kh. Khachatryan, N. B. Yengibaryan, On one system of conservative integral equations, ISAAC Conference; Yerevan, pp. 67-68, (2002)
  7. A. Kh. Khachatryan, A. A. Akopyan, Matrix approach to problems of noncoherent scattering, Numerical methods for solution transfer equation. Tartu, p. 222, (1988)