Aghavard Khachatryan's Publications (Full profile)
Submitted Paper
- A.Kh.Khachatryan and Kh.A.Khachatryan, On one inegro-differential equation in income distribution problem, Economics and mathematical methods, (3), (2009)
- A. Kh. Khachatryan and Ts.E. Terjyan, About one system of integral equations in kinetic theory, J. Computational Mathematics and Mathematical physics , 49, (4), pp. 691-697, (2009)
- A.Kh.Khachatryan and Kh.A.Khachatryan, On one itegro-differential equation in dynamic theory of plasma, Mathematics in higher school , 4, (2-3), pp. 59-65, (2008)
- A.Kh.Khachatryan and Kh.A.Khachatryan, Factorization of one convolution type integro-differential equation on positive half line, Ukrainian mathematical journal, 60, (11), pp. 1555-1567, (2008)
- N.B.Yengibaryan and A.Kh.Khachatryan, Integro-differential equation of non-local wave interaction , Math. Sbornik, 198, (6), pp. 839-855, (2007)
- A. Kh. Khachatryan and Ts.E. Terjyan, Wiener-Hopf equation kernels representable as a superposition of complex-value , Journal of contemporary mathematical analysis, 42, (5), pp. 241-246, (2007)
- A. Kh. Khachatryan and S.M. Andryan, The role of Ambartsumian function in the kinetic theory, Mathematics in higher school , 3, (4), pp. 5-15, (2007)
- A.Kh.Khachatryan , Ambartsumian equation in physical kinetics , Journal of contemporary mathematical analysis, 41, (5), pp. 16-25, (2006)
- A.Kh.Khachatryan and Kh.A.Khachatryan, Solvability of a boundary value problem of physical kinetics, Journal of contemporary mathematical analysis, 41, (6), pp. 47-56, (2006)
- A. Kh. Khachatryan, S. M. Andriyan, On one problem in physical kinetics, J. Computational Mathematics and Mathematical physics , 45, (11), pp. 1982-1989, (2005)
- A.Kh.Khachatryan and Kh.A.Khachatryan, On solvability of some integro-differential equations with sum-difference kernels , International journal of pure and applied math. sciences (INDIA), 2, (1), pp. 1-13, (2005)
- N.B.Yengibaryan and A.Kh.Khachatryan, On nonlinear theory dynamics of dilute gas, Journal of math. modeling, 16, (1), pp. 67-74, (2004)
- A. Kh. Khachatryan and S.M. Andryan, On a rarefied gas velocity shock in the linearized BGK model of Boltzmann equation, Journal of math. modeling, 16, (2), pp. 31-42, (2004)
- A. Kh. Khachatryan, A.N.Afyan , On analytical and numerical solutions to the radiative transfer problem with a reflecting surface, J. Computational mathematics and Mathematical Physics. . , 41, (8), pp. 1158-1168, (2001)
- A.Kh.Khachatryan ansd S.M.Andryan, On exact linearizationof Kuett problem in pure slip case., Math.Analysis and its application, 1, (1), pp. 102-109, (2000)
- A. Kh. Khachatryan, N. B. Yengibaryan, On exact linearisation of slide problem of dilute gas in Bhatnagar- Grass- Kruck model, J. Theoretical and Mathematical Physics. , 125, (2), pp. 339-342, (2000)
- N.B.Yengibaryan , A.Kh.Khachatryan and M.G.Muradyan , On Ambartsumian equation and its applications, Reports of NAN Armenia, 98, (3), pp. 197-207, (1998)
- A. Kh. Khachatryan . , N. B. Yengibaryan, On some convolution type integral equations in kinetic theory, J. Computational mathematics and Mathematical physics. , 38, (3), pp. 466-482, (1998)
- A. Kh. Khachatryan, K. V. Papoyan, On one convolution type integral equation in kinetic theory of gases, Journal of contemporary mathematical analysis, 32, (1), pp. 84-92, (1997)
- N.B.Yengibaryan and A.Kh.Khachatryan, Formation of spectral lines in stellar atmosphere.Linear and nonlinear theory, Astrophysics, 38, (7), (1995)
- A. Kh. Khachatryan, On one numerical method of solution of coherent and incoherent sctatering problem, Astr. and Space Science. (UK), 215, pp. 17-35, (1994)
- A.Kh.Khachatryan and G.G. Amalian, On one problem of gamma quantum multiple resonance scattering , Journal integral equations and math. physics, 1, (1), pp. 126-139, (1992)
- A. Kh. Khachatryan, A.A.Akopian and E.A.Melkonyan, A matrix method solution for noncoherent scatring problems, J.Q.S.R.T (USA), 45, (1991)
- A. Kh. Khachatryan, N. B. Yengibaryan, On a problem of multiple resonance scattering of Gamma Ray Quanta, J. Q. S . R. T. (USA), 46, (6), pp. 565-575, (1991)
- A.Kh.Khachatryan , Nonlinear problem of polychromatic scattering.Application to the NaI.D line, Astr. and Space Science. (UK), 172, (1990)
Conference Paper
- A.Kh.Khachatryan and Kh.A.Khachatryan, On solvability one integro-differential equation with partial derivatives , Seventh international school-seminar Multivariate statistical analysis and econometrics (Moscow), pp. 151-153, (2008)
- A.Kh.Khachatryan and Kh.A.Khachatryan, On one integro-differential equation with partial derivatives , Second Russian-Armenian workshop mathematical physics, complex analysis and related topics Steklov Mathematical institute, , pp. 59-62, (2008)
- A.Kh.Khachatryan, Ambatrsumian Equation in physical kinetics., .First Russian-Armenian workshop mathematical physics, complex analysis and related topics Steklov Mathematical institute, pp. 11-12, (2006)
- N.B.Yengibaryan and A.Kh.Khachatryan, On an integral equationin in theory of nonlocal interaction of waves, International Confererence Mathematics in Armenia. Advanced and Perspectives.Tsakhadzor.Armenia, pp. 91-92, (2003)
- N.B.Yengibaryan and A.Kh.Khachatryan, On one system of conservative integral equations, SAAC Confererence. On Complex Analysis, Differerential Equations and related topics. Yerevan, Armenia, pp. 67-68, (2002)
- A. Kh. Khachatryan, N. B. Yengibaryan, On one system of conservative integral equations, ISAAC Conference; Yerevan, pp. 67-68, (2002)
- A. Kh. Khachatryan, A. A. Akopyan, Matrix approach to problems of noncoherent scattering, Numerical methods for solution transfer equation. Tartu, p. 222, (1988)