Valeri Martirosian's Publications (Full profile)


  1. Luh W. , Martirosian V. A. and Muller J., Restricted T-universal functions, J. Approxim. Theory, ( in English ), 114, (2002)
  2. Gharibyan T. L. and Martirosian V. A., Radial boundary values of analytic functions representable by lacunary power series, Izvest. Natsion. Akad. Nauk Armenii. Matem. , 36-47 ( in Russian ). , 36, (3), (2001)
    Published translation
    J. Contemp. Math. Anal.
  3. Luh W. and Martirosian V. A., On the growth of universal meromorphic functions, Analysis, 137-147 ( in English ), 20, (2000)
  4. Luh W. , Martirosian V. A. and Muller J., T-universal holomorphic functions with gap power series, Acta Sci. Mathem. Szeged, 67-79 ( in English ), 64, (1998)
  5. Luh W. , Martirosian V. A. and Muller J., Universal entire functions with gap power series, Indagationes Mathematicae, N. S. , 529-536 ( in English ), 9, (1998)
  6. Luh W. and Martirosian V. A., Elementary construction of universal functions on open sets, Izvest. Natsion. Akad. Nauk Armenii. Matem. , 77-81( in Russian ). , 32, (6), (1997)
    Published translation
    J. Contemp. Math. Anal.
  7. Martirosian V. A., On uniform tangential approximations by lacunary power series on Carleman sets, Izvest. Akad. Nauk Armenii. Matem. , 59-67 ( in Russian ). , 30, (3), (1995)
    Published translation
    J. Contemp. Math. Anal.
  8. Gabrelian E. V. and Martirosian V. A., On uniqueness of entire functions having lacunary power series and bounded on Jordan angle, Izvest. Akad. Nauk Armenii. Matem. , 49-58 ( in Russian ). , 30, (3), (1995)
    Published translation
    J. Contemp. Math. Anal.
  9. Haroutunian G. V. and Martirosian V. A., On uniform tangential approximations by lacunary power series on Carleman sets.II, Izvest. Akad. Nauk Armenii. Matem. , 68-74 ( in Russian ). , 30, (3), (1995)
    Published translation
    J. Contemp. Math. Anal.
  10. Haroutunian G. V. and Martirosian V. A., On uniform tangential approximations by lacunary power series on curves in the complex plane, Izvest. Akad. Nauk Armenii. Matem. , 36-45 ( in Russian ). , 28, (3), (1993)
    Published translation
    J. Contemp. Math. Anal.
  11. Martirosian V. A., Uniqueness theorems for entire functions in terms of their Taylor coefficients, Izvest. Akad. Nauk Army. SSR. Matem. , 117-134 ( in Russian ). , 24, (2), (1989)
    Published translation
    Soviet. J. Contemp. Math. Anal.
  12. Arakelian N. U. and Martirosian V. A., The location of singularities of power series on the circle of convergence.II, Izvest. Akad. Nauk Army. SSR. Matem. , 123-137 ( in Russian ). , 23, (3), (1988)
    Published translation
    Soviet. J. Contemp. Math. Anal.
  13. Arakelian N. U. and Martirosian V. A., The location of singularities of power series on the circle of convergence, Izvest. Akad. Nauk Army. SSR. Matem. , 3-21 ( in Russian ). , 22, (1), (1987)
    Published translation
    Soviet. J. Contemp. Math. Anal.
  14. Martirosian V. A., On entire functions represented by lacunary power series and bounded on the Jordan angle, Izvest. Akad. Nauk Army. SSR. Matem. , 280-300 ( in Russian ). , 21, (3), (1986)
    Published translation
    Soviet. J. Contemp. Math. Anal.
  15. Martirosian V. A., On entire functions bounded on a closed angle and representable by power series with gaps or real coefficients, Dokl. Akad. Nauk USSR, 1301-1304 ( in Russian ). , 289, (6), (1986)
    Published translation
    Soviet Math. Dokl.
    , pp. 224-226
  16. Martirosian V. A., On uniform approximation on the plane by polynomials with gaps, Izvest. Akad. Nauk Army. SSR. Matem. , 167-181 ( in Russian ). , 20, (3), (1985)
    Published translation
    Soviet. J. Contemp. Math. Anal.
  17. Martirosian V. A., On uniform complex approximation by lacunary polynomials, Matem. Sbornik, (162), 451-472 ( in Russian ). , 120, (4), (1983)
    Published translation
    Math. USSR Sbornik
    , pp. 445-462
  18. Martirosian V. A., Uniform approximations by quasipolynomials with integral coefficients, Matem. Zametki, 237-243 ( in Russian ). , 27, (2), (1980)
    Published translation
    Math. Notes
    , pp. 116-119
  19. Martirosian V. A., On the growth of coefficients of polynomials, which realize uniform approximation in the complex plane, Izvest. Akad. Nauk Army. SSR. Matem. , 419-432 ( in Russian ), 15, (6), (1980)
  20. Martirosian V. A., On uniform approximation by polynomials with coefficients from the given set, Dokl. Akad. Nauk Army. SSR, 82-85 ( in Russian ), 71, (2), (1980)
  21. Martirosian V. A., On uniform approximation in the complex plane by polynomials with gaps, Dokl. Akad. Nauk Army. SSR, 129-136( in Russian ), 68, (3), (1979)
  22. Arakelian N. U. and Martirosian V. A., Uniform approximations in the complex plane by polynomials with gaps, Dokl. Akad. Nauk USSR, 249-252 ( in Russian ). , 235, (2), (1977)
    Published translation
    Soviet Math. Dokl.
    , pp. 901-904
  23. Martirosian V. A., On the possibility of uniform approximation by polynomials on the Muntz's system with integral coefficients, Izvest. Akad. Nauk Army. SSR. Matem. , 293-306 ( in Russian ), 10, (4), (1975)
  24. Martirosian V. A., On uniform approximation by polynomials on the system of Muntz with integral coefficients, Izvest. Akad. Nauk Army. SSR. Matem. , 167-175 ( in Russian ), 8, (2), (1973)

Submitted Paper

  1. Luh W. , Martirosian V. A. and Muller J., Restricted T-universal functions on multiply connected domains, Acta Math. Acad. Sci. Hungarica, ( in English ), (2002)
  2. Luh W. and Martirosian V. A., The growth of universal meromorphic functions in a disk, Proc. London Math. Soc. , ( in English ), (2002)

Conference Paper

  1. Martirosian V. A., On construction of universal meromorphic functions of the given growth, Summaries of the Internat. Conference on Harmonic Analysis and Approximations II at Nor-Amberd, Armenia, September, 47 ( in English ), (2001)
  2. Martirosian V. A., On construction of T-universal meromorphic functions of the given growth, Summaries of the Internat. Conference on Harmonic Analysis and Approximations at Nor-Amberd, Armenia, September ( in English ), (1998)
  3. Martirosian V. A., On uniform tangential approximation by lacunary power series, Proceedings of the Conference on the Theory of Functiona and Applications at Yerevan dedicated to the memory of Mkhitar M. Djrbashian, Armenia, "Louys" Publishing House, 115-118 ( in English ), (1995)
  4. Martirosian V. A., Some applications of "coefficients function" method, Summaries of the All-Union school on the Theory of Functions at Yerevan, USSR, October, 67 ( in Russian ), (1987)
  5. Martirosian V. A., Uniform complex approximations by polynomials with gaps, Summaries of the Internat. Conference on the Theoru of Approximation of functions at Kiev, USSR, May-June, 123 ( in Russian ), (1983)
  6. Martirosian V. A., Uniform approximations on the complex plane by polynomials with gaps and by polynomials with given majorant of coefficients, Summaries of the Internat. Conference on Complex Analysis and Applications at Varna, Bulgaria, September, 50 ( in Russian ), (1981)
  7. Arakelian N. U. and Martirosian V. A., Uniform approximations in the complex plane by polynomials with gaps, Summaries of the All-Union symposium on Approxim. Theory in the Complex Domain at Ufa, USSR, May, 8 ( in Russian ), (1980)


  1. Arakelian N. U. and Martirosian V. A., Power series: analytic continuation and the location of singularities, Yerevan State University Publishing ( in Russian ), pp. 100, (1991)