Levon Arabajian's Publications (Full profile)

Conference Paper

  1. Arabajian L. G., On solvability of Wiener-Hopf scalar integral equations with even kernel in the supercritical case, Abstract. ISAAC conference on complex analysis, differential equations and related topics, 17-21 September, Yerevan, (2002)
  2. Arabajian L. G. , Harutyunyan H. H., On factorization of Wiener-Hopf integral operators in conservative case with slowly decreasing kernels, Abstract in 51st scientific conference of Armenian State Pedag. Univer


  1. Arabajian L. G., Solvability of Volterra type integral equations on the half-line, Izv. Akad. Nauk Armenii ser. Mathem. , . , 34, (2), pp. 75-79, (1999)
    Published translation
    J. Contemporary Math. Analysis
  2. Arabadzyan L. G., On a convolution integral equations with two kernels, Math. Zametki, 62, (3), pp. 323-331, (1997)
    Published translation
    Mathem. Notes
    , pp. 271-277
  3. Arabajian L. G., Solution of certain integral equations of Hammerstain type, Izv. Akad. Nauk Armenii (in Russian), :, 32, (1), pp. 21-28, (1997)
    Published translation
    J. Contemporary Mathematical Analysis
    , pp. 17-24
  4. Arabadzyan L. G. , Yengibaryan N. B., On factorization of multiple Wiener-Hopf integral operators, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 291, (1), pp. 11-14, (1986)
    Published translation
    Soviet. Math. Dokl.
    , pp. 404-406
  5. Yengibaryan N. B. , Arabadzyan L. G., Systems of Wiener-Hopf integral equations and nonlinear factorization equations, Math. Sbornik, 166, (6), pp. 18-52, (1984)
    Published translation
    Math. USSR sb.
    , pp. 181-208
  6. Arabadzyan L. G. , Yengibaryan N. B., Convolution equations and nonlinear factorization equations, Itogi Nauki i Tekhniki Mathem. Analysis, VINITI, Moscow, (in Russian). , 22, pp. 175-244, (1984)
    Published translation
    Soviet J. Math.