Norair Arakelian's Publications (Full profile)
- Power series; Localization of singularities on the boundary of the disk of convergence, Izvestia NAN Armenii, Mathematika, 52, (5), pp. 3-23, (2017)
- Эффективнoе гармоническое продолжение рядов Лапласа, Izvestia NAN Armenii, Mathematika, 47, (3), pp. 5-34, (2012)
- Optimal uniform approximation on an angle by entire functions, Izvestia NAN Armenii, Mathematika, 44, (3), pp. 147-162, (2009)
- Optimal uniform approximation on an angle by entire functions, Izvestiya NAN Armenii, Natematika, 44, (3), pp. 5-24, (2009)
- On Dirichlet and Neumann problems for harmonic functions., Izvestiya NAN Armenii, Matematika, 43, (6), pp. 21-38, (2008)
- On localization of singularities of lacunary power series, Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations, 52, (7), pp. 561-573, (2007)
- Uniform approximation on the real axes by functions harmonic in a stripe and having optimal growth, Analysis, 27, pp. 1001-1015, (2007)
- On the localization of singularities of Lacunar power series, Complex Variables and Elliptic Functions, 52, (7), pp. 561-573, (2007)
- Uniform approximation on the real axes by functions harmonic
in a stripe and having optimal growth, Analysis (Munich), 27, (2-3), pp. 285--299, (2007)
- On the localization of singularities of lacunar power series, Complex Var. Elliptic Equ., 52, (7), pp. 561--573, (2007)
- Uniform and tangential approximation on a stripe by entire functions, having optimal growth , Computational methods and Function theory , 3, (1), pp. 359-381, (2003)
- Efficient analytic continuation of power series and localization of their singularities, Izvestiya NAN Armenii, Matematika, 38, (4), pp. 5-24, (2003)
- Efficient analytic continuation of power series by matrix summation methods, Computational Methods and Function Theory, 2, (1), pp. 137-153, (2002)
- Entire functions with infinite sets of deficient functions, Israel Math. Conference Proceedings, 15, pp. 11-19, (2001)
- Analytic continuation of power series on some planar Riemann surfaces, Izv. Nats. Akad. Nauk Armenii Mat., 36, (4), pp. 7-27, (2001)
- Three-spheres theorem for harmonic functions, Izvestiya NAN Armenii, ser. Math., 35, (3), (1999)
- Propagation of smallness for harmonic and analytic functions in arbitrary domains, Bull. of London Math. Society, 31, pp. 671-678, (1999)
- Propagation of smallness and uniqueness for harmonic and holomorphic functions, Izvestiya NAN Armenii, ser. Math., 30, (4), (1995)
- Efficient analytic continuation of power series with vector-valued coefficients, Izvestiya NAN Armenii, ser. Math., 30, (4), (1995)
- Vector-valued versions of Fabry's Ratio theorem, Izvestiya NAN Armenii, ser. Math., 30, (4), (1995)
- Approximation by entire functions and analytic continuation.
Progress in Approximation theory (Tampa, FL, 1990), Computational Math. Series, Springer, New York, 17, pp. 295-313, (1992)
- Best approximations by meromorphic functions on the Real axes, Izvestiya AN Arm. SSR, ser. Math., 25, (6), pp. 534-549, (1990)
- On asymptotic properties of mreomorphic functions, Izvestiya AN Arm. SSR, ser. Math., 24, (3), pp. 207-225, (1989)
- The localization of singularities of power series on the boundary of the circle of convergence II, Izvestiya AN Arm. SSR, ser. Math. , 23, (3), pp. 17-35, (1988)
- Best approximations by meromorphic functions in angular domains, Izvestiya AN arm. SSR, ser. Math., 23, (6), pp. 546-556, (1988)
- The localization of singularities of power series on the boundary of the circle of convergence, Izvestiya AN Arm. SSR, ser. Math. , 22, (3), pp. 3-21, (1987)
- On holomorphic asymptotic approximation with prescribed speed, Complex Analysis and applications 81, Sofia, pp. 36-38, (1984)
- On efficient analytic continuation of power series, Matem. Sbornik, (166), (5), , 124, (1), pp. 24-44, (1984)
- On tangential approximation by holomorphic functions, Izvestiya AN Arm. SSR, 17, (6), pp. 421-441, (1982)
- On best uniform approximation by meromorphic functions on the Real axes, Dokladi AN SSSR, 257, (6), pp. 1289-1292, (1981)
- On uniform and asymptotic approximation on the Real axes by entire functions of restricted growth, Mat. Sbornik, (155), (9), 3-40, 113, (1), (1980)
- Mkhitar Mkrtichevich Dzrbashyan, Advances in Mathematical Sciences, tome 34, ser. 2, (206), pp. 235-240, (1979)
- Uniform approximations on the Complex plane by polynomials with gaps, Soviet Math. Dokladi, 235, (2), pp. 249-252, (1977)
- Certain questions of approximation theory and the theory of
entire functions, Mat. Zametki, 9, pp. 467--475, (1971)
- Entire and analytic functions of limited growth with an infinite set of deficient values, Izvestiya AN ARM. SSR, ser. Math. , 5, (6), pp. 486-506, (1970)
- Approximation Complexe et propriete's des fonctions analytiques, Proceedings of the Intern. Congress of Mathematicians, Nice 1970, Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 1971, tome 2, pp. 595-600, (1970)
- On Nevanlinna's problem, Matematicheskie Zametki, 3, (3), pp. 357-360, (1968)
- Uniform and tangential approximations by analytic functions, Izvestiya Akad. Nauk Arm. SSR, ser. Math. , 3, (4-5), pp. 273-285, (1968)
- The construction of entire functions of finite order, decreasing uniformly on a sector, Izvestiya Akad. Nauk Arm. SSR, ser. Math. , 1, (3), pp. 162-191, (1966)
- Entire functions of finite order with an infinite set of deficient values, Soviet Math. Dokladi, 170, (5), pp. 999-1002, (1966)
- Construction of entire functions of finite order decreasing
uniformly in an angle, Izv. Akad. Nauk Armjan. SSR Ser. Mat., 1, (3), pp. 162--191, (1966)
- On uniform and asymptotic approximation by entire functions on unbounded closed sets, Soviet Math. Dokladi, 157, (1), pp. 9-11, (1964)
- On uniform approximation by entire functions on closed sets, Izvestiya Akad. Nauk SSSR, ser. Math., 28, pp. 1187-1206, (1964)
- Uniform approximation by entire functions with estimation of their growth, Sibirski Math. Journal, 4, (5), pp. 977-999, (1963)
- On uniform approximation by entire functions on unbounded continuums and estimation of the speed of their growth, Dokladi Akad. Nauk ArmSSR, 34, (4), pp. 145-149, (1962)
- On asymptotic approximation by entire functions on unbounded domains, Math. USSR Sbornik, (95), 53, (4), pp. 515-538, (1961)
- The precision of some theorems of M.V. Keldish on asymptotic approximation by entire functions, Dokladi AN SSSR, 125, (4), pp. 695-698, (1959)
- Approximation, Complex Analysis, and Potential Theory, Nato Science Series II, 137, pp. 1-28, (2001)
- Power series: Analytic continuation and location of singularities, Russian, University Press, Yerevan, pp. 100, (1991)
- Some questions of the approximation theory and the theory of entire functions (Review of the Doctor's thesis), Matematicheskie Zametki, 9, (4), pp. 467-475, (1971)
- Some questions of the approximation theory and the theory of entire functions, Doctorial dissertation (manuscript), Yerevan, pp. 100, (1970)
- Asymptotic and uniform approximations by entire functions in the complex plane, Candidate dissertation (manuscript), Yerevan, pp. 69, (1962)
- Asymptotic and uniform approximations by entire functions in the complex plane, (Auto-reference of Candidate dissertation). Yerevan, University Press, (1962)