Christensen J.P.R. |
Topology and Borel Structure. Discriptive topology and set theory with applications to functional analysis and measure theory. |
Christian U. |
Selberg's Zeta-, L-, and Eisenstein-series |
Chrystal G. |
Algebra. An elementary text-book for the higher classes of secondary schools and for colleges. Pt. I. |
Chrystal G. |
Algebra. An elementary text-book for the higher classes of secondary schools and for colleges. Pt. II. |
Chudnovsky G., ed. |
The Riemann problem, complete integrability and arithmetic applications. Proceedings of a seminar held at the Inst. des hauntes etudes scien., Bures-sur Yvete, France, Columbia Univers., New York, USA, 1979-1980. |
Chung Kai Lai |
Elementary Probability Theory with Stochastic Processes. |
Chung Kai Lai |
Markov Chains with Stationary Transition Probabilities. |
Chung-Chun Yang |
Factorization theory of meromorphic functions and related topics. |
Churchill R.V. |
Fourier series and boundary value problems. |
Churchill R.V. |
Intrloduction to complex variables and applications. |
Churchill R.V. |
Modern Operational Mathematics in Engineering. |
Churchill R.V. |
Operational mathematics. |
Ciarlet Ph.G., Rabier P. |
Les Equations de von Karman. |
Ciesielski Z. Editor |
Approximation Theory. V.4.Papers presented at the Stefan Banach International Mathematical Centre at the Semester "Approximation Theory" helld September 17-December 17,1975 |
Ciesielski Z., Olech V., editors |
Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians, Warszaw, August 16 - 24, 1983. Vol. I. |
Ciesielski Z., Olech V., editors |
Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians. August 16 - 24, 1983. Warszawa. Vol. II. |
Cigler J., Losert V., Michor P. |
Banach modules and functors on categories of Banach spaces. |
Ciliberto C. and others, Editor |
Algebraic Geometry-Open Problems.Proceedings of the conference held in Ravello. May 31-June 5, 1982. |
Cinlar E. |
Introduction to Stochastic Processes |
Cinquini S. |
Funzioni Quasi-Periodiche. (Anno Academico 1948-1949) |
Ciucu G., Craiu V. |
Introducere in teoria probabilitatilor si statistica matematica. |
Ciucu G., Theodorescu R. |
Procese cu legaturi complete. |
Clairaut |
Elements d'algebre. T. I. |
Clancey K. |
Seminormal Operators. |
Cliford W.K. |
Derr Sinn der exakten Wissenschaft in gemeinverstaendlicher Form darstellt. |
Clunie J., Hayman W.K., editors |
Proceedings of the Symposium on Complex Analysis, Canterbury 1973. |
Cochran W. G., Cox G.M. |
Experimental designs. |
Coddington E.A., Snoo H.S.V. |
Regular boundary value problems with pairs of ordinary differential expressions. |
Coeure G. |
Analytic functions and manifolds in infinite dimensional spaces. |
Coffin J.G. |
Vector analysis. An introduction to vector-methods and their various applications to physics and mathematics. |
Cohen A. |
An Introduction to the Lie Theory of One-Paeameter Groups.With Application of Differential Equations. 2nd edit. |
Cohn H. |
Conformal mappings on Riemann surfaces. |
Cohn P.M. |
Lie Groups. |
Cohn R.M. |
Difference Algebra |
Collatz L. |
Eigenwertprobleme und ihre numerische behandlung. |
Collatz L. |
Numerische Behandlung von Differentialgleichungen. |
Collatz L. |
Numerische Behandlung von Differentialgleichungen. |
Collingwood E.F., Lohwater A.J. |
The theory of cluster sets. |
Colliot Thelene J.-L. a.o., editors |
Géométrie Algébrique Réelle et Formes Quadratiques. Proceedings, Rennes 1981. |
Colombo S. |
Les transformations de Mellin et de Hankel. Applications a la physique mathématique. |