
Author Title
Christensen J.P.R. Topology and Borel Structure. Discriptive topology and set theory with applications to functional analysis and measure theory.
Christian U. Selberg's Zeta-, L-, and Eisenstein-series
Chrystal G. Algebra. An elementary text-book for the higher classes of secondary schools and for colleges. Pt. I.
Chrystal G. Algebra. An elementary text-book for the higher classes of secondary schools and for colleges. Pt. II.
Chudnovsky G., ed. The Riemann problem, complete integrability and arithmetic applications. Proceedings of a seminar held at the Inst. des hauntes etudes scien., Bures-sur Yvete, France, Columbia Univers., New York, USA, 1979-1980.
Chung Kai Lai Elementary Probability Theory with Stochastic Processes.
Chung Kai Lai Markov Chains with Stationary Transition Probabilities.
Chung-Chun Yang Factorization theory of meromorphic functions and related topics.
Churchill R.V. Fourier series and boundary value problems.
Churchill R.V. Intrloduction to complex variables and applications.
Churchill R.V. Modern Operational Mathematics in Engineering.
Churchill R.V. Operational mathematics.
Ciarlet Ph.G., Rabier P. Les Equations de von Karman.
Ciesielski Z. Editor Approximation Theory. V.4.Papers presented at the Stefan Banach International Mathematical Centre at the Semester "Approximation Theory" helld September 17-December 17,1975
Ciesielski Z., Olech V., editors Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians, Warszaw, August 16 - 24, 1983. Vol. I.
Ciesielski Z., Olech V., editors Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians. August 16 - 24, 1983. Warszawa. Vol. II.
Cigler J., Losert V., Michor P. Banach modules and functors on categories of Banach spaces.
Ciliberto C. and others, Editor Algebraic Geometry-Open Problems.Proceedings of the conference held in Ravello. May 31-June 5, 1982.
Cinlar E. Introduction to Stochastic Processes
Cinquini S. Funzioni Quasi-Periodiche. (Anno Academico 1948-1949)
Ciucu G., Craiu V. Introducere in teoria probabilitatilor si statistica matematica.
Ciucu G., Theodorescu R. Procese cu legaturi complete.
Clairaut Elements d'algebre. T. I.
Clancey K. Seminormal Operators.
Cliford W.K. Derr Sinn der exakten Wissenschaft in gemeinverstaendlicher Form darstellt.
Clunie J., Hayman W.K., editors Proceedings of the Symposium on Complex Analysis, Canterbury 1973.
Cochran W. G., Cox G.M. Experimental designs.
Coddington E.A., Snoo H.S.V. Regular boundary value problems with pairs of ordinary differential expressions.
Coeure G. Analytic functions and manifolds in infinite dimensional spaces.
Coffin J.G. Vector analysis. An introduction to vector-methods and their various applications to physics and mathematics.
Cohen A. An Introduction to the Lie Theory of One-Paeameter Groups.With Application of Differential Equations. 2nd edit.
Cohn H. Conformal mappings on Riemann surfaces.
Cohn P.M. Lie Groups.
Cohn R.M. Difference Algebra
Collatz L. Eigenwertprobleme und ihre numerische behandlung.
Collatz L. Numerische Behandlung von Differentialgleichungen.
Collatz L. Numerische Behandlung von Differentialgleichungen.
Collingwood E.F., Lohwater A.J. The theory of cluster sets.
Colliot Thelene J.-L. a.o., editors Géométrie Algébrique Réelle et Formes Quadratiques. Proceedings, Rennes 1981.
Colombo S. Les transformations de Mellin et de Hankel. Applications a la physique mathématique.
