Cauchy A.-L. |
Exercices de mathématiques. 1 Annee. |
Cauchy A.-L. |
Exercices de mathématiques. 2 Annee. |
Cauchy A.-L. |
Exercices de mathématiques. 3 Annee. |
Cauchy A.-L. |
Exercices de mathématiques. 4 Annee. |
Cauchy A.-L. |
Leçons sur les applications du calcul infinitésimal a la géométrie. T. I. |
Cauchy A.-L. |
Résume des leçons données a l'école Royale Polytechnique, sur le calcul infinitésimal. T. I. |
Cavailles J. |
Transfini et continu. |
Cayley A. |
An elementary treatise on elliptic functions. |
Cazacu C. a.o., editors |
Complex Analysis - Fifth Romanian-Finnish seminar. Pt. I. Proceedings of the seminar held in Bucharest, June 28 - July 3, 1981. |
Cazacu C. a.o., editors |
Complex Analysis - Fifth Romanian-Finnish seminar. Pt. II. Proceedings of the seminar held in Bucharest, June 28 - July 3, 1981. |
Cazacu C.A. a.o., editors |
Romanian-Finnish seminar on complex analysis. Proceedings, Bucharest, Romania, June 27 - July 2, 1976. |
Cazacu C.A., Constantinescu C., Jurchescu M. |
Probleme Moderne De Teoria Functiilor. |
Cech E. |
Topological spaces. |
Cech E. |
Topologicke prostory. |
Cerf G. |
Transformations de contact et probleme de Pfaff. |
Cesari L. |
Asymptotic behavior and stability problems in ordinary differential equations. |
Chambers E.G. |
Statistical calculation for beginners. |
Chandrasekharan K. |
Einfuehrung in die Analytische Zahlentheorie. |
Chandrasekharan K. |
Elliptic functions. |
Chao J.-A., Woyczynski W.A., editors |
Martingale theory in harmonic analysis and Banach spaces. Proceedings of the NSF-CBMS conference held at the Cleveland State University, Cleveland, Ohio, July 13-17, 1981. |
Charriere H. |
Triangulation Formelle de Certains Systèmes de Pfaff Complément Intégrables et Application a l'Etude C des Systèmes Linéaires. Thèse. |
Charriere H., Gerard R. |
Formal Reduction of Integrable Connexion Having s Certain Kind of Irregular Singularities. |
Charrueau M.A. |
Sur des congruences de droites ou de courbes et sur une transformation de congruences. |
Chastellet Du |
Principes mathématiques de la philosophie naturelle. T. II. |
Chazarian J. |
Equations aux dérivées partielles. (Cours de C. 4) |
Chen Kien-Kwong |
Summation of the Fourier series of orthogonal functions. |
Chern S.S. |
Complex manifolds without potential theory. |
Chernoff H., Moses L.E. |
Elementary Decision Theory. |
Cherry W., Ye Z. |
Nevanlinna's Theory of Value Distribution. The Second Main Theorem and its Error Terms. |
Chevalier L. |
Mesures purement aromiques orthogonales a une algèbre de fonctions. Thèse. |
Chevalley C.C. |
The Algebraic Theory of Spinors |
Chevalley Cl. |
Fundamental concepts of algebra. |
Chevalley Cl. |
Introduction to the theory of algebraic functions of one variable. |
Chevalley Cl. |
Theory of Lie groups: I. |
Choquet G. |
Cours d'analyse. T. II. Topologie. |
Choquet G. |
Cours de topologie. Espaces topologiques et espaces métriques. Fonctions numériques. Espaces vectoriels topologiques. |
Choquet G., Deny J. |
Modèles finis en théorie du potentiel. |
Chorafas D.N. |
Systems and Simulation. |
Chou Chin-Cheng |
La Transformation de Fourier Complexe et l'Equation de Convolution. |
Chowla S. |
The Riemann hypothesis and Hilbert's tenth problem. |