
Հեղինակ Վերնագիրsort descending
Hardy G.H. A course of pure mathematics.
Helmholtz H. Abhandlungen zur Thermodynamik.
Hewitt E., Ross K.A. Abstract Harmonic Analysis. Vol. 2. Structure and Analysis for Compact Groups Analysis on Locally Compact Abelian Groups.
Hungerford Th. W. Algebra.
Hartshorne R. Algebraic Geometry.
Halmos P.R. Algebraic Logic
Heinig G., Rost K. Algebraic methods for Toeplitz-like matrices and operators.
Hoffman P., Snaith V., Editors Algebraic topology Waterloo 1978.Proceedings of a conference sponsored by the Canadian Mathematical Society,NSERC(Canada), and the University of Waterloo,June 1978
Harpe P. Editor Algebre's operteurs.Seminaire sur les algebres d'operateurs,Les planssur Bex,Suisse, 13-18 mars 1978
Huggett S.A., Tod K.P. An Introduction to Twistor Theory.
Hadamard J. An essay on the psychology of invention in the mathematical field.
Hoermander L. An Introduction to Complex Analysis in Several Variables.
Hilton P.J. An introduction to homotopy theory.
Houstoun R.A. An introduction to mathematical physics.
Herz C.S. Analyse harmonique a plusieurs variables.
Hess A. Analytische Geometrie fuer Studierende der Technik und zum Selbststudium.
Haag J. Applications au tir.
Haight F.A. Applied probability.
Hensel K. Arithmetische Untersuchungen ueber Discriminanten und ihre ausserwesentlichen Theiler. Inaugural-Dissertation.
Harish-Chandra Automorphic Forms on Semisimple Lie Groups.
Heffter L. Begruedung der Funktiontheorie auf Alten und Neuen Wegen.
Herbst H. Beitrag zur Theorie der orthogonalen Substitutionen. Inaugural-Dissertation. 16 Mai, 1879.
Halmos P.R., Sunder V.S. Bounded operators on L_2 spaces.
Heise D.R. Causal Analysis
Horadam A.F., Wallis W.D., editors Combinatorial Mathematics VI. Proceedings of the Sixth Australian Conference on Combinatorial Mathematics, Armidale, Australia, August 1978.
Holton D.A., Seberry J., editors Combinatorial Mathematics. Proceedings of the International Conference on Combinatorial Theory. Canberra, Australian Academy of Sciences. August 16 - 27, 1977.
Humbert G. Cours d'analyse professe a l'école Polytechnique. T. I. Calcul différentiel. Principes du calcul intégral. Applications géométriques.
Hsu Frank D. Cyclic Neofields and combinatorial Designs.
Henkin L., Monk J.D., Tarski A., Nemeti I., Andreka H. Cylindric set algebras. Cylindric set algebras and related structures. By L. Henkin, J.D. Monk, A. Tarski. On cylindric relativized set algebras. By H. Andreka, I. Nemeti.
Haussner R. Darstellende Geometrie. Teil I. Elemente; Ebenflaechige Gebilde.
Hayes C.A., Pauc C.Y. Derivation and martingales.
Hrusa K. Deset kapitol z diferencialniho a integralniho poctu.
Hartley R.W. Determination of the ternary collineation groups whose coefficients lie in the GF(2^n). A thesis in mathematics for the degree of doctor philosophy.
Hoefler A. Didaktik des Mathematischen Unterrichts.
Hort W. Die Differentialgleichungen der Technik und Physik.Siebente Aufl. des Lehrbuches "Die Differentialgleichungen des Ingenieurs".
Hort W. Die Differentialgleichungen des Ingenieurs.
Hellwig G. Differential Operators of Mathematical Physics. An Untroduction
Hirsch M.W. Differential Topology.
Hlavaty V. Differentialgeometrie der Kurven und Flaechen und Tensorrechnung.
Hellwig G. Differentialoperatoren der mathematischen Physik.
