
Հեղինակ Վերնագիր
Neumann C. Vorlesungen ueber Riemann's Theorie der Abel'schen Integrale.
Neumann J. Mathematische Grundlagen der Quantenmechanik.
Neumann von John Collected Works V.5: Design of Computers, Theory of Automata and Numerical Analysis
Neumann von John Collected Works V.6:Theory of Games, Astrophysics,Hydrodinamics and Meterorology
Neumann von John Collected Works. V.4:Continuous Geometry and Other Topics
Neumann von John Collected works. Vol. I. Logic, theory of sets and quantum mechanics.
Neumann von John Collected works. Vol. II. Operators, ergodic theory and almost periodic functions in a group.
Neumann von John Collected works. Vol. III. Rings of operators.
Neumann von John Continuous geometry.
Neumann von John Functional operators. Vol. I. Measures and integrals.
Neumann von John Functional operators. Vol. II. The geometry of orthogonal spaces.
Neuts M.F. Matrix-Geometric Solutions in Stochastic Models. An Algorithmic Approach
Nevai P. Geza Freud, Christoffel functions and orthogonal polynomials.
Nevanlinna E. Zur Theorie der Asymptotischen Potenzreihen.
Nevanlinna F. & R. Absolute Analysis.
Nevanlinna R. Eindeutige Analytische Funktionen.
Nevanlinna R. La théorème de Picard-Borel et la théorie des fonctions meromorphes.
Nevanlinna R. Uniformisierung.
Nevel'son M.B., Has'minskii R.Z. Stochastic Approximation and Recursive Estimation
Neville E.H. Jacobian elliptic functions.
Newell G.F. Approximate behavior of tandem queues.
Newman D.J. Approximation with rational functions.
Newman M.H.A. Elements of the topology of plane sets of points.
Newton Isaac Arithmetica Universallis; sive de compositione et resolutione arithmetica liber.
Newton Isaac Principiile Matematice ale filozofiei naturale.
Newton Isaac Sir Isaac Newton's Mathematische Principien der Naturlehre.
Ney P. edit. Advances in Probability and Related Topics. V.1
Ney P. edit. Advances in Probability and Related Topics. V.2
Neyman J., ed. Proceedings of the Fourth Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability. June 20 - July 30, 1960. Vol. I. Contribution to the Theory of Statistics.
Neyman J., ed. Proceedings of the Third Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability. Held at the Statistical Laboratory, University of California, December 1954 to July & August 1955. Vol. I. Contributions to the theory of statistics.
Neyman J., ed. Proceedings of the Third Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability. Held at the Statistical laboratory, University of california, December 1954 to July & August 1955. Vol. II. Contributions to Probability theory.
Nicolesco M. Les fonctions polyharmoniques.
Nicolescu M. Seminar M. Nicolescu 1959-1960. Teoria spectrala in algebre Banach (Necomutative) axata pe notiunea de Rezolventa.
Nielsen N. Handbuch der Theorie der Gamma-funktion.
Nielsen N. Theorie des Integrallogarithmus und Verwandter Transzendenten.
Niewenglowski B. Cours d'algebre a l'usage des eleves de la classe de mathematiques speciales et des candidats a l'ecole normale superieure at a l'ecole polytechnique. T. II.
Niewenglowski B. Cours d'algèbre a l'usage des élevés de la classe de mathématiques spéciales et des candidats a l'école normale supérieure et a l'école polytechnique. T. I.
Niewenglowski B. Cours de Géométrie Analytique a l'usage des élevés de la classe de mathématiques spéciales et des candidats aux écoles du Gouvernement . T.I. Sections coniques.
Nikolski N.K. Operators,Functions and Systems: An Easy Reading. V.1,2
Nikolski N.K. Operators,Functions and Systems: An Easy Reading. V.1,2
