Տաթևիկ Ղարիբյան
Current position
ՀՀ ԳԱԱ Մաթեմատիկայի գիտահետազոտական ինստիտուտ
Բաղրամյան պող. 24/5, 0019 Երևան, Հայաստան
Ծննդյան օր
17 հուլիս, 1974
(+374 91) 011864 mobile / (+374 10) 357780 home
Հետաքրքրությունների ոլորտ:
- Complex Analysis
- Approximation Theory
- Summability Theory
- Harmonic Analysis
- Partial differential equations
Education and Degrees
Graduate: Department of Mathematics, Yerevan State University
1991 to 1996
Post Graduate: Department of Mathematics, Yerevan State University
1996 to 2002
Yerevan State University
Ph. D.
Dissertation: "Some Properties of Lacunary Power Series".
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. V. A. Martirosian.
Professional Experience
Company Name:
Department of Complex Analysis, Instituite of Mathematics of the National Academy of Sciences of Armenia.
Scientific researcher
Time Period:
Company Name:
Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
Visiting Researcher
Time Period:
Company Name:
Trier University, Germany
Visiting Researcher
Time Period:
Company Name:
Trier University, Germany
Visiting Researcher
Time Period:
Company Name:
Trier University, Germany
Visiting Researcher
Time Period:
Company Name:
Trier University, Germany
Visiting Researcher
Time Period:
2002 to 2003
Company Name:
Department of Mathematics, Yerevan State Universituy
Assistant of Professor
Time Period:
2001 to 2002
American Mathematical Society (AMS)
- Royal Institute of Technology, February - April 2008, supported by Research Foundation of the Royal Institute of Technology, Stocholm, Sweden.
- University of Trier, Department of Mathematics, September - November 2007, supported by Research Foundation of the University of Trier, Germany.
- University of Trier, Department of Mathematics, winter semester 2005-2006, supported by German Academic Exchange Service (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst), Germany.
- University of Trier, Department of Mathematics, August- November 2004, supported by Forschungsfond Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany.
- University of Trier and University of Oldenburg, Department of Mathematics, winter semester 2002-2003, supported by German Academic Exchange Service (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst),Germany.
Participation in Conferences
- Conference on Universal Functions and Hypercyclic Operators, April 2-5, 2008, University Trier, Germany.
- Mini-Workshop at the Mathematisches Forshungsinstitut Oberwolfach, Complex Approximation and Universality, February 10-16, 2008,Oberwolfach, Germany.
- AMS Sectional meeting, Special Session on Approximation Theory and Orthogonal Polynomials; Application of lacunary approximation in summability theory, Florida International University, April 1-2, 2006, Florida, USA.
- International Conference on Harmonic Analysis and Approximations, III ; Lacunary summability, September 20 – 27, 2005, Tsahkadzor, Armenia
- Tagung über Analysis und Zahlentheorie; Lacunary summability, analytic continuation and universal approximation; September 6-11, 2004, Colfosco, Italy.
- International Conference on Mathematics in Armenia, Advances and Perspectives; On lacunary power series with various universal properties; September 30-October 7, 2003, Tsahkadzor, Armenia.
- International Conference on Mathematics in Armenia, Advances and Perspectives; On the boundary behaviour of univalent functions; September 30-October 7, 2003, Tsahkadzor, Armenia.
- International Conference on Harmonic Analysis and Approximations, II; On location of spiral singularities of power series; September 11-18, 2001, Nor-Amberd, Armenia.
Invited Talks:
- Seminar Analysis Luettich-Trier,Lacunary summability and universal approximation, November 9, 2007, Trier University, Germany.
- West Virginia University; Lacunary summability and analytic continuation of power series, April 6, 2006, Morgantown, West Virginia, USA.
- University Eichstaett-Ingolstadt; Application of lacunary approximation in summability, February 15, 2006, Germany.
- FernUniversität in Haagen; Lacunary summability and universal approximation; November 9, 2004, Germany.
- Universität Dortmund; Lacunary summability, analytic continuation and universal approximation; November 8, 2004, Germany.
- Universität Würzburg; Lacunary summability, analytic continuation and universal approximation; October 20, 2004, Germany.
- Universität Paderborn; Universal power series with Poisson gaps; December 11, 2003, Germany.
Université de Metz;Lacunary approximation and universal functions; December 05, 2003, France.
Universität Oldenburg; Boundary properties of lacunary holomorphic functions; March 13, 2003, Germany.
Universität Ulm; Radial boundary values of analytic functions representable by lacunary power series; February 24, 2003, Germany.
Universität Trier;Radial boundary values of analytic functions representable by lacunary power series ; January 23, 2003, Germany.