Նաիրի Մեսրոպյանի հրապարակումներ (Full profile)


  1. Naira Mesropyan, Textbook on probability and applied statistics, Yerevan State University Press, Yerevan, (2000)
  2. Naira Mesropyan, Probability and applied statistics problem book, Yerevan State University Press, Yerevan, (2000)
  3. Naira Mesropyan, Probability theory problem book, Part 2, (1993)
  4. Naira Mesropyan, Probability theory problem book, Part 1, (1982)
  5. Naira Mesropyan, Probability theory problem book, Part 3, (1979)
  6. Naira Mesropyan, Probability theory problem book, Part 2, (1978)


  1. N. Mesropyan, On Lebesgue property of structure type of conditional regular and innovation processes in the scheme of signal plus noise, Uch Zap EGU, 1, (1996)
  2. N. Mesropyan, On cosine of angle between past and future of stationary processes, Uch Zap EGU, 2, (1988)
  3. N. Mesropyan, On asymptotic behavior of prediction error for stationary process in multivariate case, Uch Zap EGU, 2, (1983)
  4. N. Mesropyan, On prediction error for continuous time stationary process, In: Mezhvuz. Sbornik Nauch. Trudov, Erevan, (1982)
  5. N. Mesropyan, On multiplicity of innovation processes for processes of incomplete rank, Uch Zap EGU, 2, (1982)
  6. N. Mesropyan, On asymptotic behavior of prediction error for vector stationary processes of incomplete rank, Zap. Nauchn. Semin. LOMI, 78, (1978)
  7. N. Mesropyan, On structure of space generated by n-dimensional stationary process, Izv. AN. Arm. SSR. , X, 4, (1975)