Անրի Ներսեսյանի հրապարակումներ (Full profile)


  1. Nersesyan, A. B., On some studies on optimal control and observation [letter to the editor], Izv. Nats. Akad. Nauk Armen. Mekh., 68, (4), pp. 62--73, (2015)
  2. Arzumanian, Victor; Barkhudaryan, Rafayel; Eigen, Stanley; Nersessian, Anry, Arshag {H}ajian: by the 85th anniversary, Armen. J. Math., 7, (2), pp. 80--84, (2015)
  3. Nersessian, Anry, An economical method for compression of {F}ourier cosine transformations, Armen. J. Math., 6, (1), pp. 1--15, (2014)
  4. Nersesyan, A. B., Erratum: ``{S}olvability of a class of integro-differential equations of first order with variable coefficients'' by {K}h. {A}. {K}hachatryan [MR2451396], Math. Notes, 91, (5-6), pp. 751--752, (2012)
  5. Nersesyan, A. B.; Gasparyan, A. A., Acceleration of the convergence of series in {L}egendre polynomials, Dokl. Nats. Akad. Nauk Armen., 111, (4), pp. 317--325, (2011)
  6. Kamalyan, A. G.; Nersesyan, A. B.; Khachatryan, I. G., Integral {L}-convolution operators on the half-line, Dokl. Nats. Akad. Nauk Armen., 111, (1), pp. 15--22, (2011)
  7. Nersesyan, A. B.; Gasparyan, A. A. , Acceleration of the convergence of series in Legendre polynomials, Dokl. Nats. Akad. Nauk Armen., 111, (4), pp. 317-325, (2011)
  8. Kamalyan, A. G.; Nersesyan, A. B.; Khachatryan, I. G., Integral L-convolution operators on the half-line, Dokl. Nats. Akad. Nauk Armen., 111, (1), pp. 15-22, (2011)
  9. Nersessian, Anry, Convergence acceleration of {F}ourier series revisited, Armen. J. Math., 3, (4), pp. 152--161, (2010)
  10. Nersessian, Anry , Convergence acceleration of Fourier series revisited, Armen. J. Math., 3, (4), pp. 152-161, (2010)
  11. Nersessian, Anry; Poghosyan, Arnak, The convergence acceleration of two-dimensional {F}ourier interpolation, Armen. J. Math., 1, (1), pp. 50--63, (2008)
  12. Nersessian, Anry; Poghosyan, Arnak , The convergence acceleration of two-dimensional Fourier interpolation, Armen. J. Math., 1, (1), pp. 50-63, (2008)
  13. Nersesyan, A. B., Acceleration of the convergence of eigenfunction expansions, Dokl. Nats. Akad. Nauk Armen., 107, (2), pp. 124--131, (2007)
  14. A.Nersessian, Accelerated convergence of eigenfunction expansions.[in Russian], Armenian Academy Reports, 107, (2), pp. 124-131, (2007)
  15. Nersesyan, A.; Pogosyan, A.; Barkhudaryan, R., Accelerated convergence of {F}ourier series, Izv. Nats. Akad. Nauk Armenii Mat., 41, (2), pp. 43--56, (2006)
  16. Nersesyan, A. B.; Barkhudaryan, R. G., Acceleration of the convergence of an eigenfunction expansion of a model boundary value problem with a discontinuous coefficient, Dokl. Nats. Akad. Nauk Armen., 106, (1), pp. 5--12, (2006)
  17. Nersessian, Anry; Poghosyan, Arnak, Accelerating the convergence of trigonometric series, Cent. Eur. J. Math., 4, (3), pp. 435--448, (2006)
  18. Nersessian, A.; Poghosyan, A., On a rational linear approximation of {F}ourier series for smooth functions, J. Sci. Comput., 26, (1), pp. 111--125, (2006)
  19. Nersesyan, A.; Pogosyan, A.; Barkhudaryan, R., Accelerated convergence of Fourier series, Izv. Nats. Akad. Nauk Armenii Mat., 41, (2), pp. 43-56, (2006)
    Published translation
    J. Contemp. Math. Anal.
    , pp. 39-51
  20. Nersesyan, A. B.; Barkhudaryan, R. G., Acceleration of the convergence of an eigenfunction expansion of a model boundary value problem with a discontinuous coefficient, Dokl. Nats. Akad. Nauk Armen., 106, (1), pp. 5-12, (2006)
  21. A.Nersessian and A. Poghosyan., On a rational linear approximation of Fourier series for smooth functions. , Journal of Scientific Computiong, 26, (1), pp. 111-125, (2006)
  22. Anry Nersessian, Arnak Poghosyan, Accelerating the convergence of trigonometric series, Central European Journal of Mathematics Central European Journal of Mathematics, 4, (3), pp. 435-448, (2006)
  23. Nersesyan, A. B.; Pogosyan, A. V., Asymptotic estimates for a nonlinear method of accelerated convergence of {F}ourier series, Dokl. Nats. Akad. Nauk Armen., 105, (4), pp. 309--316, (2005)
  24. Nersesyan, A. B., Acceleration of the convergence of {F}ourier-{B}essel series for piecewise-smooth functions, Dokl. Nats. Akad. Nauk Armen., 105, (1), pp. 28--35, (2005)
  25. Nersesyan, A. B.; Pogosyan, A. V., Asymptotic estimates for a nonlinear method of accelerated convergence of Fourier series, Dokl. Nats. Akad. Nauk Armen., 105, (4), pp. 309-316, (2005)
  26. Nersesyan, A. B., Acceleration of the convergence of Fourier-Bessel series for piecewise-smooth functions, Dokl. Nats. Akad. Nauk Armen., 105, (1), pp. 28-35, (2005)
  27. Nersesyan, A. B., Bernoulli-type quasipolynomials and the acceleration of the convergence of {F}ourier series of piecewise-smooth functions, Dokl. Nats. Akad. Nauk Armen., 104, (4), pp. 273--279, (2004)
  28. Nersesyan, A. B.; Pogosyan, A. V., A linear rational approximation on a finite interval, Dokl. Nats. Akad. Nauk Armen., 104, (3), pp. 177--184, (2004)
  29. Nersessian, Anry, Generating functions and wavelet-like decompositions, 147, pp. 443--451, (2004)
  30. Nersesyan, A. B. , Bernoulli-type quasipolynomials and the acceleration of the convergence of Fourier series of piecewise-smooth functions, Dokl. Nats. Akad. Nauk Armen., 104, (4), pp. 273-279, (2004)
  31. Nersesyan, A. B.; Pogosyan, A. V., A linear rational approximation on a finite interval, Dokl. Nats. Akad. Nauk Armen., 104, (3), pp. 177-184, (2004)
  32. Nersesyan, A. B., On a generalization of the {P}ad\'e approximation, Dokl. Nats. Akad. Nauk Armen., 103, (4), pp. 279--285, (2003)
  33. Nersesyan, A. B., On a generalization of the Pad�© approximation, Dokl. Nats. Akad. Nauk Armen., 103, (4), pp. 279-285, (2003)
  34. Nersesyan, A. B.; Oganesyan, N. V., Minimization of a uniform error of polynomial-trigonometric interpolation with shifted nodes, Izv. Nats. Akad. Nauk Armenii Mat., 37, (5), pp. 40--57, (2002)
  35. Nersesyan, A. B.; Oganesyan, N. V., Minimization of a uniform error of polynomial-trigonometric interpolation with shifted nodes, Izv. Nats. Akad. Nauk Armenii Mat., 37, (5), pp. 40-57, (2002)
    Published translation
    J. Contemp. Math. Anal.
    , pp. 48-62
  36. Nersessian, A. B.; Poghosyan, A. V., {L2}-estimates for convergence rate of polynomial-periodic approximations by translates, Izv. Nats. Akad. Nauk Armenii Mat., 36, (3), pp. 59--77 (2002), (2001)
  37. Nersesyan, A. B.; Oganesyan, N. V., Quasiperiodic interpolation, Dokl. Nats. Akad. Nauk Armen., 101, (2), pp. 115--121, (2001)
  38. Nersesyan, A. B., The quasiexponential function and {F}ourier quasitransforms, Dokl. Nats. Akad. Nauk Armen., 101, (1), pp. 5--11, (2001)
  39. Nersessian, A. B.; Poghosyan, A. V., L2-estimates for convergence rate of polynomial-periodic approximations by translates, Izv. Nats. Akad. Nauk Armenii Mat., 36, (3), pp. 59-77, (2001)
    Published translation
    J. Contemp. Math. Anal.
    , pp. 56-74
  40. Anry Nersessian, A family of approximation formulas and some applications, Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization, 21, (1&2), pp. 227-240, (2000)
  41. Nersesyan, A. B., Parametric approximation and some of its applications, Dokl. Nats. Akad. Nauk Armen., 98, (1), pp. 23--30, (1998)
  42. Nersesyan, A. B.; Pogosyan, A. V.; Saakyan, K. P., Numerical solution of convolution-type equations, Dokl. Nats. Akad. Nauk Armen., 98, (2), pp. 96--101, (1998)
  43. Nersessian, Anry, Mkhitar {M}. {D}jrbashian [1918--1994], Fract. Calc. Appl. Anal., 1, (4), pp. 411--414, (1998)
  44. Anry Nersessian, Parametric approximation and some its applications, [in Russian], DNAN Armenii, 98, (1), pp. 23-30, (1998)
  45. Nersesyan, A. B.; Oganesyan, N. V., Letter to the editors: ``{H}igh-accuracy algorithms for integral equations with difference kernels'' [{I}zv. {N}ats. {A}kad. {N}auk {A}rmenii {M}at. {\bf 29} (1994), no. 6, 67--79; {MR}1646991 (99f:65205)], Izv. Nats. Akad. Nauk Armenii Mat., 31, (5), pp. 90 (1999), (1996)
  46. Nersesyan, A. B.; Atiya, G. M., Solution of integral equations of potential theory, Dokl. Nats. Akad. Nauk Armen., 95, (2), pp. 67--71, (1995)
  47. Nersesyan, A. B.; Oganesyan, N. V., High-accuracy algorithms for integral equations with difference kernels, Izv. Nats. Akad. Nauk Armenii Mat., 29, (6), pp. 82--96 (1997), (1994)
  48. Kamalyan, A. G.; Khachatryan, I. G.; Nersesyan, A. B., Solvability of integral equations with operators of {L}-convolution type, Izv. Nats. Akad. Nauk Armenii Mat., 29, (6), pp. 31--81 (1997), (1994)
  49. Nersesyan, A. B., Integral equations associated with the singular {S}turm-{L}iouville problem with a point source, Izv. Nats. Akad. Nauk Armenii Mat., 29, (6), pp. 7--30 (1997), (1994)
  50. Nersesyan, A. B.; Darbinyan, K. S., The embedding method for solving nonlinear integral equations, Akad. Nauk Armenii Dokl., 94, (2), pp. 83--87 (1994), (1993)
  51. Nersesyan, A. B.; Tsirunyan, S. A., A fast algorithm for solving a multidimensional equation with a partially {T}oeplitz kernel, Akad. Nauk Armenii Dokl., 94, (1), pp. 11--16, (1993)
  52. Nersesyan, A. B., On efficient numerical solution of integral equations, Izv. Nats. Akad. Nauk Armenii Mat., 27, (2), pp. 3--63 (1995), (1992)
  53. Gamaryan, A. L.; Nersesyan, A. B.; Oganyan, G. A., Numerical solution of a {F}redholm integral equation by the method of automatic condensation of the grid, Izv. Nats. Akad. Nauk Armenii Mat., 27, (1), pp. 78--85 (1994), (1992)
  54. Nersesyan, A. B.; Abdu, M.; Bagdasaryan, Sh. A., A new rapidly solvable integral equation, Akad. Nauk Armenii Dokl., 93, (2), pp. 51--57, (1992)
  55. Nersesyan, A. B.; Agekyan, G. V., Vectorized algorithms for solving systems with {T}oeplitz-type matrices, Akad. Nauk Armenii Dokl., 93, (1), pp. 17--22, (1992)
  56. Nersesyan, A. B.; Bagdasaryan, Sh. A., On increasing the stability of a fast solution algorithm for a class of integral equations, Akad. Nauk Armenii Dokl., 91, (3), pp. 115--120 (1991), (1990)
  57. Nersesyan, A. B.; Beshlikyan, Kh. M., Numerical realization of a new method for solving {T}oeplitz-type equations, Akad. Nauk Armenii Dokl., 91, (4), pp. 152--157 (1991), (1990)
  58. Nrsesyan, A. B.; Sugyan, K. A., Solution of the {D}irichlet problem for the {L}aplace equation in a domain bounded by a lemniscate, Akad. Nauk Armyan. SSR Dokl., 90, (3), pp. 110--115, (1990)
  59. Nersesyan, A. B., New algorithms for the numerical solution of integral equations of the second kind, Akad. Nauk Armyan. SSR Dokl., 89, (4), pp. 171--176 (1990), (1989)
  60. Grigoryan, A. S.; Nersesyan, A. B., A problem of {C}auchy-{G}oursat and {C}auchy-{D}arboux type for a model weakly hyperbolic equation, Izv. Akad. Nauk Armyan. SSR Ser. Mat., 24, (2), pp. 193--198, 201, (1989)
  61. Madunts, \`E. M.; Nersesyan, A. B., The {D}irichlet problem for elliptic systems of second-order differential equations that do not satisfy the {L}opatinski\u\i \ condition, Izv. Akad. Nauk Armyan. SSR Ser. Mat., 24, (2), pp. 135--146, 199, (1989)
  62. Kamalyan, A. G.; Nersesyan, A. B., Integral operators of smooth transfer type, Funktsional. Anal. i Prilozhen., 23, (2), pp. 32--39, (1989)
  63. Nersesyan, A. B.; Sadakashvili, M. G., Noethericity of a discretized system of {W}iener-{H}opf integral equations, Izv. Akad. Nauk Armyan. SSR Ser. Mat., 23, (1), pp. 87--90, 104, (1988)
  64. Lalayan, A. S.; Nersesyan, A. B., Conditions for the solvability of a conjugation problem for a pair of piecewise analytic functions, Izv. Akad. Nauk Armyan. SSR Ser. Mat., 22, (5), pp. 439--450, 514, (1987)
  65. Kamalyan, A. G.; Nersesyan, A. B., Inversion of integral operators with almost sum-difference kernel, Izv. Akad. Nauk Armyan. SSR Ser. Mat., 19, (3), pp. 187--206, 259, (1984)
  66. Nersesyan, A. B.; Chernyavskaya, N. A., Inversion of integral operators with an almost difference kernel, Akad. Nauk Armyan. SSR Dokl., 79, (1), pp. 10--14, (1984)
  67. Nersesyan, A. B., The structure of resolvents of some integral operators with kernels defined by differential equations, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 279, (4), pp. 805--809, (1984)
  68. Nersesyan, A. B.; Papoyan, A. A., Construction of a matrix inverse to the sum of {T}oeplitz and {H}ankel matrices, Izv. Akad. Nauk Armyan. SSR Ser. Mat., 18, (2), pp. 150--160, (1983)
  69. Galumyan, A. G.; Nersesyan, A. B., Estimates of solutions of certain multidimensional integral inequalities, Erevan. Gos. Univ. Uchen. Zap. Estestv. Nauki, (2(150)), pp. 22--32, (1982)
  70. Nersesyan, A. B., The structure of resolvents of certain integral operators, Izv. Akad. Nauk Armyan. SSR Ser. Mat., 17, (6), pp. 442--463, 501, (1982)
  71. Io, I.; Nersesyan, A. B., The rate of equiconvergence of spectral expansions of some functional-differential operators in certain classes of functions of bounded variation, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 264, (5), pp. 1049--1052, (1982)
  72. Mamikonyan, F. O.; Nersesyan, A. B., Inversion of some integral inequalities, Izv. Akad. Nauk Armyan. SSR Ser. Mat., 17, (1), pp. 62--79, 81, (1982)
  73. Agababyan, L. Sh.; Nersesyan, A. B., Some problems for a model weakly hyperbolic equation, Izv. Akad. Nauk Armyan. SSR Ser. Mat., 16, (5), pp. 397--407, 426, (1981)
  74. Agababyan, L. Sh.; Nersesyan, A. B., Sufficient conditions for the well-posedness of the {G}oursat problem for a second-order hyperbolic equation with a power term, Akad. Nauk Armyan. SSR Dokl., 73, (1), pp. 9--16, (1981)
  75. Nersesjan, A. B.; Oganesjan, G. R., The {C}auchy problem for weakly hyperbolic equations, Izv. Akad. Nauk Armjan. SSR Ser. Mat., 9, (2), pp. 149--165, 168, (1974)
  76. Nersesjan, A. B.; Oganesjan, A. O., The correctness of the {C}auchy problem for a certain class of weakly hyperbolic equations, Izv. Akad. Nauk Armjan. SSR Ser. Mat., 8, (3), pp. 255--273, 276, (1973)
  77. Nersesjan, A. B., The {C}auchy problem for a symmetric hyperbolic system that is degenerate on the initial hyperplane, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 196, pp. 289--292, (1971)
  78. Anry Nersessian, Cauchy problem for symmetric hyperbolic system degenerating on the initial hyperplane, [in Russian], DAN SSSR, 196, (2), pp. 113-117, (1971)
  79. Nersesjan, A. B., Infinitely differentiable solutions of the {C}auchy problem for degenerate second order hyperbolic equations, Izv. Akad. Nauk Armjan. SSR Ser. Mat., 4, (3), pp. 182--191, (1969)
  80. Nersesjan, A. B., Some properties of generalized equations of {V}olterra type, Akad. Nauk Armjan. SSR Dokl., 46, (4), pp. 145--149, (1968)
  81. Nersesjan, A. B., The {C}auchy problem for a second order hyperbolic equation which is degenerate on the initial hyperplane, Dokl. akad. Nauk SSSR, 181, pp. 798--801, (1968)
  82. Nersesjan, A. B., The {C}auchy problem for a one-dimensional hyperbolic equation of arbitrary order with data on a curve of degeneracy, Differencial\cprime nye Uravnenija, 4, pp. 1658--1662, (1968)
  83. Nersesjan, A. B., The {C}auchy problem for degenerating second-order hyperbolic equations, Izv. Akad. Nauk Armjan. SSR Ser. Mat., 3, (2), pp. 79--100, (1968)
  84. sjan, M. M.; Nersesjan, A. B., Fractional derivatives and the {C}auchy problem for differential equations of fractional order, Izv. Akad. Nauk Armjan. SSR Ser. Mat., 3, (1), pp. 3--29, (1968)
  85. Agababjan, L. \v S.; Nersesjan, A. B., The {C}auchy problem for a degenerate hyperbolic equation of the third order, Izv. Akad. Nauk Armjan. SSR Ser. Mat., 3, (4-5), pp. 369--385, (1968)
  86. Ambarcumjan, R. V.; Nersesjan, A. B., The critical thickness of a randomized one-dimensional transfer model, Izv. Akad. Nauk Armjan. SSR Ser. Mat., 1, (4), pp. 284--290, (1966)
  87. Nersesjan, A. B., On the {C}auchy problem for degenerated hyperbolic equations of second order, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 166, pp. 1288--1291, (1966)
  88. Nersesjan, A. B., Application of certain transformation operators to boundary-value problems for equations with time lag, Mat. Sb. (N.S.), 63 (105), pp. 341--355, (1964)
  89. Nersesjan, A. B., On the theory of integral equations of {V}olterra type, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 155, pp. 1006--1009, (1964)
  90. Anry Nersessian, To the theory of Volterra type integral equations, [in Russian], DAN SSSR, 155, (5), pp. 1006-1009, (1964)
  91. Nersesjan, A. B., Some boundary-value problems for equations of neutral type, Trudy Sem. Teor. Differencial. Uravneni\u\i s Otklon. Argumentom Univ. D ru\v zby Narodov Patrisa Lumumby, 2, pp. 118--135, (1963)
  92. Nersesjan, A. B., A problem for differential-functional equations, Akad. Nauk Armjan. SSR Dokl., 36, pp. 193--201, (1963)
  93. Nersesjan, A. B., On a class of trigonometrical biorthogonal systems, Izv. Akad. Nauk Armjan. SSR Ser. Fiz.-Mat. Nauk, 15, (2), pp. 69--80, (1962)
  94. Nersesjan, A. B., Expansion in eigenfunctions of some non-selfadjoint boundary problems, Sibirsk. Mat. \v Z., 2, pp. 428--453, (1961)
  95. sjan, M. M.; Nersesjan, A. B., Expansions in certain biorthogonal systems and boundary-value problems for differential equations of fractional order, Trudy Moskov. Mat. Ob\v s\v c., 10, pp. 89--179, (1961)
  96. Nersesjan, A. B., On an eigenvalue problem, Akad. Nauk Armjan. SSR Dokl., 33, pp. 97--103, (1961)
  97. Nersesjan, A. B., Expansion in eigenfunctions of some non-selfadjoint boundary value problems, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 135, pp. 1050--1053, (1960)
  98. sjan, M. M.; Nersesjan, A. B., Expansion in special biorthogonal systems and boundary value problems for differential equations of fractional order, Soviet Math. Dokl, 1, pp. 629--633, (1960)
  99. sjan, M. M.; Nersesjan, A. B., On the structure of certain special biorthogonal systems, Izv. Akad. Nauk Armjan. SSR Ser. Fiz.-Mat. Nauk, 12, (5), pp. 17--42, (1959)
  100. Nersesjan, A. B., Eigenfunction expansion of a boundary value problem for certain integro-differential equations with retarded argument, Izv. Akad. Nauk Armjan. SSR Ser. Fiz.-Mat. Nauk, 12, (6), pp. 37--68, (1959)
  101. Nersesyan, A. B., Expansion in eigenfunctions of an integro-differential equation with lagging argument, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 129, pp. 511--514, (1959)
  102. sjan, M. M.; Nersesyan, A. B., Criteria of expansibility of functions in {D}irichlet series, Izv. Akad. Nauk Armyan. SSR. Ser. Fiz.-Mat. Nauk, 11, (5), pp. 85--106, (1958)
  103. Akopjan, S. A.; Nersesjan, A. B., Some integrodifferential operators and expansions in series analogous to {S}chl\"omilch series, Akad. Nauk Armyan. SSR. Dokl., 27, pp. 201--207, (1958)
  104. syan, M. M.; Nersesyan, A. B., Some integro-differential operators and quasi-analytic classes of functions connected with them, Izv. Akad. Nauk Armyan. SSR. Ser. Fiz.-Mat. Nauk, 11, (5), pp. 107--120, (1958)
  105. syan, M. M.; Nersesyan, A. B., On the use of some integrodifferential operators, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 121, pp. 210--213, (1958)

Conference Paper

  1. Nersessian, Anry, A family of approximation formulas and some applications, Numer. Funct. Anal. Optim., 21, (1-2), pp. 227--240, (2000)