Բորիս Նահապետյանի հրապարակումներ (Full profile)
- Transition energy fields in the method of correlation equations, arXiv:2502.17122 [math.PR], pp. 11, (2025)
- Gibbs scheme in the theory of random fields, arXiv:2408.15369, pp. 19, (2024)
- On the characterization of a finite random field by conditional distribution and its Gibbs form, arXiv:2201.09229, (2022)
- Description of specifications by means of probability distributions in small volumes under condition of very weak positivity, Laboratoire De Mathematiques appliqués, University Blasé Pascale, Preprint 6620 (17p.), (2002)
- An approach towards description of random fields, University du Main, Preprint № 98-5 (37p.), (1998)
- Martingale-difference random fields. Limit theorems and some applications, The Erwin Schredinger International Institute in Mathematical Physics, Vienna, Preprint ESI 283 (22p.), (1995)
- Duality of energy and probability in finite-volume models of statistical physics, Reports of NAS RA, 123, (3-4), pp. 7-14, (2023)
- On the characterization of a finite random field by conditional distribution and its Gibbs form, Journal of Theoretical Probability, 36, pp. 1743–1761, (2023)
- Combinatorial approach to the description of random fields, Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics, 42, (10), pp. 2337–2347, (2021)
- On direct and inverse problems in the description of lattice random fields, Proceedings of the XI international conference stochastic and analytic methods in mathematical physics, Lectures in pure and applied mathematics, 6, pp. 107-116, (2020)
- On the relationship of energy and probability in models of classical statistical physics, Markov Processes and Related Fields, 25, (4), pp. 649-681, (2019)
- On a class of infinite systems of linear equations originating in statistical physics, Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics, 40, (8), pp. 1090-1101, (2019)
- Non-linear functionals preserving normal distribution and their asymptotic normality, Armenian Journal of Mathematics, 10, (5), pp. 1-20, (2018)
- Local limit theorem for conditionally independent random fields, Vestnik of Kazan State Power Engineering University, 1, (2016)
- Consistent systems of finite dimensional distributions, Armenian Journal of Mathematics, 7, (2), pp. 146-163, (2015)
- Multidimensional martingales associated with the Ising model, Vestnik of Kazan State Power Engineering University, 4, pp. 87–101, (2013)
- An algebraic approach to the problem of specification description by means of one-point subsystems, Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Analysis, 48, (1), pp. 46–49, (2013)
- Randomization in the construction of multidimensional martingales, Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Analysis, 48, (1), pp. 35–45, (2013)
- Description of random fields by means of one-point finite conditional distribution, Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Analysis, 46, pp. 113–119, (2011)
- On Gibbsianness of Random Fields, Markov Processes and Related Fields, 15, pp. 81–104, (2009)
- Description of specifications by means of probability distributions in small volumes under condition of very weak positivity, Journal of Statistical Physics, 117, (1-2), pp. 281–300, (2004)
- О скорости сходимости в центральной предельной теореме для мартингал-разностных случайных полей, Известия АН Арм.ССР, серия «Математика», 39, (2), pp. 59–68, (2004)
- Description of random fields by means of one-point conditional distributions and some applications, Markov Processes and Related Fields, 7, pp. 193–214, (2001)
- An approach towards description of random fields, Seminary di Probabilita’e Statistica Mathematica, pp. 1-20, (1998)
- Models with even potentials and the behaviour of total spin at the critical point, Communications in Mathematical Physics, 189, (2), pp. 513–519, (1997)
- Сильная выпуклость давления для спиновых решетчатых систем, Успехи Математических Наук, 52, (2 (314)), pp. 101-108, (1997)
- Inclusion-Exclusion description of random fields, Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Analysis, 30, (6), pp. 50–61, (1995)
- Total spin asymptotic normality at the critical point for a classical statistical physics model, Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Analysis, 30, (6), pp. 71–76, (1995)
- Limit theorems for martingale-difference random fields, Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Analysis, 30, (6), pp. 2–17, (1995)
- Billingsley-Ibragimov theorem for martingale-difference random fields and its applications to some models of classical statistical physics, C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 320, (1), pp. 1539–1544, (1995)
- Decay of correlations in classical lattice spin systems with vacuum, Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Analysis, 30, (6), pp. 29–49, (1995)
- Некоммутативные аналоги центральной предельной теоремы для решетчатых случайных полей, Известия АН Арм.ССР, серия «Математика», 28, (6), pp. 1–10, (1993)
- Оценка скорости сходимости в локальной предельной теореме для числа частиц в спиновых системах, Теоретическая и математическая физика, 95, (3), pp. 497–512, (1993)
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- Центральная предельная теорема для мартингалов, ассоциированных с последовательностями возрастающих множеств, ДАН Арм.ССР, 85, (1), pp. 12–15, (1987)
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- Сильная выпуклость давления для решетчатых систем классической статистической физики, Теоретическая и Математическая физика, 20, (2), pp. 223-234, (1974)
Conference Paper
- Gibbs measure. Evolution of definition and Dobrushin’s thesis, Abstracts of International Conference dedicated to the 90th birthday of Ildar Ibragimov, St Petersburg, September 30 – October 2, pp. 8-9, (2022)
- Adjointness of probability and energy in models of statistical physics, Abstracts of International Conference on Probability Theory and Statistics dedicated to the 75-th anniversary of Prof. E. Khmaladze, 9 - 13 September, Tbilisi, pp. 19, (2019)
- Discrete and inverse problems in the theory of description of random fields, Abstracts of XI International conference Stochastic and Analytic Methods in Mathematical Physics, 2 - 7 September, Yerevan, pp. 22-23, (2019)
- On a class of infinite systems of linear algebraic equations, arising in statistical physics, International Conference Dedicated to the Memory of Academician Mkhitar Djrbashyan, pp. 53, (2018)
- Non-linear functionals preserving normal distribution and their asymptotic normality, Abstracts of VII Russian-Armenian Meeting on Mathematical Physics, Complex Analysis and Related Issues, 9 – 15 September, Yerevan, pp. 82-83, (2018)
- On the relationship of energy and probability in models of classical statistical physics, Abstracts of VII Russian-Armenian Meeting on Mathematical Physics, Complex Analysis and Related Topics, 9 – 15 September, Yerevan, pp. 59, (2018)
- О некоторых функционалах на пространстве конфигураций, ассоциированных со спецификациями случайных полей, Материалы Тринадцатой международной Казанской летней научной школы-конференции «Теория функций, ее приложения и смежные вопросы», 54, pp. 271-275, (2017)
- On the justification of Gibbs formula, Abstracts of X International conference Stochastic and Analytic Methods in Mathematical Physics, Yerevan, pp. 19, (2016)
- 66. Martingale method: applications in the theory of limit theorems and mathematical statistical physics, Abstracts of X International conference Stochastic and Analytic Methods in Mathematical Physics, Yerevan, pp. 28, (2016)
- Local limit theorem for conditionally independent random fields, Abstracts of Annual Session of Armenian Mathematical Union, pp. 79-80, (2016)
- Проблема Добрушина и вопрос обоснования формулы Гиббса, 5-ое Российско-Армянское совещание по Математической физике, комплексному анализу и смежным вопросам, Ереван, pp. 44-45, (2014)
- Martingale method in the theory of random fields, Caucasian Mathematics Conference CMC I, Tbilisi, pp. 115-116, (2014)
- The reconstruction of specification by its one-point subsystem and justification for Gibbs formula, II International Conference Mathematics in Armenia, Tsaghkadzor, pp. 110-112, (2013)
- An algebraic approach to the problem of description of specifications by means of one-point distributions, IX International Conference Stochastic and Analytic Methods in Mathematical Physics, Yerevan, (2012)
- The martingale method in the theory of random fields, IX International Conference Stochastic and Analytic Methods in Mathematical Physics, Yerevan, (2012)
- On functional equations in problems of description of random field’s specifications, Armenian Mathematical Union Annual Session, Yerevan, pp. 86-89, (2012)
- The martingale method in the theory of random fields, Armenian Mathematical Union Annual Session, Yerevan, pp. 89-91, (2012)
- An Alternative Approach to the Gibbs Theory, VIII International Conference Probabilistic and Analytical Methods in Mathematical Physics, Tsahkadzor, pp. 17-18, (2009)
- Description of specifications by means of probability distributions in small volumes, International conference “Mathematics in Armenia”, Tsahkadzor, pp. 31-33, (2003)
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- Limit theorem under generalized mixing conditions, IV Vilnius International Conference on Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics, Vilnius, (1985)
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