Սիլվա Անդրիյանի հրապարակումներ (Full profile)


  1. S. M. Andriyan, Kh. A. Khachatryan, On solution of one system of linear integral equations with kernel, depending on sum and difference of arguments, Mathematical Analyses and its Applications. Yerevan. . Issue 2, pp. 103-112, (2001)
  2. S. M. Andriyan, On one system of linear integral equations in kinetic theory of gasses, Mathematical Analyses and its Applications. Yerevan. . Issue 2, pp. 87-92, (2001)
  3. S. M. Andriyan, A. Kh. Khachatryan, On exact linearization of Kuett problem in case of pure slip, Mathematical Analyses and its Applications (Scientific works collection). Issue1. Yerevan. . Issue1, pp. 102-109, (2000)
  4. S. M. Andriyan, A. N. Afyan, On analytical solution of one convolution type integral equation with kernel, depending on sum and difference of arguments, in diffuse sliding problem, Mathematical Questions of Cybernetics and Computational Technics. Yerevan. . , (21), pp. 181-188, (2000)

Conference Paper

  1. S. M. Andriyan, Linearized Kuett`s problem in ellipsoid- statistical model, Conference dedicated to 70-th anniversary of Armenian Agricultural Academy. Yerevan. , pp. 120-121, (2000)

Submitted Paper

  1. S. M. Andriyan, A. Kh. Khachatryan, On solution of velocity jumps problem for dilut gas in gramework of BGK model of Boltzmann Equation, J. Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics (in print)