Սարգիս Հակոբյանի հրապարակումներ (Full profile)
- S. Hakobian, I. H. Khachatrian, On the closure of the nonclosed system of functions Mittag-Leffler's type, Izv. AN SSSR, ser. Mathem, 40, (1), pp. 96-114, (1976)
- S. Hakobian, Two constants theorem for the functions belonging to Hp, Izv. Acad. Nauk Arm. SSR "Mathematica" v. II, (2), pp. 123-127, (1967)
- S. Hakobian, M. M. Djrbashyan, Class of functions and associated with them integral transforms in the complex domain, Izv. AN Arm. SSR, (4), pp. 825-852, (1966)
- S. Hakobian, On parametric representation of a class of entire function, Izv. Acad. Nauk Arm. SSR "Mathematica ", v. I, (1), pp. 57-70, (1966)
- S. Hakobian, M. M. Djrbashyan, To theory of integral transforms with Mittag-Leffler's kernels, DAN Arm. SSR, v. XXXVII, (4), pp. 207-216, (1964)
- S. Hakobian, Integral transforms with kernels are generalized hypergeometric functions and generalized functions type of Volterra, Izv. AN Arm. SSR, ser. Fiz-mat nauk, v. XV, (1), pp. 13-36, (1962)
- S. Hakobian, Integral transforms connected with differential operators of infinity order, Izv. AN Arm. SSR, ser. Fiz-mat nauk, v. XIII, (1), pp. 3-27, (1960)
- S. Hakobian, A. B. Hersesyan, Some integrodifferential operators and expansions in a series analogy of series of Shlemilkh, DAN Arm. SSR, v. XXVII, (4), pp. 201-207, (1958)
Conference Paper
- Sargis Hakobian, On a generalization two theorems of Wiener-Paley, Yerevan, (1965)
- Sargis Hakobian, On a type of convolution transforms connected with infinity order differential operators, Yerevan, (1960)
Submitted Paper
- S. Hakobian, On a generalization Watson's theorem, Izv. NAN Armenia, Mathem
- S. Hakobian, Convolution transform whose inversion functions have complex roots, Uchen. Zap. YSU