Հակոբ Հակոբյանի հրապարակումներ (Full profile)
- On the poisedness of Bojanov-Xu interpolation, II, East J. Approx. 11, pp. 187-220, (2005)
- On the poisedness of Bojanov-Xu interpolation, J. Approx. Theory 115 . , pp. 11-28, (2005)
- Partial differential analogs of ordinary differential equations and systems, New York J. Math. 10, . . , pp. 89-116, (2004)
- On Bojanov-Xu interpolation on conic sections, East J. Approx. 9, pp. 251-267, (2003)
- On bivariate interpolation problem, J. Approx. Theory 116, pp. 76-99, (2002)
- Polynomial interpolation and a multivariate analog of the fundamental theorem of algebra, East J. Approx. 8, (3), pp. 355-379, (2002)
- Extrema of multivariate polynomials, their gradients and directional derivatives, Constructive Approximation, 17, pp. 515-533, (2001)
- On a class of Hermite interpolation problems, Advances in Comp. Math. 12, pp. 303-309, (2000)
- On the regularity of Hermite multivariate interpolation, J. Approx. Theory 105, pp. 1-18, (2000)
- Numerical curves and their applications to algebraic curves, Studia Math. 121, pp. 249-275, (1996)
- Bivariate Hermite interpolation and numerical curves, J. Approx. Theory 85, pp. 297-317, (1996)
- Multivariate Hermite interpolation, East Journal on Approximations 3, pp. 357-371, (1995)
- On the bivariate Hermite interpolation problem, Constructive Approximation, 11, pp. 23-35, (1995)
- Multivariate polynomial interpolation to traces on linear manifolds, J. Approx. Theory, 80, pp. 50-75, (1995)
- On a theorem on bivariate homogeneous polynomials, Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci. , Ser. Math. , 42, pp. 129-132, (1994)
- On bivariate polynomial interpolation, Mat. Sbornik, 183, (in Russian). , pp. 111-126, (1992)
- On bivariate Hermite interpolation, Mat. Zametki, 48, (in Russian), pp. 137-139, (1990)
- On a class of systems of partial differential equations, Izv. Acad. Nauk Arm. SSR, 24, (in Russian), pp. 93-98, (1989)
- On a system of differential equations connected with the polynomial class of a Box spline's shifts, Mat. Zametki, 44, (in Russian). , pp. 705-724, (1988)
- Multivariate interpolation II of Lagrange and Hermite type, Studia Math. 80, pp. 77-88, (1984)
- Multivariate spline functions, B-spline basis and polynomial interpolation II, Studia Math. 79, pp. 91-102, (1984)
- Integral remainder formula of the tensor product interpolation, Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci. , Ser. Math. 31, pp. 267-272, (1983)
- On fundamental polynomials of multivariate interpolation of Lagrange and Hermite type, Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci. , Ser. Math. 31, pp. 137-141, (1983)
- Multivariate spline functions, B-spline basis and polynomial interpolation, SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 19, pp. 510-517, (1982)
- Multivariate divided differences and multivariate interpolation of Lagrange and Hermite type, J. Approx. Theory 34, pp. 286-305, (1982)
- Les differences divisees de plusieurs variables et les interpolation multidimensionnelles de types lagrangian et hermitien, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I, 291, pp. 453-456, (1981)
Conference Paper
- The multivariate fundamental theorem of algebra, Bezout's theorem and stellensatz, Approximation Theory: A Volume Dedicated to Borislav Bojanov" (D. Dimitrov, G. Nikolov, and R. Uluchev, Ed. ), Marin Drinov Acadmic Publishing House, Sofia, pp. 73-97, (2004)
- A multivariate analog of fundamental theorem of algebra and Hermite interpolation, Constructive Theory of Functions (B. Bojanov, ed. ), Proceedings of the international conference, Varna, 2002, Darba, Sofia, 2003, Zbl 1021. 41004, pp. 1-18, (2002)
- On a multivariate theory, Approximation Theory: A Volume Dedicated to Blagovest Sendov" (B. Bojanov, Ed. ), Darba, Sofia, pp. 212-230, (2002)
- Regularity of Hermite multivariate interpolation, Multivariate approximation: Recent trends and results, ed. W. Haussman, K. Jetter, M. Reimer, Akademie Verlag GmbH, Berlin, pp. 113-121, (1997)
- Numerical curves and their applications to algebraic curves, Advanced Topics in Multivariate Approximation, ed. F. Fontanella, K. Jetter and P. -J. Laurent, World Scientific Publishing Co. , pp. 1-14, (1996)
- Bivariate Hermite interpolation and numerical curves, Proceedings, Open Problems in Approximation Theory, ed. B. Bojanov, SCT Publishing, Singapore, pp. 85-89, (1993)
- A theorem on the bivariate homogeneous polynomials, Proceedings, Open Problems in Approximation Theory, ed. B. Bojanov, SCT Publishing, Singapore, pp. 90-91, (1993)
- On the bivariate Hermite interpolation problem, Arbeitspapiere der GMD, 692, pp. 1-14, (1992)
- Interpolations by polynomials and natural splines on normal lattices, Multivariate Approximation Theory III, ed. W. Schemp, K. Zeller, ISNM 75, Birkhauser Verlag, pp. 218-220, (1985)
- Duality of multivariate polynomial interpolations, Proc. of International Conference on Approx. Theory, Kiev, (in Russian), pp. 8-10, (1983)
- Spline functions and multivariate interpolations, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht/Boston/London, pp. 278, (1993)
- Multivariate splines and polynomial interpolation, Uspekhi Math. Nauk, 48, 5(in Russian), (293), pp. 76, (1993)
- Theory of spline functions, Nauka i Izkustvo, (in Bulgarian), Sofia, pp. 186, (1990)