Լինդա Խաչատրյան
Հետաքրքրությունների ոլորտ:
- random fields
- limit theorems of probability theory
- mathematical statistical physics
Thesis: Martingale-Difference Random Fields and Some Applications (May 2014)
Supervisor: Dr. B.S. Nahapetian
Thesis: Martingale-Difference Random Fields and its Applications
Supervisor: Dr. B.S. Nahapetian
Thesis: Probabilistic Method in Application to Some Problems of Discrete Mathematics
Supervisor: Dr. B.S. Nahapetian
Specialized Council 050 at Yerevan State University
Instructor in Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics, RAU
Special course on Martingales, RAU
Special course on Probabilistic Methods for master students, RAU
Instructor in Probability Theory, AUA
Assistant Professor, Honours Programme in Mathematics by Yerevan Center of Mathematical Sciences. Courses: Mathematical Analysis I and II, Ordinary Differential Equations
May – June 2019 Institute of Mathematics, University of Potsdam, Germany
May – July 2015 Institute of Mathematics, University of Potsdam, Germany
21st International Congress of Mathematical Physics and Young Researcher Symposium (Strasbourg, 2024)
International Conference Mathematics in Armenia (Tsaghkadzor, 2013 and Yerevan, 2023)
International Conference dedicated to the 85-th anniversary of V.A. Malyshev, Moscow (2023, online)
Мемориальный семинар памяти Вадима Александровича Малышева, ИППИ РАН, Москва (2022, онлайн)
International Probability Conference dedicated to the 90th birthday of Ildar Ibragimov, St. Petersburg (2022, online)
Stochastic, Integral and Combinatorial Geometry in honor of Professor Rouben Ambartzumian's 80th birthday, Yerevan (2021, online)
Advances in Stochastics & Statistics in honor of Rafail Z. Khasminskii 90th anniversary, Le Mans Université (2021, online)
International conference Minlos – 90, Institute of Information Transmission Problems RAS (Moscow 2021, online)
International Conference on Probability Theory and Statistics dedicated to the 75-th anniversary of Prof. E. Khmaladze (Tbilisi 2019)
International conference dedicated to the Memory of Academician Mkhitar Djrbashyan (Yerevan, 2018)
VII Russian-Armenian Meeting on Mathematical Physics, Complex Analysis and Related Topics (Yerevan, 2018)
Caucasian Mathematics Conference CMC I (Tbilisi, 2014)
The 22nd Annual International Conference on the Discrete Simulation of Fluid Dynamics (Yerevan 2013)
Armenian Mathematical Union Annual Sessions (2012, 2013, 2016)
Participation in Forums
Academic Forum of Young Scholars of Greater Eurasia Continent of Science (certificate, diploma), Moscow, 2023
Армяно-Российский научно-образовательный форум "Интеграция науки, образования и производства – драйвер модернизации экономики", Ереван, 2023
Forum of Young Scientists of the CIS member states Science without Borders (certificate), Nizhny Novgorod, 2022
7th Heidelberg Laureate Forum (certificate), Heidelberg, 2019
- Winner of the "Competition to encourage young scientists for publication of scientific articles", 2022, implemented within the framework of the support program for young scientists. See also the interview.
- Second-degree diploma in the section Artificial Intelligence at the Academic Forum of Young Scholars of Greater Eurasia Continent of Science for the talk "Двойственность энергии и вероятности в конечных моделях статистической физики"