Ալբերտ Պետրոսյանի հրապարակումներ (Full profile)
- On the Derivatives of Cauchy-Type Integrals in the Polydisk, Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Analysis (Armenian Academy of Sciences), 55, (5), pp. 27–33, (2020)
- Some Spaces of Harmonic Functions in the Unit Ball of Rn, Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics, 40, (8), pp. 1132–1136, (2019)
- NORMAL WEIGHTED BERGMAN TYPE OPERATORS ON MIXED NORM SPACES OVER THE BALL IN Cn, Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society, (2), pp. 313–326, (2018)
- Bounded Projectors and Duality in the Spaces of Functions Harmonic in the Unit Ball, Izvestija NAN Armenii, ser. mat., 52, (6), pp. 35-47, (2017)
- Weighted spaces of harmonic functions in the unit ball, Proceedings of the YSU. Physical and Mathematical Sciences, 51, (1), pp. 3-7, (2017)
- On Some Bergman Type Operators with Normal Weights Over the Ball in C^n [in Russian], NAS RA Reports, 116, (4), pp. 270-277, (2016)
- Bounded projectors on Lp spaces in the unit ball, Proceedings of the Yerevan State University, (1), pp. 17-23, (2013)
- Duality in spaces of functions harmonic in the unit ball, Proceedings of the Yerevan State University, (3), pp. 28-35, (2013)
- On bounded operators in Lp spaces, Proceedings of the Yerevan State University, (2), pp. 11-16, (2011)
- Bounded Projectors in Spaces of Functions Holomorphic in the Unit Ball (in Russian), Izvestija NAN Armenii, ser. mat, 46, (5), pp. 53-64, (2011)
- On weighted Bergman spaces, Collection of works of International Conference, dedicated to 40-year anniversary of Artsakh State University, Dizak plus publishing house , 2, pp. 380-385, (2010)
- On functions semi-analytical in the polydisk, Proceedings of the Yerevan State University, (2), pp. 3-7, (2009)
- The weighted spaces bpα of harmonic functions (in Russian), Yerevan State Univ. Sci. Notes, (1), pp. 3-9, (2008)
- The parametric representations of the space b2α of harmonic functions (in Russian), Yerevan State Univ. Sci. Notes, (2), pp. 3-7, (2008)
- On weighted harmonic Bergman spaces, Demonstratio Mathematica, 41, (1), pp. 73-83, (2008)
- About functions in the unit bidisc semianalytical in sense of Bergman (in Armenian), Mathematics in higher school, Yerevan, 3, (2), pp. 1-10, (2007)
- On uniform approximation by polynomials in Weil polyhedron (in Armenian), Mathematics in higher school, Yerevan, 3, (1), pp. 49-54, (2007)
- The estimation of derivatives of Cauchy type integral in the polydisk (in Armenian), Mathematics in higher school, Yerevan, 3, (3), pp. 5-9, (2007)
- Uniform approximation by polynomials on real non-degenerate Weil polyhedron, Acta Mathematica Universitatis Comenianae, 76, (2), pp. 173-178, (2007)
- On extreme points of some sets of holomorphic functions (in Russian), Izvestija NAN Armenii, ser. mat, 42, (6), pp. 74-78, (2007)
- On uniform approximation in real non-degenerate Weil polyhedron, Analysis, 26, (2), pp. 1001-1010, (2006)
- On weighted classes of entire functions in Cn (in Russian), Yerevan State Univ. Sci Notes, (1), pp. 17-22, (2006)
- On peak sets of smooth functions in the polydisc (in Russian), Izvestija NAN Armenii, ser. mat., 41, (4), pp. 71-81, (2006)
- About peak and interpolation sets of smooth functions in the polydisc (in Russian), Dokl. NAN Armenii, 106, (4), pp. 297-303, (2006)
- On weighted spaces of functions harmonic in Rn, Comment. Math. Univ. Carolinae, 47, (2), pp. 233-240, (2006)
- On Apω spaces in the unit ball of Cn, Journal of Analysis and Applications, 3, (1), pp. 47-53, (2005)
- On weighted classes of harmonic functions in the unit ball of Rn, Complex Variables, 50, (12), pp. 953-966, (2005)
- About the derivatives of Cauchy type integrals in the polydisc, General Mathematics, 13, (4), pp. 3-12, (2005)
- Formulas for derivatives of a solutionof ˉ∂-equation in the ball of Cn, Topics in Analysis and its Applications, NATO Science Series, II. Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 147, pp. 229-233, (2004)
- On weighted classes of holomorphic functions in the unit ball of Cn (in Russian), Dokl. NAN Armenii, 103, (3), pp. 203-209, (2003)
- Derivatives of a solution of ˉ∂-equation in the bidisk (in Russian), Izvestija NAN Armenii, ser. Mat., 38, (1), pp. 83-88, (2003)
- An weighted integral representation of functions in the polydisc (in Russian), Yerevan State Univ. Sci. Notes, (1), pp. 3-9, (1996)
- The weighted integral representations of functions in the polydisc and in the space Cn (in Russian), Izvestija NAN Armenii, ser. mat. , 31, (1), pp. 46-60, (1996)
- An integral representations of functions in the polydisc and in the space Cn, TFA collection of Works Deducated to the memory of Mkhitar M. Djrbashian, Yerevan, Louys Publishing House, pp. 153-157, (1995)
- The estimate in Cm-norm of the minimal solutions of ˉ∂-equation in polydisc (in Russian), Izvestija NAN Armenii, ser. mat., 26, (2), pp. 99-107, (1991)
- Peak sets and interpolation sets of algebras of smooth functions on a polydisk and on the future tube (in Russian), Dokl. AN SSSR, 304, (4), pp. 800-802, (1989)
- On peak sets of classes of smooth functions on a polydisk (in Russian), Dokl. AN Arm. SSR, 84, (4), pp. 156-158, (1987)
- Peak sets of classes of smooth functions on strictly pseudoconvex domain (in Russian), Dokl. AN Arm. SSR, 80, (3), pp. 104-107, (1985)
- Uniform approximation by polynomials on a special real non-degenerate Weil polyhedra in the space \mathbb{C}^2 (in Russian), Dokl. AN Arm. SSR, 70, (5), pp. 261-265, (1980)
- On solution with the estimate of \overline\partial-equation in some domains (in Russian), Dokl. AN Arm. SSR, 67, (1), pp. 13-17, (1978)
- On uniform approximation of holomorphic functions on some domains in \mathbb C^n (in Russian), Dokl. AN Arm. SSR, 67, (5), pp. 264-268, (1978)
- Solution with a uniform estimate of the \bar\partial-equation in a real non-degenerate Weil polyhedron (in Russian), Izvestija AN Arm. SSR, ser. mat. , 13, (5-6), pp. 428-441, (1978)
- About extreme points of some families of analytic functions (in Russian), Dokl. AN Arm. SSR, 62, (3), pp. 148-150, (1976)
- On integral representation of function in bicylinder (in Russian), Izvestija AN Arm. SSR, ser. mat. , 11, (1), pp. 3-13, (1974)
- Uniform approximation of functions by polynomials on Weil polyhedra (in Russian), Izvestija AN SSSR, ser. mat., 34, (6), pp. 1241-1261, (1970)
- On approximation in the space \mathbb{C}^2 on nondegenerate Weil polyhedra (in Russian), Izvestija AN Arm. SSR, ser. mat. , 5, (6), pp. 507-521, (1970)
- On the Derivatives of Cauchy-Type Integrals in the Polydisk, Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Analysis (Armenian Academy of Sciences)
Conference Paper
- Duality in the spaces of functions harmonic in the unit ball of \mathbb R^n , International Conference Dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Mkhitar Djrbashyan, pp. 60, (2018)
- Weighted spaces of functions harmonic in the unit ball, pp. 92, (2018)
- Duality in spaces of harmonic functions, Abstracts of Annual meeting of the AMU, dedicated to the 110th anniversary of Academician Artashes Shahinyan, from 30 May to June 1, , (2016)
- Duality in weight spaces of functions harmonic in the unit ball, Abstracts of Annual meeting of the AMU, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Professor Haik Badalyan, 23-25 June, pp. 77-78, (2015)
- Duality and bounded projections in spaces of analytic or harmonic functions, Abstracts of International Conference HARMONIC ANALYSIS AND APPROXIMATIONS, VI, 12 - 18 September, Tsaghkadzor, Armenia, pp. 76-77, (2015)
- Duality in some spaces of functions harmonic in the unit ball, Abstracts, Second International Conference, Mathematics in Armenia, Tsahkadzor, 24-31 August, pp. 51-52, (2013)
- Bounded projections on L^p spaces in the unit disk, Abstracts, International Conference "Harmonic Analysis and Approximations, V" dedicated to 75th birthday of Norair Arakelian, 10-17 September,, pp. 26, (2011)
- On bounded projections in the spaces L^1(B) and L^\infty(B), Abstracts, International Conference ;Harmonic Analysis and Approximations, V" dedicated to 75th birthday of Norair Arakelian, 10-17 September,, pp. 88, (2011)
- On functions semi-analytical in sense of Bergman in unit polydisk, Abstracts, The Third Russian-Armenian workshop on mathematical physics, complex analysis and related topics, 4 - 8 October, pp. 123-126, (2010)
- Uniform approximation by holomorphic functions in polyhedrons of \mathbb C^n (in Russian), Abstracts, Conference dedicated to 80th birthday of Sergey Mergelyan, 20-21 May, Yerevan, pp. 45-46, (2008)
- On Extreme Points of Some Sets of Holomorphic Functions, Abstracts, International Conference "Harmonic Analysis and Approximations, IV" dedicated to 80th birthday of Alexandr Talalian, 19-26 September, Tsaghkadzor, Armenia, pp. 105-106, (2008)
- About functions semianalytical in bidisc (in Russian), Abstracts, Conference dedicated to 90th birthday of M. M. Djrbashian, 27-28 November, Yerevan, pp. 25-26, (2008)
- On uniform approximation of holomorphic functions in Weil polyhedrons (in Russian), Materials of the Conference "Function theory and contiguous problems'' devoted to the 90 anniversary of prof. Hayk V. Badalyan, Yerevan, June 22-24, pp. 45, (2006)
- Estimate in {C}^k-norm of
minimal solutions of a \overline\partial-equation in a polydisk, Abstracts, International Conference dedicated to the centennial of S. M. Nikolskii, Moscow, May 23-29, pp. 169, (2005)
- The uniform approximation by polynomials on real nondegenerate Weyl's polyhedron, Abstracts, International conference "Harmonic Analysis and Approximations, III", 20-27 September, Tsahkadzor, pp. 61, (2005)
- On weighted classes of holomorphic functions in the unit ball of \mathbb{C}^n, Abstracts, International Conference, Mathematics in Armenia, Tsahkadzor, Semtember 30-October 7, pp. 74, (2003)
- Formulas for derivatives of a solution of \bar{\partial}-equation in the ball in \mathbb{C}^n, ISAAC Conference on Complex Analysis, Differential Equations and Related Topics. September, Yerevan, Armenia, pp. 50, (2002)
- About smooth interpolation on distinguished boundary of the future tube (in Russian), The abstracts of a scientific conference of universities of the Transcaucasian republics, Tbilisi, (1987)
- Peak sets and interpolation sets of algebras A^m in polydisc (in Russian), Abstracts of Workshop on Theory of Functions, Yerevan, pp. 84, (1987)
- Peak sets for A^k(D) in strictly pseudoconvex domains (in Russian), Abstracts of Workshop on Theory Operators in Functional Spaces, Part 2, Chelyabinsk , pp. 100, (1986)
- Harmonic functions (in Armenian), Yerevan State University, pp. 100, (2010)
- Exercises in Multidimensional Complex Analysis (in Armenian), Yerevan State University, pp. 60, (2008)
- Introduction to Multidimensional Complex Analysis (in Armenian), Yerevan State University, pp. 194, (2007)